So how Drumpfs Wall will exactly block the mexicans!?

So how Drumpfs Wall will exactly block the mexicans!?

By enforcing the law.

If you kill the front of the human centipede, the rest starve.


itll go underground as far as it goes above ground, making tunneling too difficult

you can't have sharpshooters at every 1 mile idiot



Your wall will fall over with no supports piss stained France.

>you can't have sharpshooters at every 1 mile idiot

but 28 meters deep?

Only need 1,989 Sharpshooters at any one time to do that.

Hell, with drones you might only need some in the air with good sensors.

>they dig under the wall
>the size and weight makes the tunnel collapse
>tunnel blocked by crushed bodies

>Build tunnel under heavy concrete structure
>Structure segmented specifically for this eventuality
>Wall just got two feet shorter

Also just bury a fuckload of concrete and barbed wire.

Came here to post this. Fucking terrible cartoon.

Surely there has to be automated sentries by now?

The wall is stupid. A moat would be much better.

Modern walls have CCTV and seismic detectors.

Why not draw a catapult with fucking Wile R. Coyote flinging Mexicants over the wall while you're at it, user.

You're hired


nice, I still remember that thread.

Thermobaric charges will sanitize the tunnels with cleansing fire and overpressure, and seismic charges will collapse them.

the same way the israli one works. they have the ability to
A) use sound to see whats under ground including tunnels and even if the soil has been disturbed (dug up then filled in)

B) inferred cameras that are sensitive enough can see underground. they found a pyramid under a mountain of sand in the middle east using a satellite that had a inferred camera. you could see people in a tunnel underground because of differences in temperature that would be noticeable even at the surface

The Mexican Centipede

>the human centipede is an illegal alien

Never knew.

>the same way the Israeli one works
Yeah, concrete and weaponry NEVER get into Gaza, amirite?

Kek. You guys are so fucking autistic, it's hilarious.

Artificial lake outside the wall. The weight of the water would push down and flood any possible tunnels.

Seismic sensors

>drill hole place dynamite inn hole over tunnel,,,boom tunnel collapse

Not from the wall side or at least not in large quantity.

>Drumpf meme
kekus maximus

yeah,but what if they bring scuba diving gear?

>diamond force field harder than diamonds
God that thread almost killed my sides

>online sniper rifle game to shoot illegals
That would actually be pretty cool, just need to have enough guns to cover all of the areas that nobody would go unless they were trying to get into the US. Could basically have free border guards, maybe earn money for each confirmed kill.

>w-walls don't work
t. Increasingly nervous gypsy liberal

How could they possibly swim through a collapsed tunnel though

Pretty sure he said something like just drop dynamite over where the tunnels are detected.

what is winter

The tunnel would collapse on itself, and those criminals would be imprisoned under the wall.
Now, if they're lucky the wall will also sink and crush them to death.

>massive scandal
>call for trump to resign over crushed mexicans
>trump sends mexico a bill to make the collapsed section of wall 2 feet taller again

You are not immune to nuclear mines.

oh snap

compare the border of America with that of the hungryarian

Fuck off Poorland

But what if a meteor strikes the earth and ends all life?

Compare the resources available to Hungary to those available to America

Fuck off Gypsyland


>What is a seismograph

Just put polonium, uranium and other carcinogenic substances on the border. Then they can try to cross it.

If they can afford the specialised equipment and training for underwater cave diving, they can almost certainly immigrate to the US legally.

Hello based romanian user.

I have some questions for you.

1) Are you a Romanian or a gypsy?

2) what are you're thoughts on Muslims?

3) I have a girlfriend who's mexican. Is this degenerate?

4) how do we make nu males extinct?

5) Howdon white man even compete?

6) why would Americans waste money, time and muscle on building a wall, when the legal Mexicans are going to outbreed the whites anyway?

This or a minefield.

O-Oh shit user...I guess I'm a #Killer4Hiller now.

Yes a one hundred percent drop in illegals that just happens to coincide with the same day the wall was built

Must have been the weather

it doesnt have to block all of them, it just needs to slow down the flow 99%. Once they see a giant wall they will get the message and we can harshly deal with any muds that attempt it afterward. Also; ground sensors, drones, landmines etc





that thread was so gud

1) Are you a Romanian or a gypsy?

2) what are you're thoughts on Muslims?

3) I have a girlfriend who's mexican. Is this degenerate?

4) how do we make nu males extinct?

5) Howdon white man even compete?

6) why would Americans waste money, time and muscle on building a wall, when the legal Mexicans are going to outbreed the whites anyway?

Hello Ireland
How are you doing? :)

Very easily. People may still get across, but not in vehicles and shipments as they come now.

