Black Lies Matter completely BTFO by Black Man!

Not memeing, these dumb fucks are utterly rekt now.

Other urls found in this thread:

>i dont like to be called afrian-amerian since im never been in africa.

he has a point you know.

This shit needs to spread like wildfire. Completely agreed with every sentence he said.

Larry Elder is pretty much in the ranks of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. Brilliant, yet totally overlooked by blacks (who should be inspired by their clear and rather flexible political/ economical thinking).

what about the IQ gap

This guy gets it. Too bad niggers don't wanna hear the uncomfortable truth.

Nigs will just ignore this. Maybe 1-2% of nigs with some brain will understand but that's it. Living off a victimhood is comfy.

Good vid, dude knows what he is talking about.

I feel sorry for the handful of intelligent, based blacks out there. It must be pretty hard having to deal with 99% of members of your race ruining it for the rest of you.

Imagine seeing all the bullshit forced on you by libs, it must be painful.
You can hear in the undertones of his voice that he is furious what the liberals did to blacks (and are now doing to whites).


Furthermore if you're from Jamaica or the Caribbean you're not "African-American"

For fuck's sake just say black. It's a fucking black guy.

To be honest if white men impregnated one or two women from ever race without having to support them at white woman level, and only married white women who in turn only had kids with white men, the world would be better for everyone.
White smarts, creativity and hotness would always exist and all you minorities would have hot smart half blacks, half asians , and half latinos to marry and sex around with that would also up your children's average I.Q.'s. beauty, and competence level without destroying the Golden Goose providers (white people) to the point of eventually having to separate from your people in horrible way sot survive.

This world would be much better if nigers would try to act as western civilization and not like Africans.

this guy is fucking briliant!


He's a buck dancing coon.

You know you've sold the black race out when Sup Forums aka a bunch of racist Neo-nazis thinks you're based.

I love Larry elder
he has a radio talk show as far as I know but doesn't put anything on YouTube which is such a shame, as more people would know about him.

except not all of us are like
why don't you actually try to refute any of his points

he made Rubin look like an absolute moron

That's Rubin's fault for sticking to racists memes and not considering facts.

Ugh! Another Uncle Tom!

i mean blacks don't sit around watching videos like this

with an average IQ of 85 most probably wouldn't even be able to comprehend the stuff in it

The sad thing is that the black dude will just get called an uncle Tom or a house nigga. The single greatest threat to the well-being of the American family is the welfare state and those enable it.

this. this is why this kind of thinking doesn't spread. intelligent blacks are literally unicorns. if they're too intelligent, they become essentially "white" in the eyes of most blacks.

this average IQ thing
isn't it like only 2 point's behind whites?




he said he's also called, coconut and Oreo
which is funny I gotta admit


Agree with him.

But no matter how conservative a black can be, they aren't white and they ideally don't belong here. Btw Elder is married to a blonde woman.


ugh. why'd they have to shoot him so many times?

based as fuck

This video needs to be stickied!

Please kill yourself

Average white iq is 100

Great video

Better question is, why not ?


jesus, this guy is good.

haven't followed him for awhile


I have an example of overt racism in society today: Hollywood.

Hollywood (movies/TV/music) promotes Thug Culture. They make money off of teaching kids how to become criminals.

how does one reign in hollywood?

>Sup Forums is 1 person

love this meme

Cocaine, networking, supplying kids for pedowood, etc

>I came here to address Sup Forums in the third-person singular

He black, not a nigger.

Just like Tommy Sotomayor.

Holy shit in the first 5mins he already BTFO the interviewer.

>"where's your basis on the systemic racism? give me your most blatant example of racism today"
>"well you could say that white cops shooting black me..."
>"where are your facts on that?"
>"w-w-well i-it's known that w-white evil cops shoot good b-black men"
>"where are your facts that it's racism?"
>"w-well y-you c-coul..."
>interrupts and proceeds to list out evil statistics and completely BTFO the interviewer

Holy shit.

oops. i meant 'rein in' not 'reign in'.

1:44 in... isn't it just amazing how quickly you can tell the difference between a black man and a nigger??? niggers come in all colors, I have a white nigger living right next door to me. They are brain damaged victims of weaponized media reduced to living as thugs and degenerates. They never question their awful choices because you have the progressive liberals whispering the word systemic in their ear. I hate niggers of every shade. I love smart & successful people of every shade.

>both of their eyes are watery as fuck

I gurantee some dumb cunt woman came in contact with them wearing 50 gallons of shit perfume.

>Not from Africa

the fuck are you talking about nigger

That picture is shit.

>show same angle of large patch of land for hiroshima in both pictures

>show angle of large patch of land of detroit
>second image is of a single house in detroit

Most intelligent people don't refer to where their ancestors come from when asked where they themselves come from.

Good Video


She's parodying black people who abuse Welfare. I believe she's right wing.

