Zoo officials have shot dead a gorilla after a four-year-old boy fell into its enclosure in the US city of Cincinnati.
Is a 4 year old's life worth more than a 17 year old prime male Gorilla's???
that video doesn't show anything, it just looks like they were playing. did a zoo keeper at least try and step in there and intervene before they shot the poor thing?
In 10 years they will put little Tyrone into that very same cage to replace the gorilla.
No one will know the diference.
The gorilla literally did nothing and got shot. The boy wasn't drowning and the gorilla was standing still.
>Be gorilla.
>Save boy who fell in moat.
>Get shot.
>Love animals
>work at zoo
>Get told you have to kill that gorilla
Are there no tranquillizers?
A genius plan
The kid is a Nigger right?
Risk assessment.
Tranquillizers have a poor effectiveness on animals with a high body mass. Many animals are known to get more aggressive when feeling drowsy.
If you shoot a gorilla with enough tranquillizers that it'll fall down straight away then it's got a good chance of dying anyway.
we want to see pix of the boys rekt anus after the nigger cousin was through with it.
there are other gorillas that can replace this old dying thing
the zookeeper did the right thing the animal couldve ate the poor kid
That gorilla looks dangerous, I think theare the right choice
>kill an older primate to save a younger primate
seems okay to me desu
Any time that a nigger is killed, regardless of whether or not the nigger was at fault, the person who killed it must be severely punished. Unless it was another nigger, in which case both were victims of the racist system. The gorillas are rare, and valuable. Niggers are not. The keepers should have killed the nigger's mother for not keeping him away from the valuable gorilla.
>Be gorilla
>Be more fit to be parent than nigger
a white 4 year old yes, a nigger hell no.
>implying poor black people take their kids anywhere educational
Is this rhetorical?
Its a murder
Who cares about stupid arse apes?
Well, are gorillas humans?
I don't know, but both should be sent back to Africa
over reaction, the gorilla wasn't threatening him
but 2 lions is worth more then a suicidal loser.
>the animal couldve ate the poor kid
Gorillas are herbivores
If niggers are human then gorillas must also be human. Gorillas have a higher IQ score after all.
Apparently the people replying to my post on Twitter seem to care. I guess the kid deserved to possibly die and the parents sue the shit out of the zoo so it would be forced to shut down.
99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct. Everything before us was "endangered" at some point. Gorillas offer no aide to humanity ergo are useless. Only jungle niggers eat bushmeat...so beyond that they quiet literally are nothing more than a drain of finite resources that could be used on able-bodied people.
No, but their life is precious still
The kid jumped himself in the enclosure. The only ones to blame are the parents for not watching the kid.
It only takes a split second for that gorilla to kill the boy.
Most of the time when you see this happen on Worlds Wildest etc, the gorilla cautiously approaches the child and pokes it or strokes it.
This gorilla didn't do what all his other relatives typically do. He asserted his dominance by grabbing the child and pulling him into the water.
Was he going to drown him? Beat him in the head? Pull a limb off?
They made the right decision.
You're all contrarians or fucking morons.
Gorillas are omnivores but choose not to eat meat for some reason. Gorillas have been seen eating termites and such.
You never know with wild animals. Wild animals are like women; on a whim they can change their mood.
Not precious enough to let them kill kids.
>They made the right decision.
I hardly think so my good sir.
>Kills violent creature
>Everyone angry and crying
Was the gorillas name trayvon?
Good thinking candy corn
do the gorillas usually go into the moat at the cincinnati zoo?
if not then the gorilla was probably responding to the kid being there
and getting him out probably
Gorillas are a drain of finite resources? How?
Arguably, but murder is by definition a human killing another human.
Fampai, dolphins have extremely high IQs for floating rape machines, but that doesn't make them human.
It is if he's a fucking cis white male gorilla
if it was a common chimp or babboon that could have been dangerous, they will can be violent fucks, but Gorillas are all bark and no bite
Lefties are butthurt big time over this. It's Cecil the Lion all over again.
BLM wont be happy to hear about ...
Keep telling yourself that. Baboons eat meat and so do deer. We just haven't filmed a gorilla tearing a lemur apart and digging in.
Yes however Gorillas can exhibit their IQ in a humanlike manner and they are relatively close to us as a species. Much like niggers.
>after years living with tyrone and ahmed. Sven now knows how quickly animals change moods.
>be gorilla
>take it to america
>get shot
Gorillas routinely attack and kill rival tribes in order to annex their territory.
For all we know he may have thought that niglet was from a rival gorilla tribe and killing it would mean there's more food and grazing area for his offspring.
My bad, they are predominantly herbivores. They eat insects but dont eat meat. Their eating of insects doesnt mean they can catch/eat/digest meat. Its not like they dont eat meat for some ethical beliefs or something. I think the reason is natural.
no they dont
There are other niggers that could have replaced that young nigger.
lol nice one Hispaniola
The produce wasted on maintaining their lives in zoos could be used to feed people. Waste of precious resources. We already know all that is scientifically possible about gorillas, actually most living things on this planet. Absolutely nothing would be altered if gorillas suddenly ceased to exist. I don't care if they go extinct.
Sup Forums is suddenly really interested in animal rights, after all they just saw one die and their feefees are hurt.
Any similarities with liberal behavior is merely coincidence.
I think they're just angry the black kid didn't die.
They do in fact eat meat.
Insects are meat although easy to catch and chew.
Pandas also can eat meat but they just eat bamboo for some reason. There is likely no ethical belief involved they simply don't do it.
Perhaps they simply don't like the taste and smell of meat.
Britbong education, guys
Kid and his parents deserved to die, no matter the colour of their skin.
Go read a book frog.
No, don't be racist.
Everyone is equal.
