Women Marrying Men for Free Stuff


>It’s romantic to think that everyone who marries does so for love — but that’s not always the case.
Below, 18 people on Whisper — an app that lets users share their deepest thoughts anonymously — share the real reasons they said “I do.”

some real gems in there, check it out.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll get married just ot be like others.

This is everything that's wrong with state involved marriage.

>the last one

>huffington post
At least you archived it, but still, really?

lmao what the hell?????

fuck you weren't lying, heartbreaking

>love someone
>ask them to sign a contract saying they will never leave you
>wonder why it doesnt work out.

Damn... makes you think...

>Modern women: the article
This sort of shit is why I don't think i'll get married, fuck that

While all of these are terrible, I can't help but notice men are acting bizarrely because they have children. Only 3/18 are from men, and 2 are linked to legitimate children concerns (not cucking a girl).

Women literally do it for money or social status or because they want to exploit a beta cuck to fund their children from another man. We even have two cases of pure cuck psychology when they married to turn an alien into a citizen on paper. That's some patriotism there bitches. Protip for the girl in love with her husband's father.

This one hit me in the feels


Welp... Im a guy and doing that...

Gf makes huge bank. Something I wont achieve with my education.

What I don't understand is why these women don't admit it to their husbands.
Marriage of love used to be a plebeian thing. Even 100 years ago, as soon as you hit above average income, you would partially marry for status and matrimony arrangement. When you reached the higher ups of society, marriage for love were 5% of all marriages.

For all we know, these marriages weren't in any way less happy than we have now, and probably more so. Even when divorce was accepted, they divorced much less, had more children.

I'm not saying it was grand, but pretending to be in love is worse than anything in the long run. I think half of these failed marriages could be recovered if the woman simply admitted to her husband she has never loved him/doesn't love him anymore. Yes he would be devastated for a month, then the two would be able to build something from there.

Fuck feminism.


This one is really tragic.

Remember gentlemen the lone wolf dies, you all need friends, male friends and lots of them.

oh shit
that is sad

half of these are women marrying for money and still pretending to be victims


>Modern women

Love and marriage is a meme created in the 20th century.

double cucked

>half of them are women giving themselves up so that foreigners can have citizenship
This makes me mad as hell


Sort of kinky desu


yeah I saw that one
>marry someone to get closer to their father
the fuck is she thinking?

>then their actual fathers

What is this tumblr bullshit, /pol has fallen



One of these things is not like the others.

This is great. Goes straight to man "women" folder.

tbf i would do that, i didn't have a father and it has fucked me up pretty bad
what's worse is my mother did a pretty good job, high school diploma, not a felon, not in a gang and not in prison

what the fuck, do men these days even have any reason whatsoever to fucking get married

>now he'll be able to get divorce raped a second time
What an idiot

Yeah, the guy in this situation is manning up and putting his child's well being before his own happiness.

Getting a divorce and getting out of that relationship when the kid is 18 is going to fuck them up way less than growing up without a dad. Of course, it might turn out that the mom and dad end up developing real love for each other, which would be a good outcome.

No we dont. The tax benefits aren't even that great. Don't bother.

This one kinda pisses me off. You say yourself that your husband is a good role model for your kids. Then why the fuck do you not love that about him??? What kind of man do you love?

>inb4 Jamal

Well that was horrible and unproductive

Makes sense that people pathetic enough to use that app would be selfish, lonely and miserable. Serves most of them right

Fuck, mirin that neck.

bitches man, you want to show them respect because of your mom but then you realize they don't like respect
i don't get it either

it's better than your family not accepting the girl you truly love and forcing you to marry someone from a respectable family and then you spend your life sleeping next to someone that doesn't get your sense of humor and constantly tries to change you so then you divorce her and marry the original girl only to find out the 3 years you spent with the other girl really fucked her up and she doesn't really love you anymore. and you end up losing both her and your family.

tldr: don't get married


Why are you muslims such cucks and listen to your families so much?

wait wait wait wait. Since when is the huffington post outing feminist propaganda? This is literlay bretbart level of article showing that women marry for money. How did huffpost miss such a thing?

>All the ones coming from men are not actually that bad. Either from a sense of duty (children) and one for not being lonely (which is sad but understandable)

>Virtually all of those written by women are absolutely revolting, disgustingly selfish, materialistic, deceitful, shallow and frankly pure evil.

God I swear I don't want to swallow the red pill on women, but it's fucking stuck in my throat.

I am from a Christian family. it's just tradition to love and listen to your family here. I mended my relationship with them but now I lost both girls. welp, at least I lost my virginity.

There is such a thing when your family is toxic and as you have likely learned for yourself can ruin really important shit for you because.

Subtle propaganda from that vile website. This used to be very normal and honourable. My cousin did this (he made a very Christian girl pregnant on vacation) and they have now been happily married for almost 10 years with three more children as of now.

get your shit together ahmed and dont blame your family as you are just beta faggot.

>thread still up

Honestly everything went downhill in relationship when people assumed the retarded love->marriage plan instead of the traditional marriage->love.


Somebody is still dragging around her umbilical cord.

I have one good male friend, but I need more. What's a good way to make new male friends? I meet the women I bang online because I'm too socially anxious to talk to random girls in person, but I can't really meet dudes online.

You can love anyone even if you didn't love them initially. The problem is that if you fixate on a problem love can easily turn into resentment. Which seems to be the case to me in a lot of these examples. People often apply a lot of dramatic flair to this phenomenon but it's actually really simple.

Nice fucking catch.

