I've noticed that most people that are red-pilled have few friends, why is that? And why are people with many friends blue-pilled?
Is it blue-pilled to have many friends?
I'm pretty picky about friends. I'd rather hang with a few good pals than a large group that's got different drama every week
This site is 18+
You take the red pill when you're unhappy.
When you're unhappy you can't get friends.
Sven, you are as dumb as you are cucked
That's because redpilled people choose their friends carefully. It's unlikely to find a large group of people you can truly consider your friends.
Having ANY friends is blue pilled. You can't become fully red pilled until you remove all your friends in your life.
To be a leader you have to be alone. Being a leader means being red pilled.
Because "red-pilled" people are unpleasant to be around.
But you˙re a shitskin egyptian
I understand you. But red-pilled need to spread the truth, and that's hard without any friends right?
Because now that i am redpilled i am more selective about who i hang out with. And well... most of the people my age are clubbing having sex and taking drugs.
People who are not willing to listen can not be redpilled. They were programmed to think a certain way and even hard evidence won`t reach them
The only thing that reaches those is paying the toll. Sometimes getting mugged by a nigger once helps, sometimes it takes 5 times or more but everyone has a breaking point.
You're right. When I began university I first felt "Why not getting to know many people and get many friends" but eventually came to realise these normies are literally zombies, they are programmed. Fuck them.
I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. I'm red-pilled as fuck. I hate normies but at the same time I don't want to feel completely alone.
Once you become a leader people will listen by becoming your followers. They arent your friends even still.
The concept of a man needing to surround himself with friends is modern progressivist propaganda.
But how do you become a leader?
Red pilled people BUILD WALL around their hearts desu. Only a few are able to pass the legalization tests.
What's the best place to get good friends?
Having friends is redpill.
Whenever someone brings up politics, when I'm around, they debate, them get a half redpill. Next time they bring the subject up, they get the redpill.
Lose your friends and concentrate on bettering yourself physically and mentally. Once you do that, try to acquire skills and use them to build things (tangible or intangible). Having friends pacifies a man's true soul and potential. Freeing yourself of that allows you to become who you truly want to become and that inner potential allows a man to become anything if he puts his mind to it.
Read books, learn history, study science, explore the world, get a job and work hard, etc... All of these combined can turn you into a great person.
quality over quantity.
This thread is fedora general
>Friends r degenerate xD
>Fuck da normies
>Why don't they like me Sup Forums? :'(
End you'reselves, all of you
i have zero friends.
i'm probably somewhere on the spectrum. maybe assburgers.
i don't want friends. i just enjoy solitude.
but i do want a qt gf to go hiking with.
The lowlife is fun for lazy people. It's easy, and there are lots of friends to share it with.
Because most people are bluepilled. People want to hang out with their own type.
>wall around their hearts
I know that feel
Well i have many. Dont think it depends on you being blue pilled or redpilled. It most likely depends on other factors
Thanks user. Have been thinking of deleting my Facebook when I graduate this year. FB is literally poison. Maybe deleting it that can be a start.
I know what you mean. The only way I can usually mitigate my loneliness is to be successful and do distinguished work at my university. At least that way I feel some sort of kinship with my professors.
Whenever I'd bring a girl over I was too autistic to really hold a conversation without a group present so I'd just fuck her/ watch a movie and eventually every single one of my relationships died out because of this. I want a girl that just won't expect conversation.
I have been "ghosted" by everyone around me.
They don't even know I am "redpilled". I haven't told them anything.
I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Why does it seem like I don't exist? Has the jews singled me out?
having many friends is just spreading yourself thin. there's usually not enough time to keep really good relations with a lot of people, which is when friends become "friends"
i know some people who have many "friends" and what it ends up meaning is that whenever you get together, they have to fuck off to show their faces at some other guy's birthday party for half an hour or check their phones every two seconds
Why are you making fun of people who just want to be alone and make themselves better?
Does it make you feel uncomfortable that you focus your life on social networking while other men find different ways to fulfill themselves?
That's because you accept their lgbt degeneracy and see nothing wrong with interracial-sex degenracy either. You are a compromising cuck nord
Have you ever read Hobbes? Men are social animal, you need friends. You can't be a better human being if you are alone. I don't want you to become a party jock but having 2-3 good friends you hang out with from times to times is healthy.
Don't tell people to leave their friends being because of muh Aryan race. You talked about science eh? Guess what, you never learn better than with friends.
Because those who have many "friends" in truth probably don't have any.
A friend is not someone with whom you just spend time, talk or go to parties. That's just an acquaintance.
Red polled folks are more selective and require loyalty from their friends. They make strong lifelong bonds with people they genuinely like.
Blue pilled people try to be friends with everybody but in reality hate most of their "friends" and bitch about them constantly. Every time they meet another blue pill they have a "new best friend" and in a month they can't stand that person.
Being social does not mean you need friends. It means you utilize teamwork and the benefits provided by others and you work together to achieve the same goals, but at the end of the day your mental focus should be on yourself and yourself only.
>Guess what, you never learn better than with friends.
That's just plain wrong. Even schools perform exams to students on an individual level. You don't sit there writing the exam with your friend and get a shared mark.
Oh right, that's why every classe preparatoire (look it up, we learn in 2 years what you learn in 5) advise the students to study in group, right?
You're all autists, I have a fuckton of blue pilled friends who don't care that I hate black people, Muslims, etc
It's not that hard
And how many of them really your friends and won't leave at a moments notice if something nasty happens to you?
And my heart paid for it
I don't see how a person can have more than 5-10 friends who he can spend time with and engage actively, I doubt you can even do it with 10.
>oh look, it's an "I'm so smart I can't relate to the normies because I'm so smart" episode
Then again France isn't known for its good schooling systems.
I did school in Japan, so you can get kekd.
Blue pills have a large circle so they can all jerk eachothers regurgitated thoughts off
Don't bother replying to that retard. Seriously. Don't.
He prob. would not last a week in a second zone CPGE
Bad ass mother pucker?
I probably have the most friends and acquaintances out of anyone I know, and also the most ethnically diverse.
And I still want to gas the Jews.
I don't accept shit, and especially not on the streets.