Wow, this really makes you think.
Fuck ridiculous beauty standards
Other urls found in this thread:
>not weighing 600lb
>unattainable beauty standard
Try putting down your fork.
>Wow, this really makes you think.
Not really, it makes me puke.
Oh I am lafin
>real women
>genderless blobs with fucked up hormone systems
Look at all the fatties trying to "hide" their gut by stuffing it in their underwear.
I'm attracted to a range of women far broader than what is considered "conventionally beautiful."
Not only that, I'm not attracted to some "conventionally beautiful" women at all.
I don't feel like my sexuality is at all represented by the mainstream, yet I would describe my tastes as fairly vanilla.
I also think most men are in the same camp as me. Not sharing my tastes, but feeling as though the mainstream beauty standards don't really represent them 100%
But I could be wrong.
this fucking fat and still no tits. holy shit that is the ultimate female JUST
Wtf i hate skinny people now. That's it. İ am now a #obesemissile
>weakness positivity
I have two opinions.
Firstly, that being willfully ignorant of your problems makes it impossible to overcome them. You know the first step is admitting you have a problem? This sort of weakness denial, or expecting everything to change except you, is almost the pinnacle of selfishness... Or perhaps they're taking solipsism seriously.
Secondly, if they wish to remain weak that is their issue, but essentially they are preaching something that's harmful to them and the people (usually young women) in the long run. It's denying their agency to excel.
No, you're probably just autistic.
Just sayin'.
Why are so many American women so aggressive? Really unattractive.
>think of this video as the F-bomb-dropping sister to those popular Dove commercials.
I might be going off the deep end here, but i can't help but get an uncanny valley vibe from the description of this video.
Could this be the digital old men floating testing and calibrating their automated propaganda platforms.
She will die at 41
Dyin' isn't attractive
>I follow other beauty standards like using make up and straightening my hair. But not the one that involves me missing a meal
for whom?
People don't understand the difference between respectfully accepting being fat is bad for your own health and bullying fat people.
Really makes you think?
I'm no longer a bone hunter
I am now a chubby chaser
If I flip the middle finger at the this camera and say fuck over and over again then reality might go away :(
The laugh at the end sounded scary
You are homosex
Yeahyeah, and real women can feel like women without having to buy one of your ugly shirts. So there you go fckh8
>Wow, this really makes you think.
You're right. I think I should buy some ham on the way home from work tomorrow.
>my hate is stronger as the reality.
Only 2D can look good with extra fat.
Hey, she's pretty cute.
This FCKH8 is probaly the most jewish chanel on yt.
Those are chunks, not curves
>real women
I never understood this. Like are healthy women supposedly not real?
Anger is projected to hide insecurity.
I love how all these fat, lazy bitches are trying to change SOCIETY and millions of years of evolution, because they're upset that no one finds them attractive.
You're not "real women". You're less than "real women", for constantly trying to shove your shitty beliefs on people. Fat people are not beautiful. Fat is unhealthy and undesirable. Fuck off and die in diabetes, please.
So if by some curse of god fatties do become a beauty standard, then what? We know these people will never stop as they have a constant need to 'change the system' or whatever the fuck. Will it revert back to actually attractive females as a standard or are we going to just keep going until actual sea dwelling whales get some competition for largest mammal?
skinny women aren't real women according to feminist
i dont know how to respond to them anymore
>Content Warning
Whoever's behind FCKH8 is a fucking genius.
Jumping on the "we're so progressive" bandwagon just to sell libtards merchandise.
And these idiots buy everything they put out. It's 2016 after all.
Oh look who it is, the marketing company back at it again with a brand spanking new campaign to hope on the trend wagon.
This man gets it.
>high test 2D loli
Nice meem, have you submitted it to 9gag yet? You could prolly get loads of uplikes for that dank maymay bro.
>I can't believe you shitlord haters. Get over it, its CURRENT YEAR!!!
Like fucking clockwork. At first I thought it was a memer, then I remembered feminists actually talk like this and its not just a joke. Jesus christ.
>real women can have curves
Sure you can be whatever you like but don't cry if Chad doesn't want you
Posting this as a reminder for everyone here who thinks being even remotely fat was ever acceptable or should ever be accepted.
