It's that time of day again. What will Trump's first tweet of the day be?
Place your bets. (rubs hands)
1.100:1 Crooked Hillary Clinton 1.500:1 Goofy Lizzy Warren 2.000:1 The Dishonest Press 3.500:1 President Obama 4.000:1 Energy 5.000:1 RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM 10.00:1 Fan Retweet
Carter Taylor
>>Why are none of yall signing Trump's card? >with a picture of the FBI
Is there some joke I'm not getting that would make the FBI interested in people signing a birthday card?
Dominic Peterson
10.00:1 Fan Retweet
Chase Lewis
A Memorial Day weekend message.
Zachary Peterson
And bets are closed!
Trump tweeted five minutes ago. Thanks for playing!
boy that was silly
Wyatt Reed
Memorial Day tweet.
Hudson Barnes
I bet he'll say something about memorial day. I've just got a feeling about this
Sanders would win the dems nomination if he attacks Hillary as much as he do with Trump.
Chase Cook
Bless him with salt Bless him with stone Bless him with steel
Noah Cook
user, have you not noticed, we've made progress to where now the OP doesn't namefag/tripfag?
If you feel need to give yourself a "name" for identity, you don't belong here. Any "power" the board has comes from this one truth: if none of us take "credit" for anything, none of take blame.
Back in March, there was a shitbag journalist from Gawker going around here trying to find out WHO the "trump General was."
Many of us have been doing this for a long time. When we are all "user" here, it keeps the media from taking quotes from here as a general rule.
Give yourself a cute little name, and you ruin that. If you need your "name" for a sense of validation, you should post on leddit.
Nolan Johnson
Fuck off retard, this is a Place of Worship and your kind are not welcome. Either kneel and obeisance to the God Emperor or be executed, your choice.
Leo Kelly
Trump is done.
Marco and Kasich's delegates will all go to Cruz at convention.
Trump stumped. Suck it.
Camden Price
i love trump but why did he back out of the sanders debate? what's his play here? is this a misstep or is this strategy?
Nicholas Nelson
>If you need your "name" for a sense of validation
i'm organizing trump's birthday card and running the twitter, i think there's value in letting people know im around to send me signed pics etc.
Blake Rogers
How do we refute people calling The Don "Chicken Trump?" now?
James Lee
Marco has already sent all his delegates to Trump.
Levi Wilson
same rules apply to you. Please don't namefag. The mods will not stop it, it's not a "rule," so WE (who have been here a long time) need to enforce it.
Trust us who have been here longer-- it works better and protects everyone here better this way. Ans yes, I know, "concern troll." I do have "concern" for the board, bc have invested (wasted) a lot of time here.
Evan Nguyen
He came, he saw, and he changed the world. Mostly for the worse.
As Barack Obama enters the twilight of his reign of error, he is still doing things his peculiar way. A craven deal to bring Iran’s mad mullahs in from the cold, a visit to Castro’s Cuba, hugs for nuclear survivors in Hiroshima.
At home he is shutting down coal mines and throwing open America’s borders and schoolhouse bathrooms. He rarely bothers to pretend that Congress matters anymore, with every executive action a headline-grabbing dare to the courts to stop him.
Each day brings a new notch on the legacy belt as he appears determined to do things just to prove he can. History will sort the wheat from the chaff, but the short-term impact of Obama’s eight years can be summed up in two words: Donald Trump.
>in two words: Donald Trump.
Oliver Fisher
He would get absolutely destroyed by Bernie so his new boyfriend Manafort told him to cancel the debate.
Alexander Long
Shills are out in full force this morning.
Dylan Bennett
Off to the gallows with you! Gibraltar is a nexus of the NWO faggotry
Oliver Baker
Ignore them.
Isaac White
>9 days until the Final Five >16 days until trump's 70th birthday >50 days until the Convention begins >120 days until the presidential debate >128 days until the VP debate >133 days until 2nd presidential debate >143 days until the last debate >163 days until the general election
Camden Young
Worship? Sounds to me like you're cucked, beta boi
Oliver Martinez
We thank them for using such a ludicrously inauthentic label that even normies will realise they are shills.
Oliver Murphy
John Mccain is such a salty faggot, can't even handle the bantz.
Samuel Torres
>But early optimism that this would be an easy race is evaporating. In the corridors of Congress, on airplane shuttles between New York and Washington, at donor gatherings and on conference calls, anxiety is spreading through the Democratic Party that Mrs. Clinton is struggling to find her footing.
Angel Morales
i saw you at the trump rally the other day :^)
John Moore
>i'm organizing trump's birthday card Yeah, user, all due respect, I don't really think that's the best PR for him, esp coming from a foreigner.
you are asking to be trolled, and do you really think most people wan their real names on it?
