Red pill me on Abo's Sup Forums
Would they have been better off if the white devil had never come to Australia? I want some sources too. Aussie Memes appreciated
Red pill me on Abo's Sup Forums
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The Eternal Abo has been pulling the strings of everyone from the very start, even the Jews. Everything we claim to know about them is actually an extremely elaborate set up.
Stick technology would be pretty good.
Typical aussie PSA
My leftie friends keep saying they are the stolen generation and that whites ruined them. I keep hearing they burned half of Australia down and raped their own kids-any truth in this?
There's this pic of a text describing the wat they would rape weak youg kids to raise their strength.
should have made them extinct when they had the chance, then the only problem about abos would be the few liberals crying about it in modern times
they did used to rape their own kids yes. maybe 10 years ago we actually had to send the army into the northern territory because the savages were running wild and living in basically lawless communities doing drugs and fucking babies
Killing every second kid was part of some ritual to kill the remaining kid's strength.
Coitus was seen as a game and was played between kids (inlcuding siblings) but also between parents and kids.
The government only took half caste kids from families living in shanties on the outskirts of town
They left actual cultural aboriginals alone
They took the half caste kids and put them in foster care so they could intergrate
if the whites didnt do it, someone else wouldve
i kinda wish we killed them all to spare us from this fucking bullshit but hey
they smell, theyre retarded, lack any skills and are just holes in our country's economy
theyre a 1/10 - the 1 comes from girls that are 1/8 and down, those ones are pretty hot, some are smart but really the whole aussie nigger population is a no go my friends
They were doing what?
The ones who follow the old ways, and live according to their traditions are cool, in a kind of crazy way.
It's the westernised ones who are the problem. There are whole towns which are no-alcohol zones because alcoholism is so rampant that if it was available literally every aboriginal in town would get drunk and destroy all the infrastructure.
It would have been kinder to keep the white australia policy and wipe them out completely, than for them to become what they are today.
China or someone from SEA would have rocked up & genocided them all
Commencing Aboporn dump.
Fucking hell
Pack of Winnie Blues in the back. Fucking spot on.
Guessing that was her fee,
I really want to go back in time to when the aboriginals first inhabited oceania and kill all the male aboriginals and impregnate the female ones, then go forward in time like 20 years and impregnate all the females again, then go back one more time and do it again, then leave them alone for approximately 30,000 years and see how my genetics impacted the evolution of the species
it is my fetish
the Abos were inventors, they came up with the greatest invention in history of mankind
That's fucked Norway
Debate me.
she looks posessed by the ghost of semon demons past
The most powerfully smelling race in the world
>Would they have been better off
Probably not but who really gives a fuck
>aussie """banter"""
Yet another thing Abos are better at than you shits.
It's aboriginals not aboriginal's
trying too hard m83
>Winnie Blues in he stop bag
I think that already happened tbqh
we be artists ...
sent this to my labour-voting Indian mate on 'sorry day', he replied with 'lord, kill them all'.
I'd explode from laughter if this was true
Remember goys- erm, I mean guys....... all races are equal
I always found this claims a bit over the top desu.
If you paint it black it becomes stealth.
I feel genuinely bad for that piano playing pillow-biter. He tried to Blue Pill them all but fucked up.
were you one of the kids who'd make naked women in spore
Truth be told. They are not exactly worse than bogan families in poverty. Difference is only skin colour.
Gonna binge watch these now lol
A lot of those bogan families have abo blood though
>the stolen generation and that whites ruined them
True, but we have won the war and can choose whatever we want to do with them. However many people felt sorry for making abos living in proverty and basically treating them like endangered animals rather than human being.