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wew, really makes you think
She used to be a model.
Obviously when she becomes First Lady she will dress appropriately.
Liberals will literally push their agenda without knowing the full story.
M. Trump is a fucking model while M. Obama is a lawyer. I would hope they would be held to different standards
Why is there a man posing as the first lady?
holy fuck i want those thighs to crush my neck
I wonder how many pull ups Misheboon can do.
Guess I'm a #Bernout now
>profession dictates morality
Honestly can't wait for her to be my First Lady
What is the Hypocrisy?
Michelle has Man Arms
Doesn't it?
michael obama looks like a man. it wasnt that her arms were exposed though liberals will complain about that now days because muslims dont like it
>trying to slut shame a former model
How very liberal of them
Why are liberals telling women how to dress modestly?
fixed pic
Melania's hot so it's alright. Michelle looks like a tranny.
Why are they slut shaming her?
Uhh, slut shaming much?
''Michelle'' CC's her gun, if you know what i mean.
Daily reminder that Liberal feminists have no problem saying a woman "looks like a hooker" if they don't like her husband
That's a male ape
Whats wrong with her eyes? Did she got them cut?
I'll complain when she does that shit as the first lady. Nice try cuckasaurus.
Remember when Obama had a hot wife?
>oh wait... he didn't...
Remember when anyone was outraged that Michelle Obama was a hot model?
>oh wait...
Remember when anyone wanted to fuck Michelle Obama?
>yeah, lel...
>Remember when people thought Donald Trump married a man?
>bwahahahaha, ok, stahp
>Wanting a mail order bride first lady
>Wanting a whore first lady
Fucking degenerates
>Being homosexual
Stop fucking slut shaming you bigot bastard!
>Being 14
I want to suck a fart out of her ass and hold it like a bong hit so bad.
Why are liberals trying to slut shame Don's wife? She's empowered by dressing whatever way she wants.
>Being homosexual
theres no hypocrisy because Michelle is a man and Melania, a woman.
>Being this incapable of coming up with another insult
>Being this hopelessly retarded
I cannot wait until us Muslims in Britain let the rest if our brothers from Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Well come and annex you degenerate western fucks.
>first lady
What sort if cuck shit is this? Women should have no say.
Pic related is Britain's future prime minister. Based as fuck
That's not her...
>being homosexual
>Here's a female doing fashion shoots, a feminine activity
>Remember how the republicans complained about a man in a dress?
She was cuter before.
Yeah. Would you expect a female judge to wear the same thing as a stripper? Or even more ridiculous, tho other way around
>remember when republicans complained about Michelle Obama's arms?
Uh, no. I really don't.
Did that ever actually happen, or was it like the Starbucks cup thing, where all the complaining was just liberals complaining about what they imagined right-wingers might say?
what starbucks cup thing?
Trumps wife is a degenerate
Nah we complained about her looking like a chimp. No one cared that she showed her arms, its just that they were just very masculine.
>Being from an irrelevant country
>like the Starbucks cup thing
This is absolutely fucking correct
starbucks took the snowflakes off the christmas cups and made them pure red. then all the retards started crying about people crying about the "war on christmas" there was like 10k tweets about it people hating on the cup and maybe one tweet where someone said they didn't like it
>the fact that liberals slut shame women in the first place
is liberalism seriously even a real movement?
No, it's a mental illness
>michael obama
It was some sort of shit having to do with Starbuck's christmas cups last year. It was just like plain red with no traditional christmas iconography. Some blue haired hatchetface somewhere said something about how those stupid theistic idiotic unenlightened christians would probably get angry at "Starbucks taking the christ out of christmas hurr hurr". Tumblr and Reddit proceed to blow up with herds of fedora-tippers instagramming their cups while raging against the eeeevil republiKKKunts they imagined were boycotting Starbucks or something. It was literally a movement created to oppose something that never happened.
Islam is the pinnacle of cuckoldry. Total submission to an imaginary moon god is for the weak.
Profession dictates appropriate dress.
holy fuck i never heard of this. or maybe i dont remember it but christ...liberals and sjws blow everyhting up so hard
Don't remember anybody complaining about anybody's arms
To be fair there was this 'Christian' called Joshua feirstein that made a video ranting about how dare they remove a real American hero from their product
Remember when Obongo called """""Michelle"""""" Michael and didn't even notice/correct it?
Michael and Obongo were the first gay couple in the White House. Well done America.
People just don't want a transvestite for a first lady.
>girls age
Shills -> hashtags, every fucking time
That's the type of Republican that was a CruzMissile because he wanted to make the US a Christian Saudi Arabia.
Republicans aren't a monolithic group.
[spoiler]Democrats increasingly are though[/spoiler]
>being homosexual
First post best post.
Melanie looks like a hot Bond girl.
Michelle looks like a villain henchman.
That's the nice way to say she's ugly. Remember when you someone tries to hook you up with a girl and they say, 'yeah she's really funny and down to earth.' Well, that's Michelle.
And that is how one says Melania is hot as fuck and worthy of being paid for sex. Though high class escort would be better suited.