Why do Jedi not carry a backup blaster...

Why do Jedi not carry a backup blaster? They are a handy little thing to have if you happen to void the warranty on your lightsaber or if the target is simply out of reach.

i have no clue why or why not something happens in your shitty powerfantasy


Are you a woman?

Because they're so uncivilized

how casual are you ?

>if you happen to void the warranty on your lightsaber or if the target is simply out of reach.
Look, I didnt even watch ANY of the damn movies and I know that once you master the schwartz, neither of those things happen.

Maybe because death Vader could take blaster shots to the hands with no problem due to the force ya dumb fuckin cunt

Smart ones do.

Luke used a blaster a shitload in the movies
Fukkin goof


The only reason Ezra built a blaster into his first saber was because he hadn't learned how to deflect blaster fire yet.

Most Jedi don't need blasters for ranged capabilities in battle because there's always at least one idiot around dumb enough to shoot them (enabling them to deflect the shots).

You do realise the books weren't in the tree when that happened, right? It was a Yoda ruse.

>the warranty on your lightsaber
They're handicrafted by their owners.

A Jedi uses his power to defend -- never to attack. A lightsaber can be used to do both. All a blaster can do is kill the other guy before he kills you. That isn't the Jedi ethos.

Blasters have stun settings. Also, a Jedi could pull off stuff like blasting the other guy's gun out of his hand.

I wanna see a Jedi with a lightsaber in one hand and a blaster pistol in the other.

First, many star wars blasters, mostly from the classic obviously are based on ww2 weapons. Jedi don't need blasters and they have already failed if they lost their lightsaber, additionally they have the force

I don't know OP, it's not like jedi have the option to telekinetically throw and retrieve their lightsabers with the force. Nope, none of them have ever been shown to do that, not once in the history of the entire galaxy, despite them having used lightsabers for literally millenia.

They have teh foarce and a hot plasma blade that deflects 95% of weapons most people would have on their person. Also there is no warranty for a lightsaber, they're all hand crafted.

stop making these threads nigger, star wars was literally always garbage. also luke dies at the end of the new one


what the fuck is a jedi?

The the Jedi are fudds and they need to end.


Lightsabers are newer tech than blasters.

Rewatch it. Rey had them in the falcon


god this reminded me of a Masher from Borderlands 1 so hard
I want to play as Mordy again...

Most of the order looked down on blasters, but some jedi did use them. Jedi weapon masters could specialize in the blaster. Of course, next to fucking laser nunchucks, why would you use a gun?

Bullshit. Plo Koon shot fucking lightning. (technically "electric judgment" but whatever)

Of course, it wasn't a jedi trick, and everybody hated him for using it, but he gave no fucks.

Kek that saber was so shittily put together and it didn't last very long against Vader

Budget cuts/Military complex deficit

Not all jedi followed the same philosophy. Maybe thats why the dark side won

It's a Mauser you stupid fuck


Sounds like a lot of hokey religions and ancient weapons to me.

Because laser nunchuks are fucking stupid, just like real nunchuks
A blaster is efficient