Flat Earth Theory is the ultimate redpill. If you think it's bullshit why haven't you disproved it yet, Sup Forums?
Flat Earth Theory is the ultimate redpill. If you think it's bullshit why haven't you disproved it yet, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fly into one direction
>Teleport to another
because people can travel in a line around the earth and not mysteriously appear on the other side
If the earth is flat, why is the gravity weaker on certain parts of the surface than others?
get out
Gravity doesn't exist. We stick to the earth because we are denser than air.
Strange how there's no commercial flights over the "South Pole", eh?
because no one goes aroundthe bottom of the fucking planet to go east
can you at least keep your shitposts coherent?
and please stop pretending to be retarded
Here you go child
Stupid Sphere Cucks trying to disprove this
Kill yourself
>sphere cucks
ebin meme, mind if i save it?
This is why the west is dying
if the earth is flat then why is gravity uniform across the planet?
there's a place in Ecuador where you slightly lose weight, explain that
Oh gee I don't know, not like I've ever been to space or looked at other planets with telescopes or something
You'll have to forgive OP guys, he just saw Gods of Egypt.
>there are still people that believe pictures from "space"
>there are still people that believe that we landed on the moon
>not a film set
Nice one space/moon cucks.
for you flat earth belivers:
Christians never believes the eartg was flat, its a myth.
Its been known for thousand of years that the earth is not flat
Why stop at Ecuador?
You don't mean "Isn't"?
It's only approximately uniform, it does vary a tiny amount
Flat Earth theory is some straight up, retard level, fuckboy garbage. Only a USDA approved, grass-fed, antibiotic free, free range, cruelty free autist would believe in dumbass shit like this.
Damn. Makes you think...
>still caring about the flat earth theory
>not knowing about the growing earth theory
stay casualcucks
>he thinks earth is a giant ball
well pol?
i'm now a #cruztorpedo
When you fly a plane you can see the curvature of the earth.
Time to take off tin foil hat.