If you want to do it, I really think you should do it on le-reddit. We are, proudly, "the sewer of the internet" to the outside world, which allows this place to do what it does.
Do you think having him recognized publically as having a 4 chan fan base is good PR? No one can stop you, but honestly, not the best idea desu.
Colton Adams
Obama begat Trump. Without Obama’s mixture of breathtaking arrogance and stunning incompetence, there is no constituency or emotional space for a Trump.
A year ago, that would have been a preposterous claim. Yet at this remarkable juncture, with Trump having secured the GOP nomination, it all seems obvious now. Trump is the inevitable reaction to the blundering Obama colossus.
I say that not because Trump is the most likely of all Americans to fix what Obama broke, though he will have to try. Rather, Trump, in his own peculiar way, is Obama’s doppelganger.
>Trump, in his own peculiar way, is Obama’s doppelganger.
Nathaniel Clark
Thanks, ally.
You know, if we both get our collective asses in gear and fix this World, I'd be willing to overlook the beastly Judaism that lurks within you. :V
Jeremiah Jones
>Barrier Breakers Build The Wall™
Camden Collins
This is hallowed ground and Fincunts and their shilling ways are not welcome.
Post >yfw Sanders goes rouge into the green party and saps votes from democrats in swing states.
Juan Torres
thankyou concern troll, your concern trolling is duly noted and will given all appropriate weight
Ethan Nelson
>you're in a footrace >the coach of the guy running behind you and a pack of spectators he's bribed fro the stands start harassing you, demanding you slow down and race the guy in third instead
Do you do it?
Parker Allen
Keep memeing and being cucked by a weak chickenshit redneck virgin
Eli Morales
Aaron Ross
oh fugg
Eli Miller
Both are radicals. Obama’s radicalism is revealed through his policies, while Trump’s is revealed through his personality. They are as different as night and day, yet they are like two sides of the same coin.
Obama voters got the president they wanted — 51 percent of the country still approves of his performance. Now the other half seems determined to have its Big Guy president.
Trump’s policies remain a mystery, but that’s hardly a first for a nominee. Obama was not the unifying president he vowed to be, with a poll in his first term finding that 54 percent of the country thought he was far more liberal than anticipated. The people were right — he leaves the Democratic Party far, far to the left of where it was eight years ago.
>Trump's policies remain a mystery
Christopher Evans
>Off to the gallows with you! Gibraltar is a nexus of the NWO faggotry Can I ask how long you've been here? You do know, there are 23 cut throat Jews from the Wash Post alone trying to smear him, correct?
None of us here have names-- why do YOU feel you are a special snowflake and NEED a name? Do you think the rest of us are stupid, or that this is simply something we've realized after many lessons learned.
Here everyone is "user" and those of us here for a long time like it that way. If you need a name and identity, please keep it to leddit.
And I know I'm not alone in this sentiment.
Hunter Wood
Chicken Donald Pumpkinhead Drumpf has no chance anyway. You should stop supporting a guy who can't win anyway.
Cameron Walker
>Obama was not the unifying president he vowed to be
And yet Trump literally has Jews and neo-Nazis in agreement. As told by his enemies.
Shut up and stop being a faggot. Faggot
Benjamin Powell
Jaxon Howard
I know right, we should all vote for Jeb.
Grayson Harris
>d-debate me donald >wh-why w-won't you d-d-debate m-m-m-meeeeeeee >a bloo bloo bloo181
Julian Cox
He might be pooling for more contributions or just be fucking with Sanders. He made it out of the GOPs lion den alive though, so he has earned my faith in his judgement.
Wyatt Nelson
Chase Thompson
yeah ok but why did he agree in the first place? not a good look for him to back out :(
Matthew Bennett
there has got to be more to it than that
Nathaniel Peterson
You are charged with committing a grave blasphemy against the God Emperor and the people of America, the penalty for this is death by fucking with a blow torch. How do you plead?
Robert Bell
But it’s more than Obama’s extreme partisanship and identity politics that paved the way for Trump. It’s also that Obama solved no serious problems facing the country, and turned some into full-blown disasters.
He doubled the national debt, the economy is stuck in neutral, and instead of cooling race relations, he turned them into a bonfire — the bonfire of Obama’s vanities.
Nor is it incidental that the world is on fire. By abdicating America’s leadership role, Obama created the vacuum that China, Russia and malignant forces everywhere are rushing to fill. Could anyone possibly do worse?
Trump, of course, still must vanquish Hillary Clinton to complete the pendulum’s full swing. Polls showing the race tied reflect the nation’s mood, but the Electoral College is what matters, and Dems hold a clear advantage.
