Minister of the Interior Thomas De Mazière suggests prohibiting surfing anonymously in order to prevent Hatespeech.
He regards increasing violence against refugees as a result of anonymous "hatecomments"


Other urls found in this thread:

Your firsthand accounts of a self hating society will be missed, Hans.

Looks like we won't see Germans on Sup Forums for a while then.


>He regards increasing violence against refugees
What increasing violence?
Like 99% of violence against refugees is committed by other refugees.
This man is living under a rock.

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every german should just put "Hans" in the name field

Well we would come and help but...

"We are prohibiting surfing anonymously so we can track, find and destroy the lives of anyone who opposes us"

>The nazis were the nasty ones not us, trust us.

We all know its intentional at this point.

Please tell the EU this.
1984 is not a handbook.

Every Western government has made similar proposals.

But I guess when Germany does it, it's worth a funny shitpost.

>Frauen can walk around in their hydras
>i cannot benutzen Sup Forums

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase start shooting these people, Hans. So much stomach-churning treason.

looks like someone mistook fiction for a political manifesto.

Because no other flags get mocked on Sup Forums do they Hans?

You have the victim complex and lack of banter worth only of a fucking American, the least humourous people on the internet.

Maybe you guys should already stop posting as Anonymous and start entering your real name instead. It's hard to stop bad habits...

What did he mean by this?

>He regards increasing violence against refugees as a result of anonymous "hatecomments"
>increasing violence against refugees as a result of anonymous "hatecomments
>result of anonymous "hatecomments

>Not the thousands of Muslims that the government let in, who have flooded the country, and brought with them violence, intolerance, and severe financial strain on the people.

Your government is one step away from doing your thinking for you and telling you what to believe.

is he a minister of east goymoney or west?

I know this is nothing new, but it is always strange to think how politicians can be openly hostile to their own population and nothing comes out of it. They don't get punished for it, they don't lose their jobs. Aside from some comments on a news website that probably will get shut down soon as well.
How did it happen? It seems to be the same in all western countries, so you can't just blame the shoah.


>being anonymous in 2016

Come on guys..

>I know this is nothing new, but it is always strange to think how politicians can be openly hostile to their own population and nothing comes out of it.


if socialist shitbags like that publicly spoke out to destroy,let's say, Turkey's cultural Identity by flooding the lands with hostile foreigners this faggot would be gunned down before he laid down to go to sleep.

we should be more tollerant and progressive


doesnt tell me anything

They are already doing so

Mit der Wahl 2017 wird das alles in Ordnung kommen.

Just reported this, have fun in the pokey faggots.

fuck I hate this planet.

>implying this is a bad thing
if you're afraid of the consequences after saying something maybe you're the wrong guy to say it
could help the debate become less edgy rage and more constructive

>They don't get punished for it
This is why they do it of course.

I think the main issue with Democracy is that it by its very nature attracts egotistical greedy narcissists on a power trip. Hence why they are overwhelmingly Liberal Art students, Bankers, Lawyers etc.

Merkel is kind of odd in this respect as she has a STEM background, but I guess once a Red always a Red.



You know that the federal goverment than would be able to run an automatic list with people that list everybody who opposes the federal goverment?

Stop taking this as anything more than an empty threat, this has been suggested countless times by politicians but nobody could ever enforce it really.

My god this man looks like the bad guy from a Hulk Hogan movie. What a cunt.

>inb4 stasi come

nobody really is afraid of that except for paranoid lusers
we would have a proper netizen lobby by now if those fears were grounded on anything

um gottes willen bitte nicht

wow it was this easy to get europe to commit suicide. all any one had to say was they needed population growth and their faggy governments ate it up

they didnt even stop to consider the populations increased dependency on the welfare state as the population grows but the economy doesnt because you all outsource and even when you can bring jobs back its like 99% automated

africa should be a piece of cake

I dont know about Osterreich, but czech pirate party program is basically "just cuck my shit up with rapefugees"



People don't agree with my opinion. waahh arrest them now!

is that an actual sub reddit?

Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Hochwinz. Just reported this, have fun in the central register. You should hear from the bureau of adjustment in about a week.

calm down long term this is good

>pissing everyone off is a good way to stay in power

yes and I think it's proof that reddit doesn't give a flying fuck about it's users

Even if they will manage to enforce this, we must not stop. Even more, we must double the efforts of speaking the truth, a thing they unanimously call hate speech.

Indeed, only people who are hiding something illegal are against total surveillance

I bet the fleeing nigger doesn't even care his friend got killed. I have never seen a nigger display empathy.

>cant be serious for fucking once
not gonna miss you joker fuckwits


I've seen more sympathy in buffalo's than nignogs.

The Germans are the most unfunny faggots to ever post on this board

they can all go to jail and die for all I care

They wont resist their own destruction, so fuck them

One paper here in particular switched to facebook for this... So people wouldn't say bad words anonymously..

Guess what?
Everyone keeps commenting in fullname particularly against rapefugees, with pretty vibrant language and tons of anger... Everyone dentists,plumbers,students,factory workers,nurses,engineers++++

Only way this paper survives I guess now, after american kikes bought and destroyed all our traditional papers.

And we're to believe they still have a lot of support for this.

Can you even see these Southmen or are even these blocked? Are austria just as stasi when it comes to this kind of massive censorship, I frankly have not seen my entire life... Germans after all so damn effective, part after Köln, really first noticed it before x-mas some time

Also this is now my workout ends tune, for stretching and final shit

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>Video not available in your country

Eh, whatevs

huh.. so Austria is this cucked too on this matter then. Raising your hand greeting someone etc is that shit also illegal?


What a bitter old woman

Austrian PP is basically soft-Libertarian anti-neoliberal with a strong focus on minimal government intervention and most social expenses being in education rather than handouts to retards and lazy cunts.

They basically have no migrant platform because it's understandably a 'third rail', as our Freedomfriends are wont to say.
They're kind of okay. Not perfect, but that's not required.
Why not?

why do we still bother talking about germany? why are we not ridiculing german posters worse than we ridicule poo in loos and swedecucks? germany is a fucking joke now. keep up Sup Forums

We need a Sup Forums approved fund that gives money to nationalist causes and offsets these soros backed kikes

Eh. You can try, but I'll be near impossible.


How delusional can you be? Violence has occurred way before internet even existed.

>what is bad about a political party by internet people made in sweden
basically sjw on steroids

>basically sjw on steroids
As I explained, they're too disconnected for the policies to be harmonized across the board. My brother is currently working on a programme that'll allow us to draw off FPÖ voters from law schools in order to shift the consensus somewhat more to the middle as well.

It's going well. Strache is too much of a clown to hold the educated right which is partially why Hofer lost them.

does hidemyass work for Sup Forums?

Yes, enjoy being doxxed and ostracized in real life because you hold "the wrong opinions".

By the way if you think that morons on kikebook are more "constructive" you could not be more wrong, it is full ad hominem and insults.
Just look here, with just flag to identify each other we still manage to create nuclear banters, now add you city, you gender, your name, you studies and a photo of yourself.

And that is just the soft part, you will probably have to shut your mouth forever or end up condemned for "hate speech" in 20 years at this rythm.

>mfw shitposting on a burmese pony enthusiasts board will be literally illegal in the near future
>probably even punishable by jailtime
