>Miss Finland 2016, Shirly Karvinen, with her parents
>you can't make this shit up
Miss Finland 2016, Shirly Karvinen, with her parents
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Rather orientals than brown people tbqh familia.
Farm the rice
Pay the price
>Shirly Karvinen
>100% Suomi
Miss Suomi -finalisti Shirly Karvinen on syntynyt Suomessa, mutta asunut elämänsä ensimmäiset seitsemän vuotta Afrikassa. Hän on asunut perheensä kanssa Sambiassa, Keniassa, Tansaniassa ja Saudi-Arabiassa.
- Vanhemmat tekivät siellä töitä ja tapasivatkin Afrikassa. Isä työskenteli silloin suomalaisessa asfalttiyrityksessä ja työ vei Afrikkaan. Äiti oli isossa firmassa töissä, he tekivät yhteistyötä ja rakastuivat siellä.
Shirlyn äiti on kiinalainen. Hän puhuu suomen lisäksi äidinkielenään englantia ja osaa myös kiinan alkeet. Shirly oli vuonna 2014 vaihto-opiskelijana Kiinan Pekingissä ja viime vuonna hän teki puolen vuoden työharjoittelun Yhdysvalloissa Suomen suurlähetystössä.
So she's half-Finnish and half-white? That's a step up for Finland.
>faggots on Sup Forums don't wanna plow that
Wow, I guess the Jews really are turning you gay.
That's a very unflattering photograph, makes her look 40 years old.
I don't care about race but she looks horrible. Pockmarked skin on the right, deep nasal labial folds, red eyes. Her sperg of a father probably didn't help, gene-wise.
I guess in Finland they take the personality and talent segment of the show pretty seriously.
LMFAOOOOOOO truuuuuuuuu (100) (100)
>miss garfield
wm af offspring are deformed and borderline retarded without exception
she also looks more of a black and latina mix than asian and white
This woman looks fucking degenerate.
Anyway. Pic related us Britain's future prime minister, Anjem Choudary
I don't see that the problem is. Unless you neckbeards are whinging about pointy knees.
shes damn fine!!
I guess it's not true, 2 uggos do make an alright.
Her father looks more off than she does.
What's the White dude doing with those 2 Finn's?
She got death threats after winning, we're still not entirely cucked
she has inherited his square jaw.
This, famalam
You lot are on form today, top work.
i would enjoy to get in that suomi pussi
Anyway the reason they always go with the "exotic" one when it's possible is because Miss Universe contest hates white people and always nominate chink/brown girl. Last year another chink from Philippines won.
out of all the finalists i personally would have picked the girl second on the left.
She still looks better than the 2015 woman of the year
on the left again
She's got a head like a block. I don't see anything special about her. She wouldn't have been lusted after in high school or anything. She's like Winnie from the Wonder Years. Just...whatever.
She got audience's pick prize, so she was picked by Finns
The chink was picked by people who know what sells in anti-white world
I don't think she is gorgeous, but she is okay in my book.
Death threats? It's a beauty pageant. I can't think of anything less important in the world. Who gives a shit if a three-legged goat wins? You Finns are savages.
All that fine Blonde Finnish pussy and you fuckers chose the diversity ticket!!
Proof the judges are butch dikes and faggots.
She's not too bad. Would bang and give taxi fare
reminder that Miss USA was a gungrabber and got DQ'd at that moment
Many idiots here who get triggered by pointless stuff nowadays, on all sides of the political spectrum.
This girl is kind of a qt3.14, though certainly doesn't represent the finns. The audience pick was the correct one, as always.
looks like they chose a pure blood Finn this year
looks like tila tequila
All types of racemixing is cancer tho.
At least the gay beauty pageant is still pro-white
Looks like a less ugly version of Tila Tequila who didn't JUST her life up by being a fame seeking prostitute and get brain damage from an aneurysm.
>100% mongol
>doesn't represent the finns
What the....this is a real thing? Mr Gay World?
Yeah the jews dont need to fuck around with it since they wont make white kids to begin with.
>Mr. Gay World
The hong kong representative doesnt have a single drop of asian blood.
I wouldn't say less ugly. Just less....tawdry.
this is now a finrand thread
West Mongolia Best Mongolia
we are tengri praise people :d greetings bro
whats her name?
She looks like Latina or Indian to me.
Finland is already an Asian country.
What's this meme about Finland being Asian? I never heard of that before. Why would there be a lot of Asians there?
need more golian genes
Elli-Noora Koskela
Don't pretend you've never heard of it...pathetic attempt leaf
There aren't many asians. It's just that we have a higher amount of people with the sort of usually asiatic features like the eye folds and flatter faces even though they're otherwise obviously white nordics. Some claim it's because we're mongol rape babies.
lol you're the one with that jpg saved on your PC! Hope you and Lars are enjoying your weekend.
