"So far we've matched 691 refugees to shared flats!"
Do they share pussy as well?
Is this satire?
I really cannot tell anymore.
Thanks Merkel!
They wouldn't have made the website if they didn't
you silly
All of this refugee stuff is clearly a bad and dangerous idea. In the past, the men of the society would keep a stiff upper lip and not any of them in.
Silly people who are bad at seeing potential dangers are in control.
>my country isn't on the cuck list
*shudders* wew lads it'd be pretty fucked right?
691 from about 1.200.000 and 50.000 of "refugees" that are in Berlin alone. and Berlin is the most leftists shithole of Germany. great job.
we wont bomb muslims when they genocide you, like you bombarded us when we were defending from muslims.
you're irrelevant nigger nobody gives a fuck. Serbians are no different from the muzzies here in Germany. You behave just the same way. there were 50.000-100.000 serbians amongst the "refugees" last year. kek.
The guy has a band and is pretty successfull.
from kosovo.... but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you start building cuckshed and house for your wife and her kids.
Remove kebab
kosovars are even worse nigger. And they cam here to as refugees.
can't make this shit up
>refugees-welcome.net website to match people who want to share their flat with a refugee
>20y dumb cunt thinks this is a good idea
>gets raped
absolute cringe
>The man from Afghanistan who fled to germany two years ago, found accommodation with a 20 year old over the internet platform "Refugees Welcome".
>On October 25 he sneaked into the room of his victim and raped her in her sleep.
>When she woke up, she fought back and escaped into her brother's room, who lives in the same apartment.
Fucking germ.
Was wollen wir wetten dass der Bruder den Kanacken nicht angefasst hat?
Ey Mahmut, so geht das aber nich nee. Du kannst nicht einfach meiner Schwester dein pimmel in den Arsch stecken. Da muss man vorher schon Fragen. geht ja mal garnich. zszszsz
those 100.000 serbs you mentioned are actually kosovars which passed through Serbia, actually they were first wave, like a test run, before all other refugees.
Pathological Altruism from White people backfires again!
Lmao. So the girl who got raped was actually from one of the families that feature in all of the advertising?
no, she just used the site and wanted to help some poor refugee. And share a flat. Her brother lives in the same flat.
Lol, du ost-kanacke. Gut zu wissen das deine Schwester auf anale Besamung steht.
Ich hab keine Schwester, und meine Mutter is gestorben als ich ein kleiner Stöpsel war, gottseidank.
you guys are idiots, i could understand helping chinks, spics and to an extent indians but fucking niggers and dune monkeys??????
that's literally asking for it
>german woman are idiots
fixed that for you
>you guys
Nigger, i live literally in the woods far away from cologne. Some SJW leftist 20 year old student cunt from cologne and i couldnt be more different.
>Jonas Kakoschke
>Cuck Shack
Say it with me lads