Prove that 6 million Jews died in the Lolohoax

>you can't

If six million didn't actually die, then what excuse does the state of Israel have to exist?

>they don't

Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine being the guy in charge of coming up with 6,000,000 fake jewish names to add to a memorial

hitler placed israel in the middle east because
1. the jews would attribute it to moving back to a religious homeland
and the real reason;
2. he knew eventually the muslims would eventually become their probem

>hitler placed israel in the middle east because

Is "Hitler" slang for "British people who originally occupied Palestine" now?

Jesus, get an education.

>If six million didn't actually die, then what excuse does the state of Israel have to exist?

Israel isn't going to cease to exist anytime soon.
You can't go back in time and make Israel not happen.
The state might dissolve itself eventually though when and if the USA stops funding it.

easy, just copy the names from an Israeli phonebook

It's impossible to know the true amount of deaths, but a very large portion did die.

You have to remember that not everyone in the Holocaust was a Jewish person. However, it did happen and several million were killed.

>you can't
There is a bit of a statute of limitations here. Arguably, the Nuremburg trials used it as evidence, therefore if you trust the trials, you trust the evidence brought forth.

>Why Israel?
Why not Israel?

I guess that's why the US pays for Israel. It's reparations for all those starvation and typhus victims after the allies bombed germany into the stone age. Kind of embarassing that you blamed Germany for it though. Cowards.

>stormfag circle jerk, the thread

Reformed Jews are trained from a young age to dislike the Orthodox. Most orthodox don't believe Israel should exist. Reformed Jews just call them crazy.

must've said something dumb

Do you support Hitler?

Do you support Lenin?

>Germans dindu nuffin.
>Dey was good boys
>Dey was doin da Holocaust n turnin dey life around

>david cole hlocaust doco
>donahhue holocaust revisionism
>jewish influence

>I am a shitskin trying to reverse and appropriate Sup Forums memes that don't work in reverse
Whites actually did stuff, and didn't do stuff.
Get over it.


So? Why not?
(Im usually not pro israeli but have an example)
What excuse does america have for examples? Why not give it back to the indians?
No country has a real excuse
Might is right

>jews dindu nuffin
>people kept killing them and chasing them from everywhere for no reason

>what excuse does the state of Israel have to exist?

Same as any country. Our weapons, come and get 'em.


Your nation doesn't appear to have high human development. Did the British kick your ass so hard that you still haven't recovered?

My country comes it at number 4 BTW.

You? You're idea of human development is when the guy you suck off behind the gas station has enough consideration to tap you on the shoulder before he nuts in your mouth.

>thinks it's "his" country
You'll always be shitskin in a country built by white men. You just live there.

>I'm somehow a shitskin
>While being white

Well, at least you guys still have the Falklands. Oh, wait...

LOL, Captcha asked me to "Select All Images with Tea"

Reminded me of that time the British went balls deep into you guys without a condom.

So glad you could take time from making stick music and huffing petrol to post that.

If 6 million died then there wouldn't be enough jews to form a country with a population the size of Israel.

Come on Jamaal, we're not new. We know how shitskins shitpost. It's unmistakeable.

By white do you mean Jewish?
You're either a darkie or a kike.
No one else spews anti-white animus and tries reverse Sup Forums memes, to see if they can work as anti-white.

Except white leftist cucks.

Which one are you?

>Come on Jamaal, we're not new. We know how shitskins shitpost. It's unmistakeable.

>He posted gleefully
>However, Argentina has made a massive mistake.
>While calling a white man in America "shitskin"...he forgot his nation was 10% arab
>Ahmed thought to himself "Wait! That's almost as much as blacks that live in the US!?!?"
>Ahmed called his child bride into the room and asked if he had read the white man's posts correctly
>"I cannot read, husband." she said
>Ahmed hit his child bride and told her to retrieve their son Ahmed Jr
>"Son, am I reading this white man's posts correctly?" he asked as he rubbed his own sons ass
>"Dad, why do you sex me more than mom?" his son replied
>Ahmed told his son to leave while staring at his hands
>"It's no use" Achmed cried aloud.
>"I will never be white"

Hitler originally sorted something out with the German zionists to relocate them all to Palestine (Israel)

The white race destroys the jews for hundreds of years and probably the casualties are much higher than 6 million.

This is the holocaust; The war of the whites against the jews.

They didnt we all know that

>The white race destroys the jews for hundreds of years
Don't you mean Jews roamed around, exploiting the hospitality of whites while trying to kill goyim for worshipping Gods other than YHWH?

>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy