Green Politician Stefanie von Berg demands "a Mosque in every district of the city of Hamburg"
Additionally she worked on a paper sketching out the plans for a "mega mosque"
>select all images with a mosque
Green Politician Stefanie von Berg demands "a Mosque in every district of the city of Hamburg"
Additionally she worked on a paper sketching out the plans for a "mega mosque"
>select all images with a mosque
what can we even do about this?
this is like talking about north korea and the situation of the citizens
like what is there even to do?
>Find her address
>"mark" her door
>let vigilantes do the rest of the work
I propose upside down crosses.
its the same anti-german lesbo cunt who said its a good thing that ethnic germans will be a minority in their big cities eventually. She's just a degenerate commie attention whore
what vigilantes?
the only people who would do anything would be eastern european immigrants in germany
ethnic germans are pathetic faggots on an unspeakable scale
faggot you know exactly what has to be done, dont ask stupid questions
how much backlash does she get?
does she have alot of following or does everybody hate her?
yeah, I know, spread right wing ideology on mainstream websites like youtube
we have to have the support of the people to start taking right wing action
i think at this point a civil war or at least violent uprising against the established politicians is inevitable.
We only have to look at the past to see how our ancestors dealt with traitorous politicians/leaders.
Western Europeans have to realise that playing the "Democracy Game" is hopeless and rigged from the roots. Violence is an option.
>the only people who would do anything would be eastern european immigrants in germany
That'll do.
I saw graffiti of australia with a cross in it here (means "not Australian")
I think they got hit too.
Well at least when Muslims take over she will get beheaded
in the past "our people" wasn't a mass of mentally retarded easily manipulable cucks
i dont think anybody outside of Hamburg even knows her. The only thing that got her a little attention is this video
and that only got attention because it was shared on pol and alt-right international media. I've never heard anyone in my personal life offline even talk about her.
>upside down crosses
You know that's the symbol of the POPE?
Can you link her twitter so I can insult her?
actually they were. They were far more easily manipulated that todays population.
well, yeah... you're right...
but atleast they were manipulated in a good way
I honestly blame the brits and americans, they systematically worked to ingrain self hatred in germans.
what's munich like?
gonna work there for a while, should i be scared?
it'll be interesting to see if germany is as fucked up as Sup Forums says it is.
>Green Politician Stefanie von Berg demands "a Mosque in every district of the city of Hamburg"
Kill her.
Europe = Islam
USA = Jewish
WW3 when?
Ive been there.
Half of the city is mudslime and other half is whorehouse.
I call it Haramburg.
This is that cunt who famously said words to the effect of "Germans will go extinct within 20 years, and this is a GOOD thing".
Just remove her, Germans. She's going to kill you.
Soon my friend
Hopefully I can hop over and join the Anglo foreign legion
What's the Pope's/Vatican's view of what is happening to Europe?
she didnt actually say that she said hamburg is going to be a city without any clear ethnic majority a "supercultural" city and thats a good thing.
He wants more refugees.
He kissed the feet of multiple refugees.
You've been living under a rock or something? Someone post the infopics for this ignorant Anglican.
Yes and?
The vatican is the whore of babylon letting them in.
But why? Shouldn't greens be atheist or some shit? Or that count only when fight against Christians?
I see whatcha want shmuel.
I propose staging an "accident"
That way this jew doesn't get a martyr to exploit.
And of Peter. Man such a death is sure worse than the normal cross.
>Or that count only when fight against Christians?
Correct. Also
>the official colour of Islam
You do know Berg is a German surname?
Only in non german countries does it usually indicate judaism.
>Though I still suspect you're correct
Haven't you seen the pics of the pope kissing refugee feet?
I've spent the past 2 months in Ukraine so sorry I'm not exactly up to date with everything your kind have been doing to my subcontinent Abdul.
I know he is pro helping refugees because of humanitarianism from the Church. But what about the obvious. Islamification and mosques in Europe?
>But what about the obvious. Islamification and mosques in Europe?
Totally for it because
>Muslims are our brothers in Christ
Actual quote.
>>Muslims are our brothers in Christ
>Actual quote.
Ok now I'm convinced the vatican is trying to lure muslims in to cause either an adverse reaction to them, or to teach Christians to act on their beliefs again.
He's playing the bad guy.
Is there actualy a chance electing a based Pope? If he dies, are there any based cardinals that have a chance?
Fuck this gay earth.
Try to create growth in Catholicism by propping up against the muslim aggressor? Like US with Commies?
Well this is no coincidence since green is the colour of islam
If a conventional political entity doesn't deport the migrants, someone else will.
Nobody is voting the greens anymore, they're completely irrelevant.
How much longer will you perpetrate this anti-German bullshit here? We're not leaving.
nearly all "jewish" surnames are german names. "their" fucking language (Yiddish) is just a German dialect.
they were just voted in in the third most popules state, nigger
>Yiddish is German
>what's this germ on abo-
>find he's correct.
I... what?
filthy jews have stolen absolutely everything, including their names and fucking language, both of which they then crapped up
Is Berg a Jewish name?
>actually they were. They were far more easily manipulated that todays population.
>implying there were no advances in indoctrination and propaganda since the end of WWII
>implying new pervasive and ubiquitous technology/media wasn't a game changer
Does an American eat cheeseburgers?
if there are churches in every district there should also be mosques
Go to Mecca and request church near every mosque
>be Muslim
>flee your country because of IS and Nusra
>Christianity is welcoming and treats you like a brother
>stop being Muslim
It's pretty obvious what the Vatican's going for.
60% chance
Muslim here.
>inb4 kill yourself
Why are western women WANTING islam so bad? I mean, I see these Swedish and German female polititians wanting more islam and mosques in their homelands. They also want masses of crime riddled niggers too.
Do they WANT their quality of lives to downgrade or something?
Also, why are there so many women in top tier jobs within Germany and Sweden? Are they both a matriarchy?
Pretty cucked if so.
>it won't be harder to breathe
>dying only after a day because of brain edema
>Stefanie von Berg
>von Berg
Im not a Genius in these things. But wouldnt the blood atleast keep him kinda alive more than Jesus?
They are american puppets
They are globalists
kill yourself
especially in west germany where live millions turks, arabs etc
That's not gonna work.
Muslim mean won't just give in their faith.
In fact, trying to cuck them with christianity will just confirm their own faith in Islam
We need a strong uncucked pope NOW.
Meanwhile: The party has two percent less than the AFD
> Berg
Every famn time.
kill yourself
Yeah, do not pay too much attention to this delusion. Even the leftists are slowly being eaten alive by their followers since they start to reject unconditional asylum for everyone on the planet.
>german cucks committing self genocide and aspiring to become a failed state along with UK, Belgium, Netherlands and other inferior anglo latrines
>all while producing a generous supply of dank memes and keks
damn son, aren't u going a little far with this?
>failed state
wait, wait... Jew wants to help us? Something smells wrong...
pure coincidence.
I can smell that you are this paid berlusconi shill that talks in every second thread how great he is. You always speak in the same manner. Shoo shoo shill!
>she had been killed by nationalist
>fuck nationalist
>we should import more refugees to force Europe be tolerant
Sshhhh, it will be all over soon
She's white and a product of the jews.
Of course jews want white to kill other whites when instead we should be killing the jews forcing germany to accept shitskins.
>kill yourself
They are globalist marxists, were it another religion they would be doing the same
>von Berg
To integrate migrants from African countries, we need an active-plan with correspondigly law changes.
1. There must be enough money(welfare, child benefits, impregnation bonus) for families and single mothers
2. The daughters are to be supervised by gynecologist, preferably of african descent to make the young girls used to spreading their legs for African migrants. For education there are plastic models to be used, the male genitalia modeled after an african one, the female genitalia modeled after an white european one. Interracial relationships must be the norm.
3. As soon as the girls get their first menstruation and reach the legal age, the parents transfer their authority over her daughters sexual development to the gynecologist.
4. Together with the gynecologist the daughter chooses a migrant of African descent as her sexual partner. The gynecologist takes responsibility for the migrants physical health.
5. The gynecologist then introduces to African migrant to the erogenous zones of the young girl while she's fixated.
6. Henceforth the migrant spends his nights with the young girl and is responsible for her defloration and vaginal fertilization.
7. If the daughter is suspected to have intercourse with white men, she has to wear a chastity belt. The migrant is in total control over the chastity belt.
8. Birth control is ensued by implants or injections. Condoms discriminate against Africans and are prohibited due to that. The daughter has to learn to get creampied from the very beginning, that her vagina is made for African sperm.
9. Immediatly after impregnation the migrant takes the girl to the gynecologist, who checks the semen DNA. If the DNA matches with the migrant's DNA, the girl gets tattoed above her vagina and her parents get the first bonus transfered to their account.
10. The gynecologist then cancels the birth control. In the ideal case, the impregnation directly follows the defloration.
11. As far as possible the migrant should keep having vaginal intercourse with the girl until she gives birth.
12. After giving birth, the daughter gets another tattoo and the parents get the second bonus transfered to their account. Every sexual intercourse eases integration for the African Migrants.
13. governmental institutions are to ensure proper supervision for the mixed-race babies.
14. Every African migrant is allowed to sleep as often as he wishes wth a white girl until a mixed baby is born. In case of miscarriage, the impregnation process is to reinitiated. If the number of migrants increase, the number of mixed babies must be adjusted accordingly.
15. To ensure, that all african Migrants get their right of residence as soon as possible, after delivery another migrant has to use the white girl until further impregnation.
16. After giving birth to the mandatory number of mixed-race babies, the daughter is free to found a family with a white european male. But the African migrants' right for sexual intercourse takes priority. The receipt of monetary bonuses obliges the daughter to further accept migrant sperm if not occupied. For this purpose mattressess are layed next to refugee shelters and carriage of additional migrant children is honored with additional bonuses.
17. This plan takes a stand against racism, through the obligation for interracial sex between white girls and Africa
German wombs are for African superior, rich, diverse semen
> tanned german man
>City is supercultural.
>Mosque is in every district.
>MFW they call this diversity.
i see she's sporting the merkel approved haircut.
wing is irrelevant at this point.
They want Islam because they are racist and think Muslims are too stupid not to get rapey with them, which rightly turns them on.
You see their own rape-free culture has emasculated all their men so that they would never get even a little rapey in the bedroom which leaves them dry as dust.
So they think brown Muslims don't know any better - they'll act like a real man.
And when they do: RAPE! RAPE! Oh it was awful. And now I have AIDS from an ex-paki-bus-driver-boi-fucker.
>ha german infidels must be punish takbir
u awful gemoney
Germany's fault for letting people like that live..
>Potato man blames Brits
What a surprise.
kill traitors, kill invaders
The problem of Germany(and associated entities) has always been that they were too easily manipulated into doing absolutely stupid shit.