We're just being raided. First with the "WRMYT" spam and then the counter-theme posting.
But, hey, we're not an echo chamber.
And also the gorilla
>little white boy falls into gorilla enclosure
>alpha male protects him till humans get there
>little niglet falls in
>alpha gorilla grabs him and starts tossing him around
Are they actively protecting us? Or did he just think the niglet was another gorilla , and try to establish dominance?
The welfare wasted on maintaining their lives in ghettos could be used to fix infrastructure. Waste of precious resources. We already know all that is scientifically possible about niggers, actually most numerous animal on the planet. Absolutely everything would be improved if niggers ceased to exist. I don't care if they go extinct.
>floating rape machines
Lost my sides
Just put both back into the wild...
Daily reminder that sympathy for animals is a white trait. Those who don't feel sympathy are either just being edge lords or are shitskins.
Foocking hell lad
Bargaining chip for freedom.
They should have shot the mother instead.
>>Love animals
>>work at zoo
People who work at Zoos usually hate animals. It's the once place they can legally beat a variety of exotic animals
This tbqh senpai
There's a lot of bullshit being spouted in this thread so here are the facts.
Shooting the Gorilla was the only option.
1. Tranquilizer takes a bit to take effect. If the gorilla felt the pain of getting shot he might freak out and kill the kid.
2. If a zookeeper approached this might have also freaked the gorilla out
3. They had limited time, silverbacks are extremely dangerous and spontaneous. They will fuck shit up out of nowhere
4. If ANYTHING happened to the kid the zoo's reputation would be forever tarnished, the mother would sue and they would be branded as racists.
I feel sorry for the gorilla, it didn't deserve death just because a retarded nig nog mother doesn't pay attention to its kid.
Couldnt they have just shot the gorilla in the leg? They didn`t have to kill him. He had no criminal record.
Obviously the brazilian monkey and his friend the britpaki don't care about them.
Okay, let me be completely blunt.
IQ tests are relative to the sample taking it. If the sample is humans, humans do not have an average high IQ, they have an average IQ 100. Gorillas cannot be given IQ ratings with any real degree of accuracy because they're designed for humans, and there is a complete lack of gorillas remotely capable of taking an IQ test.
You could argue all day long if the ability to recognize patterns is a good measure for human-ness, but at the end of the day, it's not really what defines humanity in useful terms.
Because it gets stupid real fast. If pattern recognition was what makes humans humans then god help you, parrots are more human than primates, and Watson is the most human to ever human. Then add in things like spatial awareness, and innate mathematical ability and it gets super stupid super fast.
Would you say the same things about Eurotrash packing into tenements like roaches? Lol.
We're talking about gorillas though, a useless species of animal with no purpose outside of entertaining me.
>muh nigger ad hominem
Does your crying bring back the 99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth? Will your tears bring back the dodo, or the Tasmanian tiger?
I don't care that they shoot a Gorilla..
>after a four-year-old boy fell into its enclosure
how the FUCK does this happen in modern times?
How do you have an enclosure that a four-year-old can get into?
The only way a kid that age should be able to get into an zoo enclosure is if someone threw him over the fucking fence..
Gorillas are smarter and less violent than niggers, this is like watching a white guy save a mexican kid from drowning in a river and then being shot by an Asian.
>he dindu nuffin!
>he was a good monkey!
One of those can potentially kill a lot of people and cause a lot of havoc. The other minds his own business and eats leaves and fruit.
This isn't even about niggers. There are over 7 billion people in the world. And depending on the subspecies their population is only in the hundreds; I think there's only one SS with over 10000 animals left.
So this question is easy to anwer: The kid should have been left to its fate. Assuming the gorilla would have even harmed the kid, since there was a similar case were a kid actually got saved by the gorilla. Though the kid back then wasn't a nigger. Anyways if it would have died, it would be natural selection.
Also, I think the parents should have to pay for that incident. Their irresponsibility was what started this. Maybe they should be forced to pay the cost for a new gorilla.
Koko the gorilla committed infanticide on her "babies" (kittens) on numerous occasions and outright refuses to mate with the Silverbacks the foundation created to provide for her...provided for her.
She's a waste of usable resources, although entertaining that she tried to rape Robin Williams once.
Yup. Don't need worthless humans, either. Any whites with average of 85 IQ, high criminality, and high welfare use deserve same fate as niggers.
In any situation, a human life always is of more value than that of an animal.
I care about animals, I've had over 12 pets once, but I've also worked long enough with them to understand the difference of having sympathy for one and projecting your feelings.
I'm not defending the nigger, I'm just not retarded like you who expected them to let the gorilla kill the kid.
I agree.
Bring Eugenics back. It was invented in America, should be practiced in America.
Daily reminder gorillas are capable of more empathy and intelligence than niggers, and you just shot and killed one after a nigger thought it was a good idea to jump into a gorilla's enclosure while the parents screamed like banshees and provoked the gorilla.
The gorilla literally din du nuffin.
>17 year old gorilla
There are gorillas that have taken human IQ tests. In the last decade or so we have managed to impart two forms of human language upon gorillas (Picture based language and sign language) and gorillas have long been capable of basic mathematical skills.
Koko for example scored higher than the average nigger on a human IQ test.
Finland, Americanz aren't even human. Don't even respond when you hear this shit happening because we clearly have lost our minds.
Don't get me wrong, I've had to kill pests before (birds, rodents, coyotes, etc.) but killing a docile zoo animal is really not necessary, when it was just sitting there holding hands with the little boy.
Isn't this Darwinism? Even at 4 I wasn't fucking retarded enough to crawl through barriers at a Zoo.
>Gorillas are omnivores but choose not to eat meat for some reason
Have you not been to a zoo lately? The families just come to bang on the glass and throw chips at all the animals.