In 2012, with 270 electoral votes needed, Obama got 332 to Mitt Romney’s 206. Recent polls showing a dead heat in three key swing states — Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio — pointed a possible path to GOP victory.
>the economy is in neutral
Ian Rogers
Wait a minute, I was gone all day yesterday. The debate with the jew is cancelled??
Leo Kelly
He didn't consider this before stating on the air that he would do the debate?
Also the networks have offered up the money.
Christian James
Yeah, turns out it's illegal for presidential candidates to go to debates not sanctioned by the RNC and the DNC. If a presidential candidate does it, the comitee will be able to forbid that candidate to participate on further debates
Brody Thompson
Isn't it time for your fifth wank to some cuckold porn of the day?
Christopher Cox
>Trump, of course, still must vanquish Hillary Clinton to complete the pendulum’s full swing. Polls showing the race tied reflect the nation’s mood, but the Electoral College is what matters, and Dems hold a clear advantage.
Which polls are you watching? If the very latest set of polls are accurate, Trump's sitting on a guaranteed 316 electoral votes with 380 being plausible.
Adam Foster
>hankyou concern troll, your concern trolling is duly noted and will given all appropriate weight Fucking Aussie worrying about US politics...when CP gets dumped here eventually (which is a fairly regular occurrence) and your cute little name gets in screenshot, then you will get it.
Also, you make yourself quite easy to doxx, bc you use the same "handle" across numerous platforms.
You are a foreigner. Americans don't fuck with your politics, why the need to fuck with theirs.
Yep, you know everything special snowflake. Are you a special snowflake? you must be, bc none od us--who have been here for years-- feel the need to a name but you do, bc you're so fucking pathetic and life so devoid of any meaning, THIS gives you you're only sense of meaning and identity in life.
Christ, are you fucking laughably pathetic. "Birthday Card for Trump." Respect the fucking culture of the board. And I'm far, far from the only one who feels this way.
You can expect many, many more of these beratings to come. I REALLY hope no one doxxs you first. ..
Nolan Cooper
While neither Trump nor Clinton is trusted and liked by a majority of Americans, Trump’s advantage is that he is the far better candidate and generates wild enthusiasm. Clinton is a dud on the trail, and her e-mail scandal, compounded by the inspector general report showing she’s been lying to the public all along, makes her baggage almost unbearable.
But beyond the Electoral College advantage, Clinton has a better organization than Trump. Her campaign and super PACs are way ahead in fund-raising and ad buys, while Trump can’t make up his mind about how much money he’ll need and how to get it. His firing of a top aide reveals a continuing turmoil that should have been resolved by now.
All things considered, Clinton enters the summer as the front-runner for the general election. Although Bernie Sanders is still scrapping for the nomination and the FBI has not had its say, she’s likely to survive both challenges.
Trump is the only Republican who could beat her, but it won’t be pretty. Because he’s a street fighter and her tenacity is as strong as her character is crooked, the squeamish should turn away now. A brutal slugfest is guaranteed.
>almost unbearable
Isaiah Nelson
>Trump appears on Jimmy Kimmel >Bernie has trap question for him >Are you prepared for the debate? >Jimmy Kimmel asks "Will you debate him?" >Trump says "Yes I am, how much is he going to pay me?" This whole thing is because of the weaselly way Kimmel kept following up and leading his questions and Trump played him like a goddamn fiddle.
Mason Flores
Yeah, I wanted the debate to happen too, if only for the potential win
Samuel Perez
Because he's a weak low energy coward who's afraid of being exposed debating someone who uses sentences longer than eight words
Landon Roberts
>Shut up and stop being a faggot. Faggot Why don't you worry about your own fucking country, shitbag? About 4 of us have been doing this for weeks, and only "special snowflakes" can never seem to GET IT.
We enforce board culture from the grassroots. Also, "faggot?" Wow, what a clever rejoinder. Never heard that before, original and really made your point.
Will have to remember that.
Kayden Stewart
De Blasio’s whining
Even when he’s whining, Mayor de Blasio can’t be straight.
A month after I said he was ripping a page from Bill Clinton’s playbook, the mayor invoked the former president’s sex scandal to defend himself against corruption allegations.
“I wish I could tell you that I was the first person to experience this, but I’m sure Bill Clinton could give you a long history, and many other public servants of having been through this exact same reality,” he told a radio interviewer. “I don’t think it’s right, but I’m not shocked by it.”
Earlier, he told another radio man that “negative headlines” are why his approval rating stands at a low of 41 percent in the latest Quinnipiac poll. It also found that a majority, 55 percent, believes the mayor “does favors” for donors.