How can 3D even compete?
If they're not real women, are they men? But wouldn't that be considered transphobic?
I don't understand the world anymore.
I'm not saying they can't
It's already obvious
Women have literally one requirement to be attractive for most males. Don't eat like a fucking pig. And they can't even manage that.
>her armpit sweat is so cute
got anymore of her bro? I like that girl next door look
Damn she's hot
>unrealistic beauty standards
I can never get my head around this phrase, it's just so comically inaccurate.
A- These people seem to forget that women cooked up this notion of "beauty standards", where men would have been content for all of history to just fuck the naturally most attractive women without makeup or clothes to hide/improve their looks.
B- the fact that this beauty standard is attainable by women with full-time careers and sometimes multiple children just goes to show that it is, in fact, completely "realistic". Having fashionable cloven hooves for feet and sexy crab pincers for hands is "unrealistic".
Maintaining a healthy weight is by no means "unrealistic" or "ridiculous" by the simple logic that it is wholly attainable by your average person. It's not asking for anything more than an hour of exercise a day at most and a slight change in diet.
You can't even claim socioeconomic shelter from this; all of the foods that exist solely to fill your stomach with next to no calories or saturated fats are dirt cheap. If anything, we should expect you to be thinner than your average celebrity. They have the option of dining on steak every fucking meal of their life and they still manage themselves better than you.
It's like that mens rights group that sold the male tears cups to feminists
Fuck being healthy and living long enough to see you grand-kids get married.
Just tell people that you're healthy at any weight even if your dying.
sweden no!
Say what you like, but making this vid must have been great cardio.
>beauty isn't objective
whatever you say
Looks really familiar.
How can people let themselves get like this? In my early 20s I got up to about 300lbs at my worst. When I realized I had become a fat fuck I started working out and lost 100lbs.
How can people live with themselves when they literally become a blob?
>fill your stomach with next to no calories or saturated fats are dirt cheap
Fats aren't the badguy. humanity has been eating animal fat this whole time and were thin and fit. Fat triggers the satiation effect and tells you that you are full. That's why most people could only eat a few pieces of bacon before they don't want anymore. The problem is the fat-free food campaign, and all the added sugar that has been put into food. Simple carbs don't trigger the satiation effect very well, so you can just eat and eat till the physical strain on your stomach tells you to stop. "Healthy" food has no fats and loads of sugar and that's what we tell people to eat to lose weight and it doesn't work.
Once I learned this I dropped the weight I had gained after a surgery pretty quick, where as I had been struggling with it before because everyone for random strangers to the government was giving me bad advice. The best advice to give people to lose weight is make home cooked meals like people did through most of history.
These FCKH8 videos all seem to be based on the same cowardly, hypocritical way of thinking, or rather (of course) sub-rationally "feeling".
They remind me of those thousands of cheap but always successful Hollywood movies about cops who are so "maverick" and passionate about their jobs that there is basically no difference between them and a gangster. But the sheeple will pay their shekels to watch a guy shoot down 25 people with a Magnum provided he whips out an NYPD or LAPD badge every half hour or so and assures the audence the murder and mayhem is "all in a good cause really". If the hero of the film were JUST a murdering armed gangster the audience would feel scared and guilty and stay away in droves.
I think it's basically the same principle here. What draws people to these videos - and I assume they have SOME audeince, even if not a big one - is above all the great cathartic projectile vomiting of uninhibited contempt and aggression. Look at the expression on the faces of all the women as they take off their clothes. Pure defiant HATRED that wallows in the voluptuousness of brute "counter-aggression" even before they have been aggressed. The stink-finger, the spat-out obscenities - it all appeals basically to human beings' atavistic longing to be allowed to regress into spitting, eye-clawing animality.
But as in the cheap "maverick cop" movies, the liberal YouTube audience can indulge their vilest fantasies of spitting on, beating and reviling people WITH A PERFECTLY CLEAR LIBERAL CONSCIENCE because look!.....aaaahhh....all the obscenity-spitting and hateful glaring and finger-giving is being done in the sweet, tender, humane little cause of touchy-feely human solidarity and liberation after all....
