South Africa goes full 1984, nigger dictatorship

(this cartoon was on front page of SA's biggest newspaper)
OK, let me give a bit of background here:
>South Africa-- nigger shithole, on way to failed state
> SA soccer team? 100% black.
>Rugby team? only 1 or 2 niggers, they aren't good at sport
>because they don't have enough niggers, the "sports minister" (a nigger, of course) has decided to "punish" them, and keep them from trying to host any major Rugby events (they wanted--and would have gotten--2024 Rubgy world cup.)
>20 year old guy-- tweets out at the Rugby nigger (using his real name) "fuck you, kaffir"
> Guy has been criminally charged, has been on front page of papers there for weeks, etc.. For A TWEET.
Scary, scary shit...

Other urls found in this thread:

this is amazing, unreal. Not one to usually "call for action," but OP, wouldn't you say it's time for some SA niggers to get an idea of what "real" offensive messages look like?

Also it was on Kikebook, not twitter.

What's the "k-word"?



Is that like african for nigger?

KAFFIR. It actually isn't even as...whatever as "NIGGER" in the USA, but they followed the model to where no one is allowed to say it.

I know, no "personal armies," but would anyone else here be up for helping remind this nigger that some of us still value free speech?

Does seem to make about 100% of muslims racists then.

Gas the kaffirs, orange state now!

Kuffar != Kaffir


>mentally ill anglos committing self genocide and giving away their resources to barely sentient apes
>barely sentient apes are left without whites and gibs, they start starving and dying by millions
>less anglos and less chimps in the world
I am ok with this

THIs is the nigger, and this is what set the dude off:
"PRETORIA – Sports Minister Fikile Mbalula has revoked the privilege of four of South Africa’s biggest sporting associations to host future events because of their failure to reach their agreed upon transformation numbers.

Earlier today, the minister was handed the eminent persons group report on transformation.

A fiery Mbalula delivered a major blow to Athletics South Africa, SA Rugby, Cricket South Africa and Netball SA today, announcing that their rights to host upcoming international tournaments would be withdrawn after failing to reach their transformation targets."

They should just close up shop on the rugby team to speed this collapse up. Just move somewhere else, I'm sure they could find a sponsor in another country.

(also, keep in mind, for Boers, Rugby is the Equivalent of football for the rest of the world and for US it's baseball/football/basketball all rolled int one. It's the only source of pride the Whites there have left, and this nigger took it away...but their soccer team is literally 100% nigger, and he had no issue with that.


Does this kadfir have a twitter, user? usually don't get wrapped up in shit like this, but. this is fucking insane.

I think he deserbes a few pol level messages. I think this is a legit "Deus Vult."

anyone else?

"School taught Matt and I about orgasms and how to avoid contracting HIV"

Nick Mulgrew is an author, journalist, editor and publisher, and yet he says things like "school taught I about..."

the world has gone to hell. I guess they hire not on ability, but on ideology.

At this point all whites in SA should pack up and move out. Even if it is just to Namibia or Kenya, there are African countries which are white-accepting. Let ZA crumble more than it already has at the hands of the baboons.

>europe and north america now starts accepting south african dindu refugees en masse

Indeed, the kaffir has a twitter account. I agree, I think he needs a lesson in free speech. Deus vult...

Lel, get out of niggerland.

agreed, deus vult...amd the media there will literally shit themselves, will be entertaining as fuck.

God has willed it lads...

yes. lead the way, where do we go?

>Lel, get out of niggerland
No longer live there...but you can bet, this is coming to both Europe and the US.

I don't believe someone's entire future deserves to be destroyed by a communist Jew (the artist who drew that cartoon is a famous ANC Jew, who has found himself in really hot water this week for depicting the corrupt, illiterate goat herder president as a monkey.)

It's not even close to actually living on a severely overpopulated nigger continent.

>yes. lead the way, where do we go?
what a fucking retard. firdt day here from leddit?

It's arabic for not muslim, aka slave in the islamic world. White people adopted when we started buying negroes, and now its pretty much the same as nigger.

Europe is 90% white. If this is coming, it will take a while.