Why it does it look like he just finished crying though? Maybe he's leaning back too much

he didn't hurt any whites right?

>Implying we'd hate blacks if they were all like him
You don't see us hating on Japs simply for not being white. We just don't like people acting like cunts.
Hell I'd be happy as fuck if I were wrong about nigs being genetically niggy and they became productive members of society.

Nope. Just ran from the police then started shooting.

And that's American blacks with significant white admixture.
Though I have seen evidence to suggest that they do poorly because a lot of them are ghetto nigs who can't be assed and their scores improve if offered financial rewards for good scores.

That man was probably just startled that a strange car was following him. He literally didn't do anything wrong when he fired his weapon.

It was self protection you white cracka ass fucks.



If you're going to apply this rationale elsewhere then Australians are actually Brits. His point still stands.

Sure, cops instead of shooting back should apologize for years of slavery and let him go.

they should also apologise for being white.

You should probably move to Detroit, I'm sure you will love it there. Said no one ever.

It's a sad state of affair that "neo-nazis" are preferable allies for blacks than the leftist establishment.


If only all conservatives and Republicans were this sensible and invested in doing the right thing, I'd be voting Republican instead of Democrat. Unfortunately people like him, as shown later in his interview, see things in absolutes of ideals or principle. He's right that the Left has become an insidious and pervasive force manipulating the minority population of this country and facilitating a Wallstreet controlled Nanny state, however what he fails to point out is how the Right has virtually turned into a backwards dead-end movement that wants to let big business rape us blind and is more concerned with one-issue voters than actually doing anything progressive or beneficial for our country.

Both parties are just as bad and Republicans do everything the Dems do.

Republicans are no longer Fiscally conservative, just socially conservative, a virus brought on board by the Dixiecrats who fled the Democratic party after the LBJ began pushing the civil rights agenda. They may spend it differently, but both parties hemorrhage money, the only difference is Democrats somehow find stability while every Republican administration since Nixon has ended in a record-breaking Recession due to deregulation.

As far as welfare and handouts, the Republicans are just as bad. The only programs the Republicans want to take down are those that safeguard retirement and old age, they're more than content to keep the poor paid off as long as they don't have to fix poverty.

>Democrats somehow find stability while every Republican administration since Nixon has ended in a record-breaking Recession due to deregulation.
Didnt your dear old Bill Clinton repeal Glass-Steagal and deregulated the market so much that he allowed the crisis of 2008 to develop? Pretty sure he did.

Democrats are no better than Republicans.

i'm half australian half chilean. am i supposed to myself as an english-spaniard?


Democrats may milk minorities for votes, but Republicans do the same thing with Bible Beaters, Gun enthusiasts and anything else that basically falls under the "white trash" vote.

Republicans ship more jobs over seas than Dems, fuck, why didn't the Bush administration try to dismantle Nafta the same way the Republican party is trying to dismantle Obama Care. Instead the Bush Administration deregulated Nafta further allowing even more jobs to go overseas.

I'm sure you blame Nafta on Clinton too, however the things he put in place would have never resulted in what they did if the following Bush Administration hadn't taken them so much further. That said, I agree the Dems are just as bad as the Republicans, but that doesn't mean that the Bush Administration didn't use everything Clinton did as a spring board to deliver this country into pandemonium.

But an Indian Elephant is still an Indian Elephant even if it's never been to India.

Yeah but my ancestors were German and I'm just american, not German-American.

Larry Elder is so fucking based.

> Democrats haven't won the white vote since the 60's
> that's why the left has been pro open borders

If this is accurate, The Democrats have been systematically destroying whites for decades

You're right. We need to kill all anchor babies.

That's not an argument

You're not fooling anyone, leftist. Kill yourself.

>911 hair salon


Tomakin, pls go.

I still wouldn't say go and procreate with them

>Got a few black friends interested Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams
>tfw they watch/read their shit all the time now

Some black men are actual men.
He is one of them.

I agree with most things he's talking about but the Vouchers thing. I don't want inner city blacks coming to better, white schools and dragging it down to their level.

>This guy is smart and as a Liberal I can't help but agree with him on many of his talking points. The first Conservative that made any sense to me in ages. If the right had any sense they would prop this guy up.
what's fucked up is that this is the top comment and it's very likely that him and all seven hundred people who upvoted the comment have seen all these arguments but laughed at or ignored them because they weren't made by a black person

>"oh... w-well you've certainly made your case, let's move on-"
>"but you haven't made yours"

This man knows no mercy

my sides bros

This user for President.

you couldn't make it up

The sad thing is niggers have more privilege than any other races

too bad he had to go and preform the chaos dunk.
killing millions

And which rights, specifically, are given only to people of British heritage? Please name even one right enjoyed by an American with British ancestors that is withheld from an American with Polish ancestors.