Why is everyone on this board so radical? You know if you all just took a 3 month break you'd end up laughing at the things you've said?
Why is everyone on this board so radical...
>Sup Forums isn't satire
>taking anything here seriously
You really are a faggot.
but it could be if tried really, really hard.
This board has created an entire culture that birthed itself into American and avidly lives and breathes in our daily lives. It may be satire but it has created something real.
you sound like you have wisdom tell me more
It's always amazing that so many people still believe in a socialist utopia when everywhere it's been tried it is a disaster. Karl Marx probably caused more suffering than anyone in history.
The left claims Colonialism to be a great evil; yet, they endorse the Colonization of their own country? As always, the U.S. left has shown their two-faced nature. To the left, normal is abnormal and abnormal is normal; good is evil and evil is good. The left is comprised of a pack of truly psychotic freaks.
okay, I'll take a 3 month break from real life and start reading the guardian
>Rebelling against traditionally conservative parents.
They aren't traditionally conservative, they're neocons. The grandparents are the traditionalists.
>no Stefan Molyneux line in that pic
I'm dissappoint, therefore I am now a #BellenD.
Involuntary NEEThood and noticing certain trends from the people offering me interviews... Yeah, the bigotry against white men strikes a chord with me considering I just want a fucking job.
Turns out performing well at STEM isn't going to assure you a job.
>says the guy who lives in a socialist utopia that ranks the best in almost every possible positive category
because they're anonymous and there's no consequences to being a dumb ass
You know you're not really anonymous on Sup Forums right?
The only times socialism works is if you're rich in natural resources, i.e. Norway. If they were full-on capitalistic right-wing, it would work as well, has nothing to do with socialism.
yeah want to know what coutry you came from?
Then how do you explain the fact that I vote far-right since I can vote and that was years before I browsed this website
Why do you feel the need to read pointless news articles daily? I can promise you, nothing world shattering has happened and if it has, you wouldn't need the news to figure it out.
Do you really think there is much difference between the left and the right? They're both human beings with the urge to be accepted and be a part of something. They post on Tumblr, you post on Sup Forums. You're both extremely radical and looked at as a little crazy by the average person.
You're blaming your country's economic woes on race.
I'm not a liberal, however thank you for proving how moot the left and right is. You are both easily defined groups, both of you just want to be a part of something bigger than yourselves. I originally browsed this board, unknowing to this fact, and found myself trying to be a part of the realist right wing. I got in discussions and hurt relationships with people who weren't very interested in politics just to get points across. I decided to take a break from this board and I've been gone for months now. I came back to see that it's the same thing as it was months, even years ago. I made this post to maybe see if people will give it a break and see if they see the difference.
classic case of chicken or the egg
Or maybe I live in the most left wing city of the world and there's a literal stigma against hiring white men?
You mix up legitimate criticism of far left SJW-ideology, 3rd wave feminism etc and fascism. That's typical for the far left.
I'm a rightwing conservative and condemn far left ideologies as well as far right. Stop mixing this things up - it would be the same as comparing any leftists to stalinists.
Makes you think.
virtually nobody on this board is radical. radicalism means "pertaining to the root of." it means your singular concern, about any topic, is the fundamental cause or reason which brings about or perpetuates the conditions or actions which brought the topic up. it's greek. look it up.
the word you want to try to bait us with is "extremist." best of luck and don't forget to do your social studies homework
I suppose you believe that integral only refers to area under a curve
>found myself trying to be a part of the realist right wing.
That's a good way, i'd say.
No, I will forever hate degenerates. Always have.
>being this new
t b h shit like WE WUZ and POO IN LOO keeps drawing me back here
you can't deny that the right is fucking hilarious
>I got in discussions and hurt relationships with people who weren't very interested in politics just to get points across.
lol dude you're just an idiot. It sounds like you splerged out in public and regretted it. I've spread some of Sup Forumss views to normies quite easily because I know how to talk calmly and intellectually and not like I'm a raving lunatic. ou embaressed yourself and now you regret it. That's all this is.
People post here and not on dumblr because that place has been a circlejerk for the insane ever since it came out.
People here live in real fucking life and people from dumblr are starting to be taken seriously in the media.
The reason some of us are so radical is because it's the only way to be heard.
The left will not listen to reason or logic or facts because those are the very things that break their mental gymnastics.
We aren't morally bankrupt like the left either.
Some of us want to see our kids live happy lives and succeed rather than live in a guilt trip debt filled activist mob like the regressives.
The attention whores are all of you faggots pushing your agendas everywhere.
>comes to pol
>complains how radical we are
Back to redit biatch.
I'm pretty sure this was made by a projecting bernvictim.
I like laughing about politically incorrect jokes too. Even many immigrants here do so and have a fucking sense of humor. It's a the hysteria of the left to declare all of this as fascist and racist per se. Although there certainly are such individuals here too - i won't deny that.
Right on.
You're both doing the same things. Sup Forums is the anti-tumblr. You just believe your ideas to be superior.
Dear god man, do you even know what the alt-right is?
Factually some of our ideas are superior and for the right reasons.
>body acceptance
We know this is wrong because being fat isn't beautiful nor healthy.
>feminism vs egalitarianism
feminism is about equal rights for women to men. We have this equality already now they just want special treatment and they'll play the victim card at every turn.
Just look at europe and the surrounding area.
The country is going to all apart.
I could go on but you should get it by now.
We are discussing how to fix society, regressives are trying to destroy society.
We have to take drastic measures to salvage whats left of it
I left Sup Forums for year
I'd already swallowed too many red pills though, and couldn't change back
yes and the majority of society knows that being fat is unhealthy. Anecdotally, the far-right seem to be the overweight and unhealthy ones.
This is purely politicking. If you're not talking to Tumblr it's not used in the same way. It's a gender thing and it's women in general who use this. Your personal life is only effected by feminism if you allow it to.
And look at Alexandria and Rome. Multiculturalism is going to be inevitable in the future whether you agree or not. The main, really the only, problem with Multiculturalism is Islam and 3rd world countries. You don't gain anything from sharing cultures with a culture-less society.
Maybe you should just take a permanent break. From life.
You memelord cuck.
Actually I talked to a 60 year old man who's been in politics and the Army who says its the Jews trying to destroy our race as well.
Nice try, shill
It has to do more with people around here being contrarians. This is seen across all the boards, there's something about Sup Forums that turns you into a contrarian.
Coming to this website in the first place is contrarian.
I took a six month break because I thought this place was making me crazy.
I went out and followed my hobbies. I dated some girls, started watching tv with them after avoiding it for a decade, and generally tried doing the opposite of everything I saw on here.
I even dated a single mom. Needless to say, I'm back and I realize that this place is sadly one of the only places that isn't completely insane.
This is either a pollack mocking redditfags who come here/preparing us or a legit kike.