Redpilling the Normies

Hey Sup Forumslacks,

how is the Idea of an website (called where all our pictures are saved, like from easier topics to whole holohoax like.

I image it like a site, where of course you click on morpheus hand on the redpill and there you'll get to different registers.

>1. True Islam and fucking Isis,

also the whole gore shit and how diverse and tolerant it is. That they are behaving like monkeys and executing christian refugees or what they did to burma etc. There should be enough

>2. Antifa Zombies + Leftists or Bernie/Shillary >Supporters

(with many pics of the degenerates as possible that any sane being will think 'holy fuck what happened to the world'). Also how aggressive they are and that they're the real neo nazis. Including aids skrillex, carl the cuck and all entertaining videos from the /trumpgeneral/

>3. European Union

who are fucking the normal citizens over the whole time and just wanna import the refugees (aka terrorists) to replace the white people in society

>4.1 National Germany,

how Hitler wasn't a bad guy and fought against the international bankers and prevailed the jewish revolution, build up one of the best countries of the world (rip drittes Reich) and was finally defeated by a bankers inflicted world war.

>4.2 The true face of nazi Germany + the >Holocaust is a lie.

All faked pictures plus their originales, the newspaper articles, the interviews, the ausschwitz 'hollocoaster' stories, the organized lies by the survivors, the science stuff that implicies that ovens cant burn bodies that fast, the spread of typhus and how it looks like (If its not making 'click' in a rational critical thinking human being, than I dont know anymore) .After that we should see the proud germans, how organized they were, that everything was tidy and people were nice to each other, the youthcamps and scouts and the pridefull army.

>5. Modern bankers/geo policy,

how the globalists are turning europe and other countries into a third world shithole, the pure coincidence that the whole media is controlled by jews (here we could show our infographics and the dumb posts of the big american newschannels that are all against trump and always shilling the exact same thing against him, how intolerant he is and bigot,sexists, anti female, blablabla

>6. Solution

Our 'League of Justice' Trump, Hofer, Petry, Geert etc. What they are standing for, how they are treating normal people like normal people even if they are black or brown, aslong they are not illegal and committing crimes.

bumping with trump


anti german news magazine

the heros

cuties for trump

disgusting cucks

fat fucks


















Blaming the jews and not the real enemy (women) is bluepilled as fuck.

All the problems you listed exist because of women.

you are right, i forgot fucking feminism and women

>Poland = Korwin

Nice, you got that right laddy.

And who gave women power ? They didn't just took it you know.