The Mongolian princess. Chingis would be proud
Is that like the Bjork thing? But, uhh...blonde? Can you post a pic of a typical "asian finn"? This concept is blowing my mind.
It was a thing made up by Swedes when we were their colony, they had race professors way before Nazis and they come up with theories that Finns are Mongolian because the Swedish elite needed to make Finns believe they're second class citizens who need a master to teach them and boss them. The same thing came up when Finns moved to America with other Europeans, they were discriminated because they were so clannish. Some Americans tried to get them out with the law that didn't allow Asian immigration and said Finlanders are not Europeans because of their looks and language, called them "China Swedes" etc. Still in WWII Nazis didn't see Finns as part of Nordic race but Hitler gave the honorary Aryan title because the soldiers were good against commies. And it's likely the heritage comes somewhere from Asia when you look at the Uralic languages distribution.
She speaks 4 languages and has a bachelors in Multilanguage Management Assistance.
She probably won because she was the smartest one there.
Shouldn't you be prepping the bull, Sven?
The Miss Suomi 2014 finalist Vanajanlinna whilst white and blue eyes does look to have asian facial features.
what the fuck is that! wow. moon faced blonde. You ain't kidding. She's still hot though.
It's an inferiority issue. We Finns have some very fucking serious issues when it comes to our image in the world. Basically the people voted one of the blondes to win, but the judges chose the diversity candidate so we could do better in the miss Universe competition.
Sorry forgot pic also i meant Milla Romppanen
That's fucking crazy. I thought all Finns looked like....Anglos... Dolph Lundgren...
more milla
she looks very asian in the face
Definitely Asiatic.
How did the Asians rape you Finns but ignore all the other Europeans on their way over there? Why don't the Germans or the Ukrainians look like that?
I personally dont know anyone that looks asiatic, but those exist, need eugenics for the lapplander peoples.
but your most famous exports are very asiatic.
I fucking love the Finns with the slight asian features but with blue eyes and blonde hair. You guys look like fucking snow elves It's beautiful.
Most people are surprised when they discover that until as recently as the 1960s it was widely accepted that the Finns originally came from Mongolia. But the Mongolian ‘Origins of the Finns’ is a controversial topic in Finland. The Western-looking academic elite have done all that they can to suppress it and academics that still contend that Finns have ‘Mongoloid origins’ are cast into the wilderness in a ferocious dispute.
Until very recently, Finns were encouraged to see themselves either as ‘eastern’ or at least ‘between east and west.’ It was in the 1790, when Sweden ruled Finland, that German anthropologist J. F. Blumenbach compared Finnish, Sami (the Arctic reindeer herders) and Mongolian skulls and concluded that the Finns were ‘mongoloid’ and not ‘white’ like the Swedes or Finland’s Swedish-speaking aristocracy. This was widely accepted and led to the Turanian theory – that both the Finns and Sami had originally come from the East – as well as strengthening the view, according to Finland-Swede sociologist Nina af Enehjelm, that Finns were somehow ‘other’ and even ‘inferior.’ The ‘Mongoloid look’ is widely noted in Finland today and, there has been research that has compared Finnish religion and history to that of the Greenlandic and Finnish behaviour patterns to those of the Japanese.
Finland-Swede linguist M. A. Castren added to this in 1840s when he investigated the Finnish language and tried to understand which languages were related to the seemingly isolated tongue. He found that Sami, Estonian and Hungarian were from the same family but so were a series of languages across Siberia such as Komi and Mari. And even languages like Mongolian and Greenlandic seemed to have a similar grammatical structure. This led to the ‘Migration Theory,’ arguing the Finns arrived in Europe from Mongolia around three thousand years ago and finally got to Finland 2000 years ago. The more recent discovery of genetics has added further evidence to the ‘Mongol’ claim. Geneticist Richard Kittles found in 1998 that Finns have ‘Dual Origins’ between Germanic and Mongoloid as measured by their ‘Y Chromosome Haplotype Variation.’ Other geneticists estimated that Finns have between 10 percent and a quarter mongoloid genes, more than any other European nation. Twenty-seven percent of Finns carry the eastern ‘Tat C’ marker compared to only seven percent in Norway.
And in 2003, Slovenian geneticist Andrej Marusic observed that the Finnish propensity to alcoholism could be explained by the ADH22 gene ‘which is common in Eastern peoples but almost unheard of Europe.’