That's great stuff
Ok. Someone has to explain this shit to me.
What the fuck is this fuck hate shit?
They made a few videos years ago and they had absolutely terrible reception. Every single video they have ever made has been awful. No one liked their videos. Even Liberals just pretend these videos don't exist because of how embarrassing they are.
Who makes these?
Why are these videos still being made?
Who benefits from this?
Is Donald Trump funding this to make Liberals look bad? At this point the only thing that makes sense to me is that someone like Trump is funding it to discredit Libtards.
The only message it really sends me is that people don't want to take responsibility for their shitty life decisions so they disguise it and sugarcoat it as "strong" and "brave".
To be "healthy at all sizes" is to be
>pro-heart disease
>pro-premature death
There is NOTHING positive about their message.
>I'am too much of a lazy bitch to lose weight so I'am going to make it OK to be a fat fuck.
" curves "
Damn. Makes you think...
Give these girls a Darwin award
the only D they are getting
it's a t-shirt company
they're just baiting liberals into buying their shit
Why do the fatties tuck their stomach into their underwear?
Whenever I was a kid and saw people do that with pants I thought they had a swollen dick or something
I don't want to watch it, this company is abhorrent
Cant wait to see them photoshopped into something attractive
My friend likes the fat ones. I, myself, cannot say their wobbly overweight frames do much for me . I'm a skinny weed though and don't like being physically smaller than my sexual partner.
I've thought many a time this woman would be fine as fuck if she had a little self respect and discipline to not be such a fat fuck.
man I love his loli pochaco drawings
Same, man.
It kills me that the kind of girls who really turn my crank are always insecure about their looks.
Her name is Kerryn, she's on the website Abby Winters.
Absolutely brilliant. I just bought a textile printer to make t-shirt graphics and I live in San Francisco. Do you think I should do this too?
>Male beauty standards
Spend hundreds of hours in the gym with strict adherence to diet and sleep regimes.
>Female beauty standards
Not be a fat pig
The rates of obesity are far higher in women than they are in men too. Women fail at putting down the god damn fork for 5 minutes.
Go ahead. Those people are embarassingly stupid. If they don't throw their shekels at you they'd find someone else to rob them.
It's a fight or flight response m8. Hence why it's increadibly hard to win an argument against someond w u th entrenched beliefs. Arguing with somone, even in a debate format, triggers this in built animalistic response to aggresion. These people don't even realise they are victims to their biology.
It takes a rare mind to asses and look past this response and asses new information logically. You see it all the time here on Sup Forums.
Source: I dated a neuroscientist for a few years, we had some awesome debates.
epin trole
You guys need to cut this shit out before really makes you think becomes a ban phrase.
*with. Too many late night bourbons.
>(unless their male)
you guys fall for this shit every time
it's a website that's made to trigger the right
look at every video they make. it's some shitty baseline going over people declaring how much they hate something. throw in some gratuitous swearing of children and boom.
It's truly amazing how these fat bitches exercise mental gymnastics to convience others that they are pretty.
>tfw you aren't a retarded edgy Sup Forums tard
>tfw you actually understand that beauty is 100% subjective
>tfw retarded neckbeards will pull MUH RATIO argument ignoring reality and the wide spectrum of things people consider attractive
>tfw you actually do research and don't just spout memes and frogs
>tfw you don't participate in Sup Forums circle jerking and perpetuation of echo chamber
>tfw you pity the stupid people who post inane ignorant garbage on /pol
Grow up people
>missing a meal
See, that's where the fatties go wrong. They think it's all or nothing and the choice is either shoveling down a pile of burgers or not eating anything.
They don't think about filling up on low calorie stuff like vegetables or eating a small meal to compensate for an adjacent larger one.
Women can be fat and disgusting, men have to be handsome, well kept, well built, make money, be polite, etc etc.
It's not the underlying concept you mong. It's hambeasts insisting that morbid obesity isn't a bad thing.
Ivan knows what's up
>beauty is 100% subjective
yet somehow humans always seem to be drawn to the human form instead of fapping to tile patterns
fuck off
I personally know people who refuse to eat veggies and instead eat large quantities of cheese and bread, usually fast food. Veggies taste awful.