Good luck with your retarded monarchy after you exit the EU britcücks
You depend on the EU more than the EU depends on you
Enjoy your VAT, import duties, which will dwarf your economy as you depend on EU as your biggest trading partner, by far
Your monarchy will NOT strike a similar deal with the EU that Norway, Switzerland have, for the simple reason that the EU will want to make an example out of you: "this is what happens if you try to leave"
And be sure your economy will suffer a major punishment
Even your one and only ally in Dumbfuckistan is ordering you to stay (you usually obey them, why not this time?) - because you serve a purpose to them only as an EU country
Importing thousands of rapist jihadis, being controlled by globalist kikes and having no power to change things for the better isn't a slow and painful downfall?
Jeremiah Morgan
Don't worry, UK. You can become part of the US once Trump is elected. Then you won't be shackled to those dysfunctional fetishists.
Xavier James
>I definitely care about what happens to UK >being from the country I am from you see >Definitely not alternative motives In this argument
Wyatt White
We're crashing this union with no survivors and there's nothing you filthy subhumans can do about it
pls don't judge us by brexiters! We will not leave the EU
Luke Clark
Economists agree it will have a negative impact on UK's GDP:
>Hundreds of economists, members the UK Royal Economic Society and the Society of Business Economists, think that Brexit would negatively affect the United Kingdom's GDP, a new Ipsos MORI poll revealed.
>Out of the 639 polled economists, 88 per cent think it is most likely that real GDP would be negatively impacted in the next 5 years, if the country leaves the European Union and the single market, the poll published Saturday said.
>A serious negative shock could be experienced by the British economy in case of the country leaving the European Union, 68 percent of the respondents assumed.
>Earlier this year, rating agencies and major companies, for example, car manufacturer BMW, warned Britain about possible economic risks in case the country leaves the bloc.
Your own economists are warning you and companies such as BMW
Prepare to be raped
Aiden Garcia
>implying the Brexit will happen Dont worry, they will be there to pay for eastern Europe for eternity. Scotland and London will make sure of that
Brandon Cruz
Your poor we are not.
Bentley Campbell
>flag i didnt even know existed posting about why UK, one of my friend countries, should remain in a socialist bond with the likes of you and greece
Don't worry Britain. We'll create a free trade agreement among the non-cucked English-speaking countries and then laugh at these faggots as our race rules supreme
Jaxson Sanchez
Stay mad.
Jack Gomez
Got him, that's the shill.
Ryan Butler
Colton Evans
>mfw Scottish and voting to remain
Brayden Kelly
Aiden Morales
Angel Hernandez
Joseph Cox
literally the only thing even remotely interesting about Europe is the UK. Without the UK you people are a shit stain for America to wipe off.
Any country of Europe other than the UK can fuck right off.
Colton Thompson
Nathan Morris
>being controlled by globalist kikes This won't change with Brexit
Eli Flores
A comic opera, irrelevant and recently cobbled together country. Berates its betters.
David Roberts
>only UK and Germoney are net contributors to the EU >see OP flag
He can see the pennies already leaving his faded third world wallet :^)
Zachary Perry
The problem with EU in the current form is that it sucks.
Jeremiah Jenkins
Good thing i'm not basing my vote on my wallet or material wealth.
I'd rather be poor and free than rich and a slave to a bunch of eurocrats who think they know how I and my countrymen should live.
Connor Watson
Even if all of that were true, they'd still have a far better country than Slovenia.
Eli Brooks
Kek you are just mad you won't be getting gibs me dats from us in perpetuity. Fuck the EU and your shitty country that needs it to be relevant.
John Butler
faggot they said the same about the euro, and said the same when norway et cetera didnt want to join the euro. its all peddling fear. who gives a fuck about gdp if you cannot control your own country anyway.
Andrew Lee
there is more important things than money Australia will be there to help the empire grow aging the commonwealth vs world and if trump loses the empire will be there to stop the cucks and bring our brother back in the fold and to free cuckada from the pussy pm you see all this time the queen has be watching waiting to be free of the filth and she about to go full monarchy
Thomas Thompson
>Nigel Farage will die in your lifetime
Gavin Lewis
Slovenia is EU average so we don't receive any help money retard. We neither give nor receive.
Luis Bailey
I don't need to be relevant, my country is 99% white not Paki infested shithole like yours. I'd rather be irrelevant here than relevant in your new Babylon.