It's also not just about keeping out illegals. The world is a dangerous place and people with resources out there want to attack us. Right now, people can literally load up by the dozens in the backs of trucks and drive straight in. I hope you understand how stupid we are for allowing that.

proxyfag is proxyfag

even the new janitors have been putting you cunts to shame lately

It's America, I'm pretty sure they could have one every 5 feet if they wanted. Put up posters around the south saying "get paid to shoot illegals" and pretty soon you'll be turning people away because you're full.

what if americans want to cross over to mexico?

b-but man eating cows aren't immune to fire tornado :(

I'm fine, thank you. I hope everything is okay in America, and remember don't listen to these other guys they're just jealous of your sucess.

1. I'm a Irish.
2. I don't think they mesh with Europe because Islam is not just a religion, but a culture and legal system and the three parts cannot be separated.
3. Having a Mexican girlfriend is not degenerate. It is less than ideal, but having a girlfriend at all is good. The problem with racemixing isn't so much the racemixing itself, but rather than it is being pushed as the norm by the media. The less racemixing the better, but on an individual level, it's not evil.
4. War is the obvious answer. But more realistically, the education system of Western countries needs to be exorcised of sociologists and femnisits. Especially in early age class rooms. These teachers push an idea to males that it is wrong to be male and as they grow they become twisted. They do not thrive.
5. Competiviness is not soley the size of one's genitalia. There are other important factors in mate selection. Many of these factors white men excel far greater than their coloured counterparts.
6. Why do we fight at all? Why did the French keep the Moslems out at Tours? Or the Spanish keep the Ottomans out at Lepanto? Or the Polish-Lithuanians keep the Ottomans out at Vienna? But the Moslems are still taking over Europe. Some battles have to be fought.

It's supposed to go all the way along Mexico border, not just one place.

"Walls" have come a long way since Medieval times my backward Romanian friend.

Pic related. It will have underground movement sensors, radar, manned towers, 24 hour surveillance.

>(immune to nuclear mines)
>(who is immune to nuclear mines)
>nuclear-mine proof
>(also is immune to nuclear mines)

thats a Romanian flag

> Why not draw a catapult with fucking Wile R. Coyote flinging Mexicants over the wall while you're at it, user.

Requesting this.

t.pigfucker britbong

Seismic sensors alert guards to digging. Prisons already use in some places

You remind me of someone with amnesia, you can still remember memes and the internet you just have no idea what they mean and throw them all in a sentence in an attempt to be accept as a shitposter but really you're just a Gypsie on a stolen laptop.

It's not going to happen.
Drumpff will never win because the average American is a lefty, liberal, safe space dwelling, politically correct homo.

Based ireland
Maybe one day the ginger gene will be the last remaining frontier of white skin

I say herd them, about a thousand each day, into C-130 Hercules and fly them over Mexico. Make them walk home.

From 10,000 above sea level.

When word gets out, they'll stop coming.

maybe you should shove ur pretentious pissdrinker brit arguments up ur ass

>Snake pit.
>Due to budget restrictions there is only one snake, but I assure you he is very grumpy after losing his job at the zoo.

Fucking top kek!

I'd rather have gypsies instead of blacks and muslims

Muslims and Blacks are superior to Gypsies

I know you're Gypsy but come on.

I would disagree. However I am not as informed as you, because I don't have to deal with all 3 of them
>unlike you

> scuba diving in a moat of lava
> assuming they get past the cursed Forest of Woe



It won't block them, its going to have a underpass straight into Cucknadia.

Why are the mexicans sucking asshole?

>Build Wall
>Human Centipede occurs beneath it



>Nuclear Mines (Immune to nuclear mines)


the wall appears to be not only a material matter, but a policy shift as well, in that it is a call to assure the practices of amnesty and forgiveness for violating our laws will not continue. they can go ahead and continue to illegally stream into our country and we'll happily throw them out, they know they're abusing the system, the obvious problem is, nobody is putting enough pressure on to ensure they will not continue, that is what the "wall" must do. a wall in of itself is not what the wall represents, it's to proclaim, "we don't need people who participate in this kind of behavior".

Thank you for posting this user, I remember helping with some of this and was hoping for someone to pull it out with this thread existing.

Just make a moat. GG

This is actually pretty brilliant.

>build no wall
>dump radioactive waste along the border.
Better yet
>dig artificial lake
>put crocodiles in
>add lava

Ground penetrating radar nodes and cement syringes to fill em up.

I don't think the point is to make passing the border illegally. With the wall,USA aims to make it so damn hard and dangerous that mexicans would prefer staying on their country.

Calm your tits paddy.

Must suck knowing Romania is more relevant than you.

crocodile , water ,lava
are u a functional retard of something like that?

The crocodile is obviously lava proof.
I thought that would go without saying?

fucking no life minecraft fag