I'm in, have a bunch of twatter accounts. Deus vult. Use Tor lads...

The thing is

100 percent of people are racist

Some either hide their power level or in the case of SJW , project blame onto "oppressors" effectively enabling minorities to perpetuate their negative stereotypes.

If anything the world grows MORE racist by the day

> Muslim niggers call African slave niggers kafir
> White people adopt the word getting it from black muskims
> blame white people for the word

If this gets going you cannot IMAGINE-- the Sa media shits itself over even ONE mention on twitter of "the k-word."

This would make national news there for weeks. Not kidding. Time to fight for free speech.

well at least you're only half retarded.

Should have an International Kaffir day, right after Draw Muhammad day.

>productive, white, colonial refugees declined
>left to fortify against the horde or get targeted for their race
>tribal, violent, dindu nuffins accepted en masse
>otherwise it would be racist

Self-hating upper middle class whites are the problem.

"Diversity" is always just "less whites" championed by self-hating rich whites looking to atone for their original sin of being born into success and minority groups taking advantage of their bleeding hearts.

That's grammatically correct though.

Serves him right for being a dumb bastard and living in Africa. Every single white male from there should emigrate back to Europe, Americas or Australia.

To achieve what? Mass pogroms of whites in SA and other African countries? Stop clinging to this piece of shit continent, it's gone.

Namibia initiative... Anyway it's tough to leave the place you called home. But yeah whites should just forsake South Africa and Zimbabwe and let it fall. This hobbling along is getting sad.

Niggers ruined south africa

Harder than it sounds

Muslims captured and enslaved non-Muslim Black and White slaves.

Jews owned the ships that send Black slaves to America.

Yes goy, retreat from your most valuable and profitable possessions, go back to Europe leaving the rest of the world swarming with talking apes only! It's the only way to right the wrong of imperialism hehehehe stupid goy

Why target South Africa, it has always been more or less a shithole.

Why not scrutinise the hate speech laws of Great Britain instead

>People like him might now think twice about using the K-word again, but likely only because they don’t want reprisals, not because they don’t mean it.
This passage of the article says it all.

A thread about us and I wasen't even invited.

We thought you'd like a break from, you know, living in South Africa.

So basically if you don't meet the kafir quota in your team you are disqualified from doing shit for the country even if you are a winner.


You should be out there slashing open the throats of subhuman kaffirs.

'Get up,' said O'Brien. 'Come here.'

Winston stood opposite him. O'Brien took Winston's shoulders between his strong hands and looked at him closely.

'You have had thoughts of deceiving me,' he said. 'That was stupid. Stand up straighter. Look me in the face.'

He paused, and went on in a gentler tone:

'You are improving. Intellectually there is very little wrong with you. It is only emotionally that you have failed to make progress. Tell me, Winston -- and remember, no lies: you know that I am always able to detect a lie -- tell me, what are your true feelings towards Big Brother?'

'I hate him.'

'You hate him. Good. Then the time has come for you to take the last step. You must love Big Brother. It is not enough to obey him: you must love him.'

He released Winston with a little push towards the guards.

'Room 101,' he said.

>I'm not racist, I have black friends

Genuinely though why would a racist have black friends?

I'm racist (using the current definition of anyone daring to believe in inherent racial differences), and I would have nothing against having black friends.


England and most European countries have charged people criminally for tweets, this is nothing new. Free speech is no longer a western ideal, we've come full circle and the tyrants, despots, dictators of tomorrow will simply take on a new form, empowered by our own cowardice and the fact that we've wantonly destroyed our own rights and freedoms.

Yup. If you think it's bad now, imagine how tightly the government will be squeezing whites' balls when they really are unable to do anything to resist.

For example, even in South Africa today the government is somewhat constrained by the powerful white-led Western governments that even today might somewhat protest outright repression against whites. Give it 50 years, and whites in the US and much of Europe will be in a comparable position to white South Africans half a century ago.

At best, they will be just about in charge of their own governments but under siege, pessimistic, bitter at their declining power to control events in their own countries let alone overseas; at worst they will have been dispossessed outright, and you will see an unprecedented situation