>Best country in Eastern Europe
>Not in the EU
Explain this
>Best country in Eastern Europe
>Not in the EU
Explain this
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Fuck Serbia. They have failed in every Kebab removal and tried to genocide us Croats.
>tried to genocide us Croats.
was this before or after you genociding them?
>best Country in Eastern Europe
but that's not Slovakia
History is written by victors ;^)
Ustaša did literally LITERALLY nothing wrong you commie piece of shit
>Best country in Eastern Europe
>created 2 million muslim refugees that spread around the world
It was just a prank
>The Ustaše were fiercely Catholic, identifying it with Croatian nationalism.[9] They declared that the Catholic and Muslim faiths were the religions of the Croatian people. They claimed the Islam of the Bosniaks was a religion which "keeps true the blood of Croats".[10]
you swedes can't stop sucking muslim dick now can you?
Maybe afterwards.
Muslims can be based, look at Iran. It's just the Saudi cancer that has spread and ruined muslim countries.
If Serbia were a part of the EU they'd be ethnically cleansing Muslims in France like the Mexicans are wiping out all the spooks in San Diego.
I'd fucking love to have more Serbs in my country, we had one family who lived near my school and one of their kids just showed up every day even though he wasn't enrolled there. Played a mean game of tetherball. Most redpilled guy I know, now.
Muslims can be boiled in pig fat as well.
take them back then
Serbs are more or less white niggers. They only remove kebab because they're basically kebab themselves, look at Turks removing Kurds for comparison.
Serbs in Sweden are:
>criminal mafia
>ugly and stupid
>leech welfare
Hitler saw them for what they are, Ottoman rape babies.
cuz nato
Do you into history?
They started it all ( that is if you dont count usa interference ), cuz decentralized jugo wasnt their vision of Great Serbia.
We could of split peacfully like Czechoslovakia.
>eternal sloven mad at croats for not gibing dat sea
Can confirm this.
serbia is not in the EU because serbia loves to suck russian cock so much and joining EU would no doubt anger lord putin.
has anyone noticed that all the orthodox countries love to suck putin cock? look at greece. dear lord
Serbs in Norway = 103% based Lords from another galaxy.
Send us more serbs.
Only well-mannered, smart immigrants here.
>people acting like entering EU is up to us
lel lads
>implying idiot shiptards and bosnian muslims wouldn't migrate to EU countries anyway, now that you spread your cheeks far and wide and especially for them
>learn 2 history
>also, learn not 2 be a diaspora fag
NatSoc is okay, but when you start supporting muslims against white nations unironically and afterwards call those who disagree with it commies, you completely lose it. Be an actual natsoc, not only a LARPing paganist wannabe faggit
>Genocide us croats
What is this new meme?
I take Serbia over those moslim yugo countries in a heartbeat.
Serbia is not in the EU cause Croatia is blocking them for retarded reason, respecting of human rights, which are not respected here aswell ( our police ).
I'd say Czech Republic is the best Eastern Europe country.
They have the best mix between quality of life and being based
I can't thank you enough for that bro. Please, please keep doing that okay??
Those muslims are basically exactly the same as you genetically.
also porn
You're implying we'd be joining any time soon even if you didn't block us.
We barely made any progress with the accession.
>we dindu nuffin the post
Germany and Turkey were allies in ww1 and the germs also wanted them in ww2, they were also allied with Bulgarians and Romanians and now you call them gypsies
Top fucking kek, what about shit you did back in 40s and never paid for it? The fact that you were the ones to originally start chimping out in the 80s?
>t. Mohammed Isljami
We do not need to be in the fucking EU. Too many regulations and they want us to admit the independence of Kosovo, the land that was stolen from us by the mudslimes. EU is a leech that destroys poor countries economy, steals factories and farmlands, takes all the resources and forces the usage of GMO. EU cucked us to deliver them Ratko Mladic, Radovan Karadzic and Slobodan Milosevic, the greatest kebab removals of our time.
better pic desu
Our politicians have been trying. At the rate things are going, we might join by 2040. I wouldn't count on it though. the EU might even fall apart by then.