There is, he argued, a ‘J Curve’ where this gene is found which parallels areas where Finnish (and related languages) are spoken. For Marusic, ‘this seems to substantiate the theory that the primary ancestors of Finno-Uralics are the Mongols. The Mongols have not traditionally consumed strong alcohol whereas Europeans have for thousands of years, developing a genetic resistance to it.’
However, since a symposium in the 1980s it has become more common – especially in Finland – to argue that Finns are completely Western, with what is called the ‘Continuity Theory.’ According to this view, Finns are ‘Proto-European’ and arrived in Finland between 6000 and 11000 years ago and they arrived from the south. The Finnish ‘mongoloid look’ is explained by Finns being genetically isolated and so retaining the adaptations to the cold of the earliest Europeans. There is even an Estonian anthropologist who argues that the Migration occurred from West to East, making the Mongolians descendants of the Finns. But this new-found ‘European-ness’ has been especially convenient for the Finnish elite.
According to Finnish anthropologist Pertti Anttonen, in his book Tradition Through Modernity, Finns are ‘insecure’ because of historical perceptions of their being ‘not European’ and so ‘inferior.’ He argues that, whatever the symposium concluded in the 1980s, until the 1990s Finland was under the influence of the Soviet Union so being a bit ‘eastern’ was useful. This was reflected in the English-language book about Finland, published every ten years or so by a Finnish publisher, called A History of Finland. From its first publication in 1963 up to 2003, Finns were described as partially ‘Eastern’ in some way. Suddenly in the 2003 addition, all discussion of the eastern origins was dropped from the book.
Anttonen also highlights the work of Finnish historian Prof. Aira Kemiläinen. Now dead, she attempted to persuade Finns that they were ‘European.’ Of the Mongol look she claimed, ‘in fact this book does not exist in Finland’ without providing any evidence for its dismissal, branded academic opponents as ‘racists’, ignored the latest genetic scholarship and, bizarrely, attempted to argue that Finns should be seen as ‘European’ because they were ‘educated.’
‘Ideas of race and civilization are linked, as the “Western Genetic Heritage” of the Finnish population is used as an argument for Finland belonging to Western Civilization,’ summarises Anttonen. He felt that the book was more nationalistic than real scholarship but inexplicably it as published by the Finnish Literature Society, the main Finnish academic publisher.
The Finnish Literature Society has long been criticised for being influenced by a Finnish nationalist agenda. Finland historian William Wilson argued in 1976 that the society was heavily influenced by extreme Finnish nationalism and that it published scholarship on the Finnish folklore epic Kalevala knowing that it reflected a nationalist agenda rather than what was justifiable. It was founded to promote Finnish literature back when Finnish was not even an official language in the, at that time, Russian Duchy and so the now government-funded publisher has always had some kind of nationalist agenda.
And the current view with the Finnish elite is that Finns are Western. As Anttonen puts it, ‘The emphasis on the Western-ness of the Finns is a recent phenomenon’ rendering Finland’s joining the European Union a ‘return to Europe.’ This leaves those who still argue that Finns are originally from Mongolia in the academic wilderness,
Prof. Kalevi Wiik cannot get his genetic work on Finnish origins published with the Finnish Literature Society despite it being published in international academic journals.
‘It would be impossible to publish with them,’ he says of the world’s dominant academic publisher on Finnish culture. ‘They don’t believe in the genetic view and they disregard the genetic facts.’
Wiik recalls how his theories have been met with ‘anger. I kept a big file on it. I was accused of producing voodoo science in one newspaper article!’ He was also accused of having ‘right-wing supporters’ by another emotional critic.
‘The Finns have around a third Germanic genes, a third Baltic genes and a third genes from the east. These are the genetic facts!’ he insists, though the idea that Finnish babies have the ‘Mongol Spot’ seems to be exaggerated. Wiik also argues that Finnish men carry Mongoloid genes to a greater extent than Finnish women and that most of Europe must have spoken a Finnish-type language around the time of the last Ice Age with Finland retaining its language due to isolation from Indo-European invaders.
But at the moment, Wiik’s views don’t seem to fit with how the Finnish academic establishment wants Finland to see itself. Kemiläinen’s book ignored his work completely and even Anttonen terms him ‘controversial.’ Finns were always told they were ‘between east and west’ but now, in the wake of the Cold War, they are being told they are ‘Western.’
For 78 year-old the ferocity of the debate of Finland’s ‘Mongol origins’ proves, whatever Finland’s origins, that Finns are very insecure about whether or not they’re really European. ‘The idea that we Finns are Mongoloid is still with us,’ he says.