How do we fix the problem of alcoholism?
How do we fix the problem of alcoholism?
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Bolivians drink less but there are more alcoholics there. They are stupid and don't know how to drink, and also have shit genes
convert to islam, kuffar
Embrace the redpilled religion, Islam.
Wtf Korea
Nuke Russia
we drink becoz we sad
Stop treating healthcare like a right and let the drunks die off.
You should see the fucking Italians in pubs over here.
They order a cup of coffee and a bottle of water between about five of them and spend three hours waving their hands around like they've got tourettes.
Of course, the Kikes want to fix Alcoholism.
Take away one of the few pleasures in life we have left :
I like this map.
>Muhrica, white country, less Muslim they say
>Europe, supposedly flooded by migrants, still drinks more alcohol than Muhrica
Stop being silly. Alcohol is a solution, not a problem.
Koreans love their Soju
We were once dealing with Koreans and they asked for "entertainment money", I asked my boss if it's a bribe and he said no, it's literally entertainment money, they celebrate by going out drinking and fucking hookers all night
This statistic is inaccurate regarding Poland
alcoholism is not the problem, but just a symptom.
kill off the reasons why people have to flee their existence and they won't drink.
Russia has shitton of Muslims
What? You guys drink nearly as much as we do
Embrace Islam my jewbro
There is literally nothing wrong with drinking alcohol.
Always knew yugos arent real slavs
kill all the white people
Guess whether or not I'm drunk right now.
Smoke weed instead. Serious.
That's what i'd do if not for fashy ass drug testing.
Canada's heap's white. Australia's way more dark
It will fix itself eventually
Your answer for everything isnt it?
This will never happen unless there is a grand reversal to a more primitive and natural lifestyle.
The modern world stresses people out.
When you live in shack inna woods, you dont have debt, you don't have societal expectations, you just have your freedom and will to survive.
Provide access to dopaminergic drugs.
>Not Black
Disappointing desu
> higher alcohol consumption is apparently an indicator of success.
>tax alcohol at 80%
>tax imported alcohol even more
>surprised no one drinks in a country with an average yearly income of 10k USD
tea is better anyway
Legalize weed.
Seriously. It will help even in Russia, despite our strong and old tradition of alcoholism.
It will also help with removing synthetic drugs out of market.
But someone on the top of the gov makes shittons of profit from alcohol and "illegal drugs" so it will never happen here.
We drink more or less the same as the Germans
We drink a lot but I don't know any alcoholics, maybe other than those random homeless guys that are always wasted but they're semi rare. I don't see the problem.
The problem is that so many Australians abuse it that the definition is a lot more specific and restricted. Realistically most people under 25 in Australia are alcoholics.
Amazing pic
That's because it's absolutely haram
Higher liquor tax
S A D B O Y ?
couldn't they make even more with weed aswell
the government controls the drug trade either way, legalization only increases revenue
Extreme restriction of alcohol is even worse than alcoholics. People will not stop drinking. They will drink homebrew shit, made out of all sorts of sometimes dangeous materials and produced in horrible conditions. The black market will always provide alcohol.
i dont understand why would you drink tea when its always 30c outside
sounds horrible
That doesn't work. We've tried it.
It's not a solution, it's a distillate.
I'm not a muslim
What is pure alcohol? I drink about 100 handles of 80 proof a year, should I cut back?
(I also drink 1200 12 oz cans of coke if that makes a difference.)
very much unsurprised about the uk
yes jesus christ you'll be dead in a year
You don't get it. Why legalize weed and sell it for 2000 rubles per gramm, giving 80% as the tax then you ban it and sell illegaly for 1000 per gramm, sharing nothing?
Also, so called "spice". Synthetic cannabioid. Easy to produce in tons, cheap. Harmful to health in many ways, but who gives a shit? Now imagine they legalize weed, whitch is much harder to produce comparing to chemical "spice". And weed is also have a better kick and less harmful. And now it's legal, Who will need spice after that? No one.
Warm water absorbs itself faster to the system
Lower drinking age and normalise it so it's not such a big deal to get shitfaced at 13.
I've been doing it for 3 already... i'm not drinking all day either, just the 3 hours before i goto sleep.
>muh fire water
based North Korea
>no prostitution
>no kpop degeneracy
>no cosmetic mutilation
>no pornography
>no alcoholism
how can the North be so based ?
I read this in Chekhov's voice.
you've gotta be fucking kidding me
If you inbred bitches won't take islam seriously then you deserve to be called a roach.
So 80 proof is 40% ethanol alcohol
200 proof would be pure alcohol
Chuchhe and strict order.
This Chehov? He lived before recording voice was even made.
KEK at the distinction between the Balearic Islands and the continental Spain.
Tourism is a hell for alcoholics in the eastern coast.
Porn is banned in South Korea too.
No, from star trek
It keeps them warm where it's cold so they drink. Look at Russia and Canada.
>make great beer
>have high alcohol per capita consumption
It's not rocket science.
What about Portugal and Andorra and the freakin' Caribbeans
Good quote
Another one
>I know a man who gave up drinking, smoking and women. He was perfectly healthy up until the moment he killed himself
alcohol>brain damage>impotence>death related to alcholics> 3.3 million deaths or 5.9 percent of all global deaths.
Why do italians and icelandic drink so few compared to other westerners ?
Doubt it. Alcohol is haram
They left out a lot of shit there btw.
I'm pretty sure there's a website that's just pictures of drunk people on the streets in korea. It's supposed to raise awareness of alcoholism or some bullshit.
Are you off the clock or something?
It's horribly hot and ice cold beer is delicious.
Also wine and cola with a shitton of ice is refreshing.
Living is the cause of the death of the 100% of the human. It causes cancer, heart diseases, lung diseases...
The oxigen is toxic and is the main cause of the cellular ageing and therefore it kills.
>It's horribly hot and ice cold beer is delicious.
>Also wine and cola with a shitton of ice is refreshing.
Ah shit that sounds good.
Anyway I don't think climate is the strongest variable.
drink some more
keep up, lightweights
Greenland would probably be around 33%.
Pic not related.
Now I know why they call it PORTugal!
Jesus Christ Carlos
>Only niggers and sandniggers hate alcohol
>Graph proves it.
Fuck off kike. Alcohol has been a European tradition for millennia.
being an alcoholic under 25 is called "being under 25"
High taxes mean more moonshine, that's all.
the map actually shows that cumskins and blacks love alcohol
while asians and muslims don't
you're clearly looking at a different map to me
I don't have the time to be an alcoholic because I have to work
Gotta get that German money somehow
Africans in the west drink a lot.
Wasn't Courvoisier saved recently by being sponsored by some nig American rapper?
This, kikes know nothing.
I would have figured mexico for at least red.
It's not a problem that can be fixed unless the alcoholic wants to fix it.
t. recovering alcoholic
I just spent 6 months in Korea.
Koreans are fucking insane drinkers. Their alcohol is awful as well.