Alexander Parker
If the Uk leaves EU, would that mean Norway doesn't have to be in the EEA to trade with them?
Caleb Powell
can you do fucking math? if you're the average now and a net contributor leaves that means the average will go down and you will become a net contributor and thus lose money into the system.
then again i don't think slovenians are known for their math skills (or anything else...)
Chase Lee
>I don't need to be relevant, my country is 99% white not Paki infested shithole like yours. I'd rather be irrelevant here than relevant in your new Babylon you do know it because of the eu that uk got pakis right Russia ?
Noah Butler
Brexit is a matter for REAL countries to discuss lad.
Brayden Ward
Well said m8. I will do my part, actively seeking out products only from my Anglo bro's. No Asia or Eu. Tribe first.
William Hughes
When we crash this plane, there'll be no survivors left to "punish" us, cuck whose country flag is too bland for me to recognise
Adam Williams
i enjoy watching the asspain of germans and broke slavshits during this campaign
William Flores
Fuck off Juckner, nobody needs EU, I bet you still have soviet-made stalin-shaped dildo in your night stand.
Jason Ward
>You depend on the EU more than the EU depends on you
I love this line of reasoning so much. It sounds just as stupid as people telling me we need the federal reserve.
>lol what what do you mean this tapeworm in my gut is bad?! I'd starve to death without it! It provides valuable things I need!
Gabriel Wright
I am from Northern Ireland, try again faggot. Shithole? Is that why so many of your countrymen try to come here? Keep them coming, I'll keep kicking the shit out of them in the pubs.
Ian Anderson
Economists believe whatever they're paid to believe.
Easton Jones
We don't have a monarchy.
A monarchy is what Saudi Arabia have.
In Britain, the leader is the prime minister.
Meanwhile, the "royal" family here is just a ceremonial meme. A fucking tourist attraction.
Good luck in your feminist safe space Eurozone shills. USA isn't much better either.
Aiden Richardson
based Norn Iron
Asher Bell
Wow, what a shill.
You probably think EU is great.
Justin Morris
Xavier Russell
Unless they work for themselves, and their paycheck depends on them actually knowing their field.
Jim Rogers and Peter Schiff are to that come to mind, largely because they run their own businesses and assets and aren't being paid by anyone other than themselves.
Wyatt Long
How can they refute this shit? I don't understand why they'll do something so obvious and they're allowed to do it. What bullshit is this?
Michael Miller
The queen isn't totally powerless though, let's be honest. From what I'm told she still appoints the House of Lords and has significant control of the military.
Tyler Howard
Of course it's going to hurt but it'll hurt a lot more the longer we leave it
Ayden Hall
I should elaborate.
UK should leave the EU. It might not be the best idea short term, but on the long term it's better than staying in. It will also cause a huge crisis in EU itself, hopefully triggering a collapse of the union.
Bentley Perez
the monarchy will rise aging person of color whether you like it or not the empire is coming back
Ethan Evans
she also controls the Australia military
Oliver Torres
>muh trading
You realise that a chunk of overseas trade goes through Rotterdam which they count as coming from Europe, right? Thats retarded
Henry Campbell
And above all, enjoy your FREEDOM
Juan Russell
God save the Queen!
Parker Gray
I'm american and even I want Anglo Empire.
Julian Baker
u wot m8?
Nicholas Thomas
>for the simple reason that the EU will want to make an example out of you: "this is what happens if you try to leave" They'll crash their own economies if they do, the whole continent will go down with us
Lucas Sanders
The commons nominate members for the House of Lords and the military answers to parliament not the queen
Julian Foster
I believe UK making trade deals with $hillary or poo land is still better than the EU...
This is what we need. anglo-asianic alliance. We can remove all the kebab and taco and nigger
did you fucking steal our flag?
Jose Taylor
Bring on the anglo reunion
Jacob Walker
the queen is commands the Australia army she is our queen to cunt where did you think she fuck off too if the uk stays in eu and become Muslim shit hole
Jacob Mitchell
My God, could you imagine America accepting the U.K. as a state?
Shit would be the cashest.
>Trump wins, pushes for Brexit >U.K. joins U.S., still retain autonomy, gets a HUGE economy boost because dollars > collapsing Africa-bux Euro >EU gets butthurt, tries to stir shit >American nuclear subs and warships in the Mediterranean, English Channel, and North Sea >"TRY SOMETHING, FAGGOT!" >Merkel retreats to a bunker to shed her skin and eat another bucket of fried white fetuses
Gabriel Watson
Oliver Garcia
Now tone has gone aren't most senior MPs republicans
Levi Young
You sound like a 17 yr old
Mason Rivera
This sounds fabulous actually.