>t. Alija
Sisas ti meni moj neobrezani kurac, znas Mujo??
Nice try to demonize the greatest leader, you NATO cuck.Go suck more of the Milo's cock.
hell yea 8^)
it is only prank bro
Our retards wont be able to keep it up for long time, sorry.
Same thing was going on when Slovenia was trying to block us.
Big Croat comments are fucking hilarious tho:
>očekujemo odblokiranje poglavlja negdje za 50 godina pa onda sljedeće opet blokirat
>Je ovaj Kovač gospodin. Eto došlo i to vrijeme da Srbi nas pitaju. Prije će se ispraviti kriva Drina, nego Srbi u EU.
And those same people will trashtalk EU as worst thing that happend to Croatia, fuck our mentality.
Idk, not really following it. Just know thats the current issue.
Youre much better without EU, just waiting for SJW movement to become stronger in "leading" countries of EU so we'll have to hire trans and fags or get fined...
burger here marrying a Serbian grill.
As a future Serbian, I hope to hell you guys never join the cocksucking EU and ruin your country with the "immigrants" you will be forced to accept.
E. European hospitality towards degenerates is the model we all should set as our goal.
>loved the "no negros" graffiti in Belgrade
>top kek
How does it feel to marry a girl who doesn't love you and just wants a better quality of life (basically marrying a refugee)?
you're alright, chetnik
I was born here, I really don't give a fuck.
I have friends who are Croats and Serbs and no one really gives a fuck. It's just fun to trigger you people on Sup Forums.
bretty gud :^)
her quality of life in Serbia is unbelievable, more than I can provide in "rich" usa and I make close to 6 figures.
>inb4 hurr durr poorfag
>Muslims can be based
>Swede poster
What a shock
Not really a chetnik but thanks. My great-great grandfather was a chetnik though and he hated commies
You cant blame all Croats for shit Ustaše did, normal Croats hate them aswell.
How the fuck did we start to chimp out? 70% of JNA was Serbian, did we invade your clay or did you invade ours?
Did we have plans of Great Croatia?
How'd you end up marrying a Serbian girl anyway?
Why would anyone hate serbs?
I literally havent seen one serb do anything wrong in Norway
One guy went to get some weed at Gronland for a chill night, threw a paki off a bridge and came back with 20 grams of hash, for free.
They do shit like dis all the time, never unprovoked.
They also have great senses of humor and are very empathical.
I won't debate you, but long story short you'd be hard pressed to find Croats to support Serbs over Bosnian muslims, or Shiptards whereas I know a lot of people which don't even hate Croatia. That's why these hooligans here hate your country, because the eternal Croat would pick a dirty Shiptard over a Serb and afterwards claim how we're Turks
So is that why the croats hate the serbs so much?
Did they think the serbs were taking over?
heh I decided last year that I wanted to get married to a religious grill that wasn't a feminist, and E. Europe is the only place left on Earth with a high percentage of women that are at least culturally Catholic/Orthodox, so I started looking at profiles on a dating website that's not really known for international dating....we wrote for 4 or 5 months, then I went to Belgrade and the rest is history....
she's amazing. It's hilarious how underrated Serbia is in the west. People have no idea how nice Belgrade actually is. They think there are donkeys and carts in the streets, when it's way better than most people live in the US.
I have to carry a gun in the US. In Belgrade I could walk around without worry. Not having muds is pretty nice.
Why do all the other major tennis players seem so likeable, but Novak Djokovic, the most Serb in all of history, is still so unlikeable?
>we dindu nuffin the post
Never said that, but your whole Croatians did genocide on Serbs theory is fucking retarded. Youre blaming all Croats for shit Ustaše did.
you are serbian nationalist. rightful descendant of the chetnik,.
Everyone claims we were taking over and over time we end up being a disintegrated shithole country. Greater Serbia indeed
But all Serbs get blamed for Slobadan
Like yours?
Whats the best way to immigrate to glorious Serbia?
I have Serb ancestors(along with Irish), and I want to live in a non-cucked nation.
