Is cuckolding going to become mainstream in our future society?
Is cuckolding going to become mainstream in our future society?
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I've already seen a few instances of french people calling each other "cocu" recently. It was never considered as an insult before. Meme magic is real.
Highly doubt that will affect the Baltics (Can't speak for Lithuania)
Even Estonians here are taking niggers in nightclubs and calling white hoes coal burners with mixed shitskin babies as "unworthy" "desperate" "Degenerate" and "traitors"
I would say it might take many generations before cuckolding starts to affect us. Better yet, EU is already burning and crumbling, nobody here is taking them seriously nor their policies.
"Attacking niggers"
)0% of the porn is you looking at other people fucking
cuckholding is already in place since decades
Only in Murica, UK, Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Norway and Finland.
>when white boi snap yo neck by lynching an u come back from the dead to fuk his girl one more time
Maybe Oslo, but the rest is just fine.
i think it was a common insult among our forefathers. it's making a come-back.
in mediterranean countries it's still rather common, i think. i heard it in a portuguese movie not too long ago...
>age of decadence is literally now
dark age 2.0 when
>watching other people fuck is the same as letting people fuck your girlfriend/wife and raising children that aren't yours
Yep, same thing.
Do you guys have a lot of nignogs there? Each time I've been to Eesti I haven't honestly seen more than a handful. But yeah the same trend's been seen here.
It's government subsidized in the West.
Already it is. Given a fact that the cuckold porn is hugely popular in Europe and America.
Why Italy and Finland?
And Norway will be saved if Breivik breaks out in time.
I know fags throw around "meme magic" a lot on here but that was literally meme magic that did that along with traps and incest
Italy is almost as bad as France and Finland is slowly becoming Sweden 2.0
It can be reversed, but it's not looking good.
>tfw the most popular videos on mless have all been "incest" shit for ages now
what happened
Yes it will. Cuckoldry is a fetish by the bourgeois and the middle class (the most numerous class) is meant to embrace what bourgeois love.
They even claim that it is the fetish of the intellectual (to make them feel better).
Overall, women are the winners of the situations, then robots and chads will do anything they can to please women.
WTF, niggers are now colonizing even the Baltics ? Why the fuck do you allow that.
Estonians are ashamed of being Baltic. They want to be Nordic, so they import dindus and muslims.
We don't, that's the point kek
When they do try, they get rekd and run away like pussies to your shitholes lol
If it is then there's not going to be a "future society".
Reminder that all cuckold porn lovers fit into two categories
>Intersectional third wave feminists that hate white men and use their hate as an aphrodisiac.
>"Straight" black men actually so pathetic they need to include another man into their fantasies.
There are no white men into it, just the above two groups pretending to be white men to cover up their obvious pathology, because when you know the demographics you understand the "why" reasonably quickly.
Oh, last group
Sociopathic white men whose cuck fantasies include beheading the black man at the end.
My favourite ;)
i've heard it talked about openly in the workplace.. so there's that.
>if i were to favor trump in a discussion however, i would most certainly be labeled a racist and probably put on notice
4-5 years ago you could barley find any incest video in English. Around the time Sup Forums started having incest threads is when videos started popping up. Past two year is the same thing witch cuck threads popping up on Sup Forums Sup Forums lots of cuck porn being produced in a short amount of time
it's a precursor, ofc. I don't pretend a non-country to know anything about anything though
>implying that guy didn't just post them himself
>and then delete the threads
I saw in Egypt that when a arab christian has an affair with a arab muslim, hundreds of muslim apes start chimping out and burn everything that belings to the christians (coptics) to put them in place. Sounds barbaric but at least it works well.
How much Muslim cock do we have to suck to become a real country?
Is the inability to make arguments and/or witty replies something we need before we become a real country?
No worries, soon when proper EU countries get overflown, we will have to take those niggers
Sex robots are going to become mainstream in our future society. So i doubt cheating spouses will be something that men or women have to tolerate. And cheating is all "cuckolding" is.
In fact they're seen as such a threat that there are already groups trying to stop them.
why even give a shit about the couple anymore if men and women don't need eachother anymore to get off? why would marriage even survive?
sex is no longer necessary to satify the primary urge. sex is no longer necessary to reproduce. we're going to a totalitarian society where your cuckoldry will only just be a fantasy anyway.
Don't believe it will. The Baltics have been resistant to social brainwashing for quite some time now, seeing as how we have had experience with it beforehand.
The whole cucoldry thing comes when people get bogged down with the whole notion of "white guilt". Some guy gets absolutely brainwashed to believe that just because he has a job and a girlfriend, he is somehow guilty for something in the world, and it is for the greater good or whatever to let his girlfriend be fucked by a nigger and give his money to "help a dindu" foundation.
We have very little white guild, if any at all here, therefore we are safe for the moment.
It may be just me being lucky to be born in a family that has sensible females, but all of my female relatives are getting married at a fairly young age (early 20s), and the men they marry are hardworking and honest, and have a willpower of steel. The type of "if you touch, you will lose fingers" when it comes to their women.
>reproduce. we're going to a totalitarian society where your cuckoldry will only just be a fantasy anyway.
Is this Swedens endgame?
Girl in ops pic seems underage as fuck. Sage, Sup Forums isn't a loli board
>(Can't speak for Lithuania)
You fucking scumbag
No, cuckolding is just a stepping stone towards not having any relationships. Only various fuckbuddies. That is the future.
>cuckolding mainstream
>future society
if a minority of people contribute to society and come out well-adjusted that society won't be around for long
you don't get well-adjusted people from single moms with a divorced bitter suicidal dad
you know, it all kind of fits in: world government, homogeneous brown world population, abolition of cash, monitoring and tracking of people's actions and speech. yeah, sweden is a the front of this evolution.
the likely scenario: niggers and sans-niggers play along in this childlike tv-show until they deem its time to seize the moment and impose a caliphate.
No. At first I was worried it would, but now seeing that even high school kids are using it as a meme/insult, there is a LONG way to go before it is widely accepted by anyone other than die hard cucks
Not really sure highschool kids are the corret measuring tape for this, but you may be right.
When I was in school the "new" thing was homosexuality and pederasty - didn't mean anyone actually tried it, but it was "top tier" insult at the time - call someone a faggot or a pederast.
There is a jew behind every cuckold post
And now it's actually cool to be a homosexual. If anything, that proves that being a cuck will be acceptable 10 years from now.
Doesnt sound as good as cuck imo and that's a shame. I love calling people cuck