Leo Evans
No thanks
Joshua Brooks
How is that related to what I was talking about? I was talking about the two buildings. What the hell does that have to do with the Queen?
There seems to be some kind of confusion going on between us, m8.
Zachary Butler
You sound like ur a faget.
I would lay down my life for a free Britain. Cliche as it sounds, I mean it.
Ryan Wright
We have our own shit thanks, an undisclosed number of warheads (up to 48) is at sea at all times.
Asher Harris
Nah I think being ruled by Brussels is definitely for the best, guys. You can't be trusted to do The Right Thing :^)
Asher Martin
not really they hate turncoat but his the best chance of winning to be fear labor or lib are both cunts like only 5% different that's way our people have been voting all sorts in to gov lately
Asher Lee
> Each stripe represents each of 14 states, the moon represents Islam, the blueness symbolizes union...
Yes, Asians (except Eastern ones) and creativity and mutually exclusive.
Grayson Ramirez
sorry cunt i have been drinking was meant for
Matthew Richardson
>UK becoming a state of a former colony
I don't think they would, lad.
Samuel Mitchell
When europe makes an example of the UK, it shows how incredible evil they really are, and more people want out. Your project will be buried.
Xavier Bennett
>/r/ polandball edit
>the moon represents Islam time to arm Indonesia me thinks
Easton Fisher
>state bigger than california with wildly different politics US doesn't allow non-republican forms of government either
Michael Gray
Well, if bad comes to worse, I'll keep the couch ready for you, okay?
I believe in you!
Ian James
how the hell are you guys big enough for states? are they each just one guy's rice farm?
>Except eastern ones those are the ones we want. Japan and South Korea actually contribute to our military efforts worldwide. They're also economic powerhouses
Anthony Collins
If leaving the EU means we can retain our identity, ignore people like Merkel, and protect our own population from 'ficki ficki' syrians....then who gives a fuck about the economy.
Everyone is crying about money. I'd rather our female population stays unraped, our language stays English, and Europe drowns in its own faeces.
Plus, once we go solo we can start sinking all your fucking fishing boats fucking around in our sea. Go overfish Russias seas and see what fucking happens. Cunts.
Josiah Stewart
One of the greatest things I've ever seen in a film is the last 25 minutes of Inside Job.
The film is about the 2008 Financial Crisis and so is packed with various interviews with top-level economists and academics explaining what happened with the banks.
That's the first hour and a half of the film. The last 25 is the director turning the tables on every single talking head he's just interviewed and showing that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is hilariously comprised as they're all paid advisors for the exact same banks that caused the crash. It's glorious and if you haven't seen it you really should watch it.
What I'm basically saying is don't fucking listen to economists when it comes to shit like this as chances are, they're bought and paid for by financial institutions.
Tyler Rivera
Fucking Switzerland has 26 cantons (states) you mong
Tyler Bailey
seems like a real waste of ink considering the entire country could fit inside nevada
Wyatt Kelly
we have like 4
Easton Nguyen
see, that's sensible. which one do you keep the abos in? I want to avoid having fuckers drink my gas when i visit
Blake Gonzalez
Abos are in the northern territory which isn't a state
Zachary Peterson
Actually it's a misconception that the Euro had a mainstream approval among economists. International economic theory has certain conditions which are necessary for an "optimum currency region", few of which are met by the eurozone. This was well-known to economists well before the euro project was initiated. Free trade is of course a whole other story, but it's unlikely that the EU can afford to severely restrict trade with the UK if it leaves seeing as the UK is not only responsible for a large amount of trade, but is also one of the major net contributors to the union.
Jeremiah Thompson
that's even better
Joshua Mitchell
would the Swiss states be more analogous to out counties as opposed to the US states?
You have to remember this is the EU we're talking about. There are literally signs in front of roundabouts and buildings that say it's paid for by the EU. It's like people believe that suddenly after joining the EU, money is magically created in Brussels and sent out to the member states to build shit they couldn't afford before. There's even a campaign that claims that the NHS will lose hundreds of millions of pounds in EU funding if the UK votes to leave. Nevermind that the UK pays way more into the EU than they get back. This money would just disappear if it didn't first go to Brussels for their cut before returning to the UK to finance the healthcare.