>I'm sure Bill Clinton could give you favors for donors
Nathaniel Morgan
I swear this guy is so ugly that it hurts.
Jose Green
How did Trump play him? Didn't this whole thing work against Trump?
Jeremiah Lopez
good point Sir, you are able to count. Consider this debate won by those who have superior intelligence.
Ayden Sanders
Or maybe because a candidate should win their primaries before being able to debate the other nominee, user Not Trump's fault Bernard is such a loser
Angel Cox
Shill no shilling! Shill no shilling! Shill no shilling!
Oliver Kelly
Two not-so-minor points: Bill Clinton was guilty as charged and the negative headlines about de Blasio are accurate because he does favors for donors.
When the mayor’s not whining about prejudiced prosecutors and headlines, he simply declares that everything he’s done is “appropriate,” as if that’s proof. His fallback assertion is that he meets the highest “standard of integrity.”
Those are place holders that, as polls show, aren’t working. De Blasio’s refusal to come clean is adding to the sense that he’s hiding something.
It’s not even clear who is paying for his personal lawyers. The Campaign Finance Board says campaign donations cannot be used to pay legal fees in a criminal case, which is what de Blasio faces. It’s also not clear whether his aides are paying their legal fees.
>>>>My guess is that the mayor will stick taxpayers with the tab. It’s what progressives do.
William Cruz
N-no! Trump knows exactly what he's doing. He has had everything planned out from day 1. He obviously cancelled to make Hillary look worse for not debating anyone to draw more attention to her. That must be it.
Joseph Bell
So there are only four of you shills? Christ Hillary is fucking cheap.
Jaxson Wood
jesus christ, leave the internet on the internet you weaboo faggot.
side note, woulda chatted up the brunette. crazy chicks are super easy to score and she'd fall for whatever bullshit i'd have to say like trump is a pig, etc. But i'll still vote trump covertly at the end of the day. >double win guise >hot/crazy pussy and trump will be 1 vote closer to the oval office (same works for crazy ultra conservative chicks who gun for ted)
Luke Lopez
Then why did he first say yes? Maybe because he's a weak blowhard who just keeps repeating how strong he is and uneducated betas buy it?
Elijah Long
>Shitting on based Gibraltar I fucking swear pal, he's been here for weeks. Chill down on the paranoia, there are shills here but Gibraltar isn't one of them They're not even shills, I bet they do it for free like the fags they are.
Benjamin Nguyen
Honor our fallen abroad
A powerful Wall Street Journal op-ed by Princeton professor Uwe Reinhardt urges Americans to visit our military cemeteries on foreign lands. It’s a great Memorial Day idea that reminds me of my moving visit to the D-Day cemetery at Little Damascus, France.
Promise to make a visit of your own. You owe it to them, and yourself.
A bad law now has bad offspring. A city measure passed two years ago to curb stop-and-frisk is being used to try to stop cops from breaking up homeless encampments.
The New York Civil Liberties Union says cops are profiling people based on “housing status,” which it likens to racial profiling. The group filed a complaint with the city’s Human Rights Commission.
Tell me again, how many homeless does the NYCLU take in?
>deblasio is literally shuffling the homeless horde from one area to the next, growing it ever larger
Wyatt Hughes
he's throwing completely irrelevant pasta at me about having a name on and concern trolling for thread quality. he's a shill and he needs a ban
He's probably just the same minon posting fucker with all the proxies.
Jordan Sullivan
Isaiah Wood
The bird chose him.
Caleb Cook
Serious Q: Is there a single picture of Donald shirtless?
Parker Hughes
Based Dole just said he wanted Newt as VP.
Gabriel Fisher
>implying that flag doesn't make you a special snowflake I doubt there is anyone else from Gibraltar that posts in Trump General. You are instantly more recognizable than any tripfag simply because of that flag.
Alexander Edwards
>STD >Slayin Tang Dude! Have fun.
Jose Ward
>a fake bird chose him
Noah Brooks
I'd bet that he didn't know it would be an illegal debate. I think Trump's statement is damage control (it looks better if he says that he doesn't do it because Bernard doesn't deserve it instead of saying he doesn't do it because it's illegal), but that doesn't mean he's not wrong. Anyway Bernard should be more concerned about winning his own primaries before trying to debate the big guys. The one who would mainly profit from the debate would be Sanders, not Trump. While it's a good move against Hillary, it might be an "over the top" move that would give Sanders too much edge, making him win the primaries. And helping your enemy isn't a smart move, mind you
Colton Scott
John Gray
Anyone have a link to that video where a female trump supporter and her child get's harrassed?
I think her husband came to her rescue or something.