Boogie will never lose the wei-

>boogie will never lose the wei-


Honestly the amount he lost so far could have been accomplished easily just by eating slightly less.

Not all that impressive.

Good for him. Hope he keeps going.

Good for him? I don't think we should be proud of people because they got their stomach shrunk

>lost his weight
>lost his wife
top fucking kek

At his weight if he just ate a normal diet for a week he would drop a lot of weight, it takes fucking effort to be as fat as he is

Congratulations on going from extremely obese fat fuck to extremely obese fat fuck

He’s still frenulum fat aka has “dick head tits”. Where his tits are so full of fat, they travel down and to the sides resembling a penis frenulum

Here is an example

I honestly see no difference..

This fatty is pathetic..

pic of new tits?

Is this supposed to show us that he can change shirts? That he’s not a complete invalid yet?

you think he can change his own shirts? no

I see what you did there but them titties though

why do people keep posting this pretending that its his wife?

Prove it isn't. Sure looks like her and you're the first person I seen say it wasn't her.
Are you boogie?

have you ever even seen a picture of her? i guess youre trying to be funny but its obviously not her

>Not being proud that someone is becoming less fat, no matter the means

Prove it. I have seen pics now she changed over the years but....

>you dont have sauce so it must be boogies wife
ok i cant argue with autism right now, think what you want

literally no difference imo . same level of fatness in both photos

You argue like a literal retard

>Balloon up to 500+ pounds
>Have surgery that means you literally cannot eat more than a certain amount
>"wow he can lose weight"
the fact that he had to have the surgery in the first place is evidence that he is an animal who cannot control his impulses, and has to risk his life with surgery because he cannot put down the fucking fork.

he'll likely rebound and gain it all back. he isn't driven enough and that's probably why he resulted to surgery. its still a good start tho so good for him

he got surgery, he didn't do shit. he's going to gain it all because he has the same amount of self-control he's had for 40 years: none.

glad his wife left him


>Good for him? I don't think we should be proud of people because they got their addiction under control

I don't accept this as proof sorry.

hes likeable, i hope he gets healthier

There is no effort on his part involved in curing this addiction, and he hasn't even cured it. He's just been made unable to indulge in it to a point of ridiculous excess.
If he did it without a surgery, then we would be proud.

ok I don't really a see a difference here.

if this fucker went on a steak only diet he would be shredded in two years

stop it boogie, we all know it's you

He changed his shirt bro one he's wearing a black shirt and the other he's wearing a gold colored shirt.
>Fat _man_changes_his_shirt.jpg

As supposed to a figurative retard?

I haven't watched this fat fuck for years, he's still massive and crying about it like it's someone else's fault.
If he was serious about losing weight and getting healthy he'd shrink to manlet size within a year.


I hope his breakup alters his mindset and he loses enough to handle the gym, and eventually becomes slim.

The salt on Sup Forums would be hilarious.

no matter how skinny he gets, he'll be carrying around excess skin then get depressed about that. his body and organs are too far gone


Maybe he can get it cut off and start a hammock business lol

Fucking delusional cuck is still wearing his wdding ring


He took it off in the latest video but nice try using non-timestamped images to trick us

Even if he loses hundreds of pounds he's still gonna have all the extra skin flapping all over the place gross he should just end it..


This. I like being fat but if I don't cram food in as much as I can I lose ten pounds in a week. It fucking sucks.


The fat cunt will still die, sooner rather than later hopefully

Tbh it took me a bit to even realize which was the before and after pic LOL

Still morbidly obese as fuck

wasn't he live streaming and said his wife is not fucking black dicks while on solo vacation

No one is his wife anymore lmfao

I don't understand...he doesn't even look like he's lost any weight? If you put the same shirt on him he'd look exactly the same.

I sure love your proof user!

he'll just gain it again down the road, he chose the shortcut and refused to do it the proper way, which would have instilled discipline.

I remember meeting a couple like that at the Ohio comicon, I am in decent shape, and the bitch ran her fingers down my abs right in front of the dude, it was kind of shocking.

Damn she's fat too. I guess the comparison of that tub of lard and her made her look skinnier then she actually was.

