Once the UK leaves the EU, English should be adopted

as the main language of the EU and as a second official language in all member states.

testing my extra flags

Map is wrong about Ireland.

Polish is spoken more than Irish. Possibly Mandarin too.

Baltics are pretty fucked aren't they

so you want to tell me it has no use to learn Gaelic


>UK leave EU

LOL, they're in for the long haul in the shitskin alliance, fucks sake, they just elected a Muslim PM

>they just elected a Muslim PM
Burgers, they really follow 'foreign' news alright.

>Irish is most spoken second language in Ireland

cucked beyond possibilities

You mean a Mayor.
the PM is still David Cameron.

I am the Eternal Anglo
And I approve this jaypeg

Philadelphia, pennsylvania?


They just updated so that you can set country, state, and city together. Try resetting yours. I'm not sure what sort of subdivisons they have for Egypt though.

UK is Urdu, not French.

Il faudra tuer tous les Français avant.

>Il faudra tuer tous les Français avant.
We can facilitate that, sir. We have experience ... nous sommes très bonnes au touer cockrouches.

no, only about 30'000 people probably speak it.

Duolingo shows other map. Look for it.

Tu parles de ton peuple ? Oui vous êtes forts. Numéro 1. Heil Merkel.

you can't make up this kind of stupidity

duolingo shows map of langueuages that people learn this map shows languages that people alredy speak .

>Tu parles de ton peuple ?
Oui Oui. Je suis Angela.

With your halal nukes?


Americans do politics.

>With your halal nukes?
no. remember Ypres?

Probably polish 3rd


English should be renamed as the American language

Ok don't forget your gas mask Hans

Fucking A, I thought the stupid American shit was just a meme, but, even on fuckin Sup Forums.........ugh

We will nuke all of you fuckers before dropping our superior language inherited from the glorious Roman Empire.

Go die slavshits and other germans shitstains with your inferior litterature.

Half of Belgium(Flanders) is wrong the second language there is french

I'm glad that I haven't yet forgotten the French I learned in high school. I have understand the simple sentences ITT even though I haven't needed to use French for years.

English is the true bastard of all European languages to be honest theres a lot of french and latin in there as well as germanic influences.

Better calm down with all that French, the Sharia Police will come from the ghettos and stone you

Stupid orc like American

Brazilians are the bastards of the world races I still don't want to become one.

>says the guy who elected a shariah nigger from the ghetto

Twice, hehehehehe

Better calm down with all that French, the Sharia Police will come from the ghettos and stone you

At least we make him pretend to be Christian and we blow sand niggers up when they attack us, you guys roll out the red carpet lol


Irish is mandatory at school though so you're talking bollocks

The map is actually plainly wrong about just about EVERYTHING.
I get the impression some ignorant fucker just made it up and called himself a mapmaker.
I think the root of the stupidity might be that the idiot just took some statistics about "who officially attended which classes at secondary school" and drew it up on that basis.
As you point out, almost nobody in Ireland actually SPEAKS Irish, even though the Irish government pay lip-service to it for political reasons and force many kids to go through the motions of learning it at school. I highly doubt if one in twenty of the kids who sit through Irish classes can actually hold a conversation in Irish.
Same goes for French in England. Everyone has sat yawning through the verb tables for a few years. Nobody actually speaks it.
I would guess that Urdu, Hindu or yes, possibly Polish is now the UK's second-most-spoken language.
Generally a dumb thread based on a very dumb OP.

Nope. The day English becomes an official language here is the day a person like me might perhaps maybe hypothetically start an insurrection against globalist vermin. English is an international language, but it is not the language of this country. Reminder that the degeneracy of Europe is caused by American culture including its SJW garbage and obsession about race and its history of slavery and out-of-control victimhood claims and guilt-tripping of whites.

Nah, you let him helping IS and act like a good goy while Catlin get a courage award "lol"

Well they want to invade Great Britain. It's not our role to stop that, you know.

Nobody can speak it.

Most people go through years of mandatory lessons and can't string together a sentence.

The language is dead, Ahmed.


I disagree, most of the younger population here grew up having english as the second language.

Well ill agree, that nigger is a traitor, cucked the DOD hard

I accidentally clicked save on the wrong region, uninstalling and reinstalling as well as deleting all cookies does nothing, the popup doesn't come back, am i forever stuck?

nice save

Really makes you think huh

French is by far the least pure latin of the romance languages.

>written in english

Nevermind, restarting the browser did the trick.

We went to war over it at least

aaand they wet with the coat of arms on a white flag instead of expanding the arms to the whole flag, maniacs.

>*languages people can speak which are not their mother tongue

millennial Lithuanians barely speak any Russian and speak pretty decent English. Probably the same in the other Baltic countries. Give it a few more years

>when you're american but you're actually part of the 50.1% instead of the 49.9%

It's not the most spoken second language. A lot more people in Flanders are better at speaking English than French.

sweden's second most common language is swedish though

i mean can the level of american retardation fucking settle down , this is just one thread you can't just back to back shit out these garbage posts. Pace yourself the only thing preventing you from being absolute shit nigger tier is the fact trump is running. if you didnt have that my god i would kill you myself.

No. Fuck off.


Swede on vacation in canada? Allahu akbar, my good kuffar :^)

To be fair Cameron may as well be.

Pipe down hat, your president has muslims """"defending""""" your country

what part of 50.1% don't you understand

You're Brazil to me. Actually Brazil is better than you because at least Brazil knows what it is meanwhile we have these americans faggots running around pretending they're white

and decided to kill saddam the only the secularist of the ME. good nigger.

Oh sorry, my bad.
Well, the map is not so much wrong as just meaningless, then.
As I say, it looks like the guy has just compiled lists of what language subjects were listed as having been 'completed' on school-leaving certificates and said that "that is a language the school leaver can speak".
Utter crap, of course.
You may have an O or even an A level in French but I bet you don't speak it.
And Irish kids who "studied Irish" don't speak Irish.


lil maple gook thinks he's relevant, cute

At least we're fighting back instead of spreading open our negholes begging to be pozzed by vibrancy like you and sweden are.

Sikhs aren't Muslim you fucking idiot. Sikhs are WAAAAAY better to be around than dirty Muslims.

>At least we're fighting back instead of spreading open our negholes begging to be pozzed by vibrancy like you and sweden are.

>what part of 50.1% doesn't he understand

>Current Polling of 50/50
>GE tier turnout

Damn you are so retarded nigger, just go back to the gas station.

From the standpoint of prevalence over the world and simplicity of study. EU shoulsld learn Spanish.

Mark my words, the polls are rigged to say 50/50 and then they're going to commit voter fraud and just pronounce Remain the winner. And AFAIK they're not holding any exit polls to cross-check the results.

polls are a joke in the UK after 2015


Shill harder, west Brit Jew

polls are a joke everywhere since media decided instead of reporting new they are going to make it (of course with political message on the winning side of history)


No, it is the same shit.

As much as I really enjoy shitposting and laughing about the fall of the west and all of the individual countries, it'd be nice to see UK leave the EU, doubt it will happen because the subversion has been going on for too long and it's too deep. People are convinced, in large part, that if they vote to leave

>They are racist
>They will suffer an impending economic collapse

It would be nice to see Kahn honor kill himself in at the top of Big Ben though

We couldnt go to war against ISIS over the attacks since we already were

pleb detected