He looks dangerous. Is he in cahoots with Sanders?
Who is this supervillain?
Bluebeard, the famous ass pirate
Bluebeard, don't go in his basement.
Is it the villain for the next season of Gotham?
Queen Spergelorde, fighter of injustice and ruler of our hearts
Professor Bluebern
He's a Swashbuckler, and he's after
SJW"s meetings are just photobombing tournaments , that's the only acceptable explanation
>shoehorning the blacks behind the stand
S-see guys? The blacks support me!
>Yeah, he looks great. Let's put him right behind Sanders for the camera. He's definitely someone we want to be associated with.
Wow, Chris Metzen sure has changed
>that crazy hobo right behind bluebeard mugging that woman's wallet to buy crack
>that crazy hobo right behind bluebeard mugging that woman's wallet to buy crack
He's blue beards crazy sidekick
Felton John
Senor Stinky-finger, fresh off his night of checking for rectal cancer.
He's the hero you never deserved.
Thats's Dr. Mansplooge. He was an ordinary man before he took an atomic dick in the ass. He was mutated into a walking carnival. However, he also gained a great power; he became the world's smartest liberal, with an IQ of 103.
Bluebeard is definitely a power bottom.
He looks like a late '90s video game character.
>when you see your customizated character in a cutscene
That looks like something made by a bored teenager in the Saints Row character creation screen.
>He was mutated into a walking carnival.
The whole thing was amazing but that line is pure gold.
White Mr. T SUCKA
Look closely at his eyes. They are super tiny. Could he be a reptilian?
Homeless guy or DUDE WEED in the back
Dr. Mansplooge will accept the position of interim Surgeon General in a transitional administration.
>Homeless guy or DUDE WEED in the back
He wandered aimlessly to the convention hoping to buy some weed there and boom suddenly he gets dragged onto the stage.