As a fat ass trying to lose weight the good old fashioned way, I have to agree. Cheating is cheating. You out the work in eating those five triple burgers and fries combo for breakfast? Run your ass around the lake five times. Though I’ve just started, I’ve gone from 300 to 240. Wish me luck fellas!!

Looks like her she just looks heavier in that pic. I think that pics helps my case more than yours.

>running as a fatass
bruh you'll destroy your knees
Also, good job, keep it up man, you're gonna make it.

Honestly you probably should go vegetarian, the only people I know that have kept the weight off permanently did.

Its the only acceptable reason to go vegetarian IMO.

Keep it up my negro

>As supposed to a figurative retard?

Lack of weight loss aside, his posture is perfectly ok which is weird for a guy of his size. Fat people tend to slouch heavily.

>heres literal proof shes fat with her face in the pic
>nah my pic without her face is probably her despite the fact it could literally be anyone else

so much this. I don't really have much respect for him anymore to be honest. Stomach stapling is a madman's approach to losing weight.

I can't possibly have respect for someone who would rather put themselves through an agonizing and dangerous surgery instead of just having a little discipline and shoving less food down their throats.

God I hated this dandy dressed faggot pizza licker. Who the fuck can afford those clothes and hairjob to eat pizza that primpy limp dicked twig think God I wanna eat the eyeballs out of his face

imagine being this autistic

I watch his videos every night during my bed time snack. I kind of questioned myself last night why but he's just hypnotizing.

>Shows me a blurry pic
>wants me to deny very similar facial features
The picture of big foot is a better pic than that blur.

Looks the fucking same

you're either trolling or retarded

why do you think no one else has replied to him

>being this mad because someone dresses nicely

Look at this pic it's as much proof as your pic.

I made this webm a long time ago...
her name is melissa manning or Jaime from cosmid...did cam stuff
Highly doubt she would go near his fat ass



a simple reverse search shows the /gif/ thread where the boogies wife meme started. dont feed it

I never watched his videos.
Did his wife really leave him or is it a meme?

u ok buddy? u sure u dont wanna fuck him instead?


Call me when he loses weight naturally.

Natrually You're a Homo

Whoa I didn't know this was floating around. He knows she did this? Moar?

Another bullshit "weight loss through surgery" story. There it's no such thing as gastric bypass surgery, LapBand, or any of the similar surgery options. They go in, poke around a bit so you feel like absolute crap for a few weeks, and sew you back up. You then have to follow a strict diet and over time you will lose weight. That's right, you still have to eat less to lose weight no matter how much "surgery" they do. That is how it's done with or without surgery. 100% of people will lose weight if they change their eating habits. All the "surgery" does is trick them into thinking they will tear apart of they don't stick to the diet.

>samefaggoting this hard

Is it really your contention that a team of medical professionals have a conspiracy to get you to lose weight via surgical placebo?

That's absolutely insane.

As a guy whos just lost 60lbs since may. Fuck this lardass. No idea who he is but it takes no effort to make changes in your life. Put down the fork.

At least thats original

More insane than any of the other diabolical procedures that have been put on a pedestal over the last few hundred years as the pinnacle of medicine? Mark my words, one day this shit will bring in the history books along with lobotomy, humors and inducing orgasm to cure mania.

Sorry if I made fun of your sweaty daddy

Who’s this guy?

His name is booger. He is the modern equivalent of a carnival side show fat guy. He consumed thousands of calories in an attempt to be entertaining on his YouTube channel. After many years he decided he could get more YouTube dollars using terms like "weight loss" than he could with terms like "fat guy makes a smoothie out of Mountain Dew and Doritos". He changed his persona and now he does thank instead.

oh wow he went from morbidly obese to morbidly obese. good for him.

You got me. Good job

he was a guy who makes mountain dew smoothies and eats jars of mayo on youtube but he was supposed to die so his wife could claim his money. since he went for stomach shrinking surgery his wife is now leaving him because the plan got fucked.

he also does videos where he puts on this weird lisp voice and punches playstations etc.

Real wife has gaps in teeth.

she lost alot of weight

That's it mane so it could be her. It could be Boogie in here trying to do damage control. Who else would start a thread about boogie but himself? Dun dun dunnnnnn

she got blacked