>Accidentally create a permanent social tie with someone
>Don't try to run away from it
>Make it official
This is bad how? I don't see the part where they hate the wife.

Don't get married. Don't fall for the fucking meme. You have no way of trusting that your spouse loves you, even if you love them, because this culture expects marriage to ONLY occur for love. Everyone's incentivized to pretend. You can't believe anyone, you just can't.

What an imbecile.

>I'm terrified of dying alone
Well I can understand that one

Well love is a meme
If two people come together they want something from eachother

And people wonder why I got a vasectomy in my late 20's, and never got remarried.

Nah, the problem is people fall in love for lust and not virtue.

To find a virtuous woman you need to ask the right questions:
>Was your father around?
>Do you have a good relationship with him?
>Did he ever cheat on your mother?
>How many sexual partners have you had?
>What kind of mother did you have?

How is this bitch a therapist and is too fucking stupid to figure out that she just wants to get away with doing something bad and she's addicted to the fucking thrill?

Jesus Christ, they give away degrees like candy in this day and age.

Race war now the image

They don't admit it in fear of losing their marriage and by extension their financial security

>Remember gentlemen the lone wolf dies
No, he doesn't.

Season 3 of Kaiji never.

are you stupid ? It had always been like that. Marriage had nothing to do with love. Ever.

sports or college, all it takes is to meet a bro that's as retarded or as educated as you to become bros for life

women are a meme

you guys who crave love and companionship are just latent homos who don't like the idea of kissing a man anyway.

st. Anthony the Great was completely right about Sup Forums. Newfag redditards call people who've been there for over a decade "newfags" "redditards" "tumblrite" etc.

>that pic
>israel with an umlaut

Remember gentleman the lone wolf is alert and ready to do whatever he wants whenever he needs to. He isn't ruined and domesticated by the rest of the shit pack.

Holy crap, this pic represents everything that has happened to my life after I found Sup Forums.

>Completely ignore the male posts

people seem to like my anti-semetism but not my racism, texas is weird

The last one

>I try to be a good wife, but want some flicks with other man :^)

These roasties should be gassed, killing them should be legal.

At least you didn't get divorced raped right?

this. the butterflies and "in love" feeling will almost always fade over time. your with your wife/husband to secure a future for your children and make sure they dont turn into fucking degenerates

you should be able to do this if your wife or husband isnt a degenerate themselves

The men were mostly doing it for legitimate reasons though, not pure selfishness

It's probably made by a Dutchman

He was right on so many things. Take This used to be very normal and honourable and actually it was considered to be a sign of an abysmal man when he wouldn't. This has somehow turned 180 degrees, up to where it is deemed normal and honourable to just leave a single mother, lest you be such an evil weirdo as to marry thr mother of your child and disregard the "marriage is supposed to be super romantic and you can only marry with 'the one' we showed you in the movies" meme

I married a woman 16 years younger than me because I make 140k a year and I could afford her young body.
She married me for my money and I'm ok with it. We both win.

Love has to be real, r-right guys?

I really don't want to end up killing myself, but somehow it keeps on getting harder to see a future in which I'm happy.

I think these are bullshit. There is stuff they are not saying. I bet on top of "he had medical insurance" also be had a big dick and looked like an underwear model but they won't admit that too. Never have I met woman in my life who would do these things GS just because.

Love is an illusion, it is just the bait to lure men into the pussytrap, in which your life will be sacrifieced and will be used to support her and the kids SHE decides to pop out. Whether or not she stays with you after having her kids.

Sup Forums
Sup Forums is one of the last bastions of male camaraderie, the culture of telling people how shit they are in every facet of their life but meaning good by it is something women can never understand, and I think it's why they stay off.
It's so obvious how different men and women are, it makes the feminist agenda seem ridiculous, can you imagine a woman saying this?

Love is real. Bu real love isn't all fun and games. It's work. Find someone who will work with you, and you'll be fine.

I got married for love. Then I got choked twice by a man over twice my size that I gave vows to. I waited with our child while he finished school and got a new car. Then the abuse started. I'm now 26 no car, dead end job and living with my uncle while trying to get divorce.

Then I see my uncles girlfriend she has no job, doesn't cook, doesn't clean and he bought her a house and car. I've never tried to get things from a man but I'm turning very bitter and want to now.

I'm a good woman but I'm about to hit a breaking point.

I haven't seen a "I married my husband only because he's the father of my child" on the list though.


Single mothers get so many state benefits it's advantageous to abandon your man when you become pregnant

>Grew up with my parents being legally seperated since my mum then got £15,000 a year in bennies for me and my sister on top of my dad's £70,000/year

Good luck hope things work out.

until she divorces

this is made up fantasy of a girl with daddy issues

stay strong, you done well by your child, now its time to do well by yourself.

Try talking to your uncle for some emotional support?

Also once you finalize the divorce it might be an idea to take some courses to try to get a better job

If you're religious make time to go to see your local pastor/priest/whatever and ask for strength.

Just hold out.

You can do it.

That is a perfect example of why women are a disaster at thinking. Most women are self-centered to the point they will never be able to get outside of their self-centered bubble. It's always me, me, me, me, my feelings, my feelings, my feelings, my feelings, and a heap of rationalizations for their self-centeredness

One of the women wrote, wholly unironically I'm sure despite what preceded it, "I try to be a good wife". These women are almost certainly shit-tier wives. Good women understand it's not all about them, but I'm pretty sure it's an attribute a woman either has or doesn't have and that it cannot really be learned.

You know if i ever get married, and have kids.

I'm going full hacker mode, all fucking siphon everything that goes through the fucking router, i'll make the NSA blush baby.