I can bring home brewed beer and another F117 for you.
Absolutely a nationalist
hmmm I can tell you applying for a work visa and then moving to Belgrade and marrying an Serbian grill is probably your best bet....
best jobs as a westerner unless you have a hook up is via the US embassy for a NGO or God knows what else.
Best scenario of course is some kind of job you can do from anywhere so you make western money while living there. Wage for Serbia for an average job is around $300/month.
For example, the media and everyone claims how we genocided and ethnically cleansed Kosovo of albanian scum, yet today they have an independent country with a 90%+ majority. Draw your own conclusions
>another 117
How will they know when it's invisible?
I could copy your whole post and just swap Croats and Serbs and it would be true.
Most of you dont hate us but think that we have this mad hatred for you, same goes for Croatia.
IMO we should of burried all that shit we done to each other long time ago and worked together.
Its was classic divide & conquer move from west, and with both our mentalities it worked perfectly.
remove sandwich memes aside, serbs will always be our bitches
holy fuck.
Time to look for online jobs.
...and finding a Serb grill.
Serbs always know.
I'll just bring it for keks.
>says the country that joined NATO
meaning? they will too, but this thread alone shows the perfect cucking of their ""nation"", the worship a Croat that BTFO'd their royal family and carved thier country in 3 pieces
>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""croat"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" diaspora
>macedonia, montenegro, kosovo, vojvodina
>3 pieces
Oi serbs, bend the knee.
>Serbia joining NATO
>Thinking this will pass with older voters and younger nationalists
So what's your reason for hating the serbs cronon?
Is it because you were scared they were going to rule you?
Or because their religion is inferior to yours?
Are you jealous of something?
>So is that why the croats hate the serbs so much?
Most of us dont hate them, its mainly underaged hooligans and old ustaše.
>Did they think the serbs were taking over?
Idk you tell me.
Tensions were rising up till 80s and then slobo came, by the end of 80s Croatia weaponry was taken, and military power ( mostly consisted of Serbs ) came to 2 solutions:
> create unitary Jugoslavia
> create Great Serbia ( would consist of Serbian teritory and all teritories where Serbs lived, which was alot of Croatian teritory aswell )
At the end they went with option #2
>Not in the EU
>Bad thing
Not by all of us, as i've said before we both have those retards that blame/glorify Croatia for ustaše and Serbia for Slobo/chetniks.
>So what's your reason for hating the serbs cronon?
i dont hate them, i just dislike them stealing half of our culture and our people, 40% of their "nation" are croats that switched religions and the very same product of that faith-treachery now spergs that the opposite happened
they are scum
They don't want it anyway
You're starting to sound like a leftist.
Are you going to start spouting off about "Serb Privilege" next?
Because he's the best player of all time
Fuck the EU, they just want to steal your fish Serbia.. oh wait.. well they just want to fuck you up even more, don't enter that nightmare.
They have tried to take our fish twice. Britain did it and it was a short war.
I don't know a single person who has anything good to say about Sloba. He was terrible.
Sounds like hate to me. Can't we just get along? Half my family is in Croatia but I've never visited them because my father fought for Serbia and they for Croatia during the war.
>commie piece of shit
>tito was the only croatian commie
>yugoslavia was a monarchy
ok retard
>d-dey stole our culture
Croats confirmed for KANGZ. Also, I'm not sure if you maybe mistaken Serbia for Croatia
>threw a paki off a bridge
Top kek, what?
>no roki songs posted yet
Serbs are great. All the ones I've met were very polite respectful and well mannered. Czechs are cool too but from talking to them they say they are Central European not Eastern European.
USA would be a better place with more Serbs
>doesn't like slobo
>is from a mixed marriage
Every single time
t. Islam Abdul Al-Boipucci
>Trading comfy posting for memes
Literally croat tier
Who and why assasinated Mauzer?
>hates croats
>is grumpy sad lowlife
every single time
>at Gronland for a chill night, threw a paki off a bridge and came back with 20 grams of hash, for free
kek, that's how you do it
Someone mentioned Serbs?
What you say my slave ?