Why is Turkey so hated on here? Serious question.
Why is Turkey so hated on here? Serious question
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Because they are the most cancerous people on the internet. If you don't think this you:
1. Have never met a turk online.
2. Are turkish.
historic expansionist aggression and genocide against the greek, assyrian and armenian peoples
as well as being shitty kebab immigrants in germany uk etc
as well as erdogans policy in syria
1. Full of ISIS loving fanatic Muslims
2. Full of Muslims
3. Full of Islamist Muslims
4. Shot down a Russian plane fighting Islamic fanatics
5. Sent 2 million Islamists to the EU in order to pressure Germany
Turkey is like North Korea, just more fucked up.
anzu gets posted here all the time tho
supports isis
Because the support ISIS and because they are turk's
Nobody dislikes turkish girls, only turkish guys and turkey in general
Pretty much this. They seem to leave a trail of shit whenever and wherever they post here.
Cause of King Roach, and all of his supporters, who happen to make up the majority of the populace.
Many reasons:
>first shitskins to invade Europe
>first shitskins to rape white women and force them into sexually slavery
>first shitskins to invade Europe in modern-era (moved to Germany in the 70's-today)
>let millions of rapist shitskins into Europe through their borders
>demand billions from E.U.
>gets billions but still threatens E.U. with more shitskins if they don't give turkroaches visa-free travel
>funds isis
>shoots down Russian plane for no reason
>funds other muslim movements throughout Europe
Seriously, the list goes on and on.
pretty much all of these. also they are such roaches that they're easy to make fun of.
Because king turkroach and his followers want to rebuild the ottoman empire by sending mudshits to Europe. Also they fund islamist movements all over the world including ISIS.
They try to blackmail the EU on a regular basis and king roach always thinks he can control our justice system just because a lot of roaches are living here.
Now he and his followers even try to take influence on our governmental decisions regarding the armenian genocide.
Pretty sure you support ISIS
Because you are weak and blindly follow your leaders.
Turkish terrorists leave the world alone
People simply don't like muslim pigs, it's a pretty universal thing.
Because majority of Turkey are muslims. Islam is literally the worst thing on the planet. Even I hate Turkey.
Because they cheat in cyka-blyad global offensive. Oh, wait, this isn't Sup Forums...
çünkü zamanında analarını siktik götleri yanık
iplemeyeceksin hacum
563 tears ago.
hello pol ^^
It all changed after downing of Russian jet, it's now in thing to hate Turks on Sup Forums.
Probably because of that faggot that posts dead Americans.
That faggot is 16 something yold Islamist k*rd from Elazığ.
>patriotic mudslimes
>99% muslim
>fund ISIS
>want to pump white wimminz full of roach seed
>will break europe
>believe we won't retake constantinople
Every white man of the west in this thread I say to you: You will end the life of a turkroach in your lifetime. Work hard and get in shape. The fight is just ahead.
shitskin* bunu
It's just an Sup Forums meme that leaked
ayy lmao
i get turks to shave and cut my hair
they stink like kebab but they do a decent job
minimum wage cunts, they are the dregs of civilization
They were supposed to be our allies and the only democratic majority-moslem country with a secular constitution
Now they are wahabi-tier and even released an islamic assassin from prison to IS.
When we break through your defenses and the last of you remain, we'll let the greeks go in and finish the job. They deserve as much.
You'll be put to the sword in your lifetime, Mehmet. If you hink the EU dream will save you you're so far wrong.
you are edgy mad and jelly
we were good at that time
Turkposters are assholes. Ive met one decent one on this board that doesnt spam pictures of dead americans (maybe thats just one very dedicated roach) and poorly worded rants against the west. Just one.
What's it like to have skin the color of shit, t*rkroach?
Putin could stomp you all out in a week if he wanted to.
they are barely human
>Full of ISIS loving fanatic Muslims
>Full of Muslims
>Full of Islamist Muslims
what does it mean
>Shot down a Russian plane fighting Islamic fanatics
defended their borders
>Sent 2 million Islamists to the EU in order to pressure Germany
>blaming turks for eurotards' incompetence
here is your +15, back to rt comment section ivan
Why turks are so obssessed to typing k*rt?
Is there like censorship on this word in turkey?
im white af unlike you
when were being african, latin, portugal, spanish counted as white
>Why is Turkey so hated on here?
They are an islamic nation and people hate mudshits
the amount of butthurt pol displays against us is material
try and take on what i'm saying and tell me how you feel about it.
the western world looks at you as a cancer.
are you proud of your heritage and culture? would you die to defend it?
you do not live near any turks huh?
Gule siktir
The first shitskins to enslave Europeans were muslims before the first crusade. They continued to enslave even more after the crusades. Turks only continued enslaving Europeans. Turkey is a shithole.
Because country name is shitty. Why didn't you name yourselves Eagle or Hawk? Turkeys are good only for eating. In American slang , a "turkey" is something which sucks. First step towards becoming accepted and liked is rebranding.
Nah it's just some thing that happened in some forum in here. Its like someone considered calling someone else a Kurd was an insult, so to not offend that person he wrote k*rd meanwhile "not realizing" that he was offending every k*rd that reads it basically.
>defended their borders
So should Greece shoot down every plane that violates her airspace? Because many of them do daily.
Serious question, should we?
>the western world looks at you as a cancer.
they are megaretards that elected bunch of megaretards, who cares. they have culturally fallen, and they are soon to lost their culture.
