Why are Indians never represented in video games?

Why are Indians never represented in video games?

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Demographics of target audiences

How is the video game scene in India? Also, how likely are Indians going to crack the shits?

>Demographics of target audiences
I'm sure more indians play vydia than niggers

who /openttd/ here



retarded thread, Op was too stupid to do his research and likes to suck dick

these the questions rthat come to americans' minds show their lack of capability in understanding that there is a world beyond their country, their spatial iq must be -20 for them to be this stupid. they cannot possibly realize the differences between target audiences from companies that are local and companies that are foreign


And that's because Sup Forums is full of Amerilards.

she has mudflaps on her hips
truly a superpower by 2020

Probably, but thank God and Brahma that Indians don't have an Indian lives matter movement to force themselves everywhere. Actually, come to think of it, Indian men are actually relatively pleasant, they just think they're better than whites in everything. Unlike Indian women who maximise that sjw shit and are all like "lol y white men no like me?" How bout you cut your racism and start working out?

Yeah, but it gets tedious and boring when you suck and you're just building connections and I'm only decent at the desert region. Sometimes I sell food and water to cities, but then the fucking AI starts selling the food I fucking enabled.

what is this? reminds me of I wanna say Capitalism 2?

Expect full representation as soon as Poo In Field Simulator is released

Huh i wonder if BF1 will have Indians.
Did Indians even fight in WW1?
My great grandfather was part of the British Indian Army and got fugged in WW2.

it's so you can safely run through the poo


Any good?

What do you do, trains and shit?

The fun is in hijacking your competitors
>swarming people's bus routes with your own buses and transport trucks

YouTube some impressive station setups, it's possible to be so good you're having fun, but for the rest of us the fun stops when you're sick of Quark in your head repeating "opportunity."


Nobody want's to play
>Designated Shitting Street Simulator
>Rise of the Loo witch
>Swimming with waste


Far Cry 4?
Assassins creed India chronicles?
Civilization v?


It's pretty good, i got it off gog a few years back to play on the laptop.

Only issue is the pathing with boats can be retarded so you have to put in extra route points, and once you reach a certian point there's no challenge in the game. Building long tracks will rape your mouse button, while replacing old veiches will be a huge repediative pain, unless it's a train.

Give openttd a go before you spend money on it, but it's fun to kill some time on.

>Indians never represented in video games
Hasn't even played Far Cry 4, hitman 2, assassins creed chronicles and they are on just top of my mind
What a newfag

I disagree. What are the games where I can poo in the loo? I know South Park: Stick of Truth is one, any others?

Thought FC4 was more Nepal? Could be wrong tbf

i luv u bby pls give pussy

It has Indian elements too

>indian tech support

How come you forget Dr Pravin Lal(red in hindi ) Pill from Alpha Centauri ?

Their fake programming degrees don't allow them to make their own games.

Damm.. you got me there.

India is just one giant shitpost, why the fuck didn't we just genocide all of the smelly fuckers.

Because we are Aryans,same race you are trying to Brexit after sucking their cock for more than 50 years.

>not United States
What a meme

Fair fair, I'm no expert

>same race you

>says the Islamic brother of bribongistan
That explains.

In total almost 1.3 million men had volunteered for service by 1918. Over one million Indian troops served overseas during the war. In total, at least 74,187 Indian soldiers died in World War I

Hey abdulla don't you have goats to fuck

Because like most races who have actually accomplished things, they arent whiny crybabies who feel they need to be 'represented' in everything

Unlike messiicans and bleck people who are hopeless

Many RTS games have Indian civilization in them like AOE3 and Rise Of Nations 2

Also Dhalsim from Street Fighter

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri had best Indian leader.

Yeah ik but you already mentioned it so I thought I'd skip it out
But OP's kinda right, we don't really have many Indian game characters
Not that I'm complaining, because even if they're depicted, it'd be stereotypical as fuck, so I'd rather just play as the typical white guy or now a nigger (BF1)

Are there any Indian gamedevs? What games do indianons play?

nigger India's based as fuck and don't need no gaymes representations u fuckin pussy ass faggot

I'd consider The Academy faction from M&M series indian (or at least representative of them). Rakshasas are from hindu mythology, right?

>Are there any Indian gamedevs?
As far as I know,mostly on mobile gaming.

> What games do indianons play?
Most Common -NFS , CS, MOBA ,MMORPG, Famous FPS.And anything that is on torrent sites.
I used to /vr/ until life caught up and gaming is on hiatus.

>Are there any Indian gamedevs?
I honestly dunno

>What games do Indianons play?
Anything that's good tbqh
Don't really limit myself to genres
I do play a lot of PVP games though


>Rakshasas are from hindu mythology, right?
They're hindu equivalent of demons

Makes sense really, probably not too dissimilar to people here