>are you proud of your heritage and culture? would you die to defend it?
uhm do it?
No, there are plenty of other Islamic nations not hated as much as turkey
Turkey is rightfully hated for
>invading Cyprus
>Genociding the Armenians
>Attempting to genocide to Kurds
>Turning tha Hagia Sophia into a mosque
>Funding Isis
>Shooting down a Russian jet
nationalism is on the rise, roach.
do you plan to come to europe?
it will be retaken in our lifetime
>they lost their culture and deserve it
Anatolians were christians, or at least not mudslime. I guess you guys deserved to have your culture torn up as well too.
That's an easy one. Because they are muslims.
Hope dies last.
Turkey has been hated throughout history by literally everyone around the world. They contribute nothing and boast themselves as an important member of society and act entitled. Their aggression also backfires a lot of the time as countries around it have pushed its shit in multiple times in history. The Ottoman empire was a piece of shit empire and didn't achieve anything.
Plus they are ugly and smelly cunts and people loved the movie Midnight Express.
563 years ago it fell to the roaches.
My family was actually living in Constantinople a few generations back. I hope i live to see us reclaim it.
We don't hate Turkey, but we laughed when they wanted to be part of EU.
>do you plan to come to europe?
>nationalism is on the rise, roach.
>meanwhile elected a muslim as mayor
who cares, its over for you already, you are done. enjoy your sjw fascism.
>muh culture @ 3k years ago
anyway i g2g, love seeing desperate buttblasted delusional poltards shitposting while muslims and jews are even overthrowing their parliaments. now keep sucking k*rdish cock or some shit as much as you can as they are your last hope and their movement are getting btfo as we talk.
>inb4 shooting a heli > 7k+ casualties
cya pol, stay mad and cucked
side by side brother, the day is coming
run away little bitch
lmao dream on, little boy. cya
Tons of Europeans would gladly go crusading if it meant retaking Constantinople
>historic expansionist aggression and genocide
But the Germans did this and worse but Sup Forums worships them?
so you want to see the world be taken over by your faith and beliefs/way of life
you wish for immigration to continue and spread and breed the white man out of his homes
can't you see and be open to the possibility that maybe turks have a horrible history they really should be ashamed of?
Go on ahead, I'm sure we're not approaching your borders with bombers but please do so.
Europe has already fallen, all those "nationalist" people can't even form a stable family.
You can thank fucking French for that, before nationalism thing there were many Christians and other minorities in Turkey, but after the declaration of Republic there were formal population exchanges between Balkans and Turkey.
Also it's funny how none of your people recognized Armenia until Soviets collapse, and the general tone here is kill Turks and reclaim Constantinople and recognize k*rds, even though Turks don't have that kind of attitude towards west. I know your average Sup Forums user isn't that bright but you guys are free to gain power in your own countries and change treaties against Turkey before helping your fellow countrymen or even to detriment of your fellow countrymen, until then keep jerking off the thought of being superior to Turks and fighting for Istanbul, meanwhile the most obnoxious feminists will climb the political ladder instead of you united people against Turkey.
Turks are the NIGGERS of Europe. Even worse than Italians. They should have all been exterminated when the old Ottoman Empire fell. The also smell of onions and garlic. The so-called "turk smell" is a real thing, just like niggers have a smell to them. Same effect and scenario.
Because of kremlin bots practicing subversion
>Still being this buttmad over something over 500 years ago. Get over it already.
Where does calling turks roaches come from?
Side by side.
The day will come, mock all you want.
Πάλι με χρόνους, με kαιρούς, πάλι διkιά μας θα 'ναι
The turks in this thread are good examples of why they are so hated on here.
>burger treachery
you should be ashamed of yourself, m8. i know plenty of your countrymen who would die fighting for such things alongside me.
1. Germans were attractive
2. Germans invented things and contributed to human development. The Turks invent nothing, but take and enslave
Because every new demographic posting on Sup Forums goes through a hazing ritual to see if they can handle the bantz. Turkroaches failed, just like the Poo in Loos.
Now they get shat on.
From the fact that cockroaches are the equivalent of Truks
>they're ugly and unwanted
>they only appear in filthy conditions
>they invade homes
>they need to be stomped/gassed
>they're hated by lots of people
Also roaches and Turks share a common genetic ancestor.
I thought us Canucks were the most hated currently?
>Also roaches and Turks share a common genetic ancestor.
Ashkenazim Jews ???
No you're an afterthought like in everything you do.
You deserve no extremity in any ranking.
So do rats and jews
Let me tell you something: Most people sometimes even forget that you and your country exist.
Nothing against Canada, it is just nothing happens in your place except burning woods and LBGT-1984-laws.
really roach?
1. nationalism.
2. more words than doing actual efficient work.
3. country is going backwards
4. their leader is backstabbing and doesn't even know what he's doing.
I find it hard to believe this statement came from a Greek.
If you've lived in berlin long enough, you'll know. Though other arabs are becoming worse here.
Turkey is the 2nd worst country on earth after Saudi Arabia, Mehmet. It's not up for debate.
Germans are tall, attractive aryans who mostly killed gypsy scum, jews, faggots, commies and other undesirables.
Turkey are hairy, stunted, ugly troll-people who murdered good christians peoples. Destroyed Constantinople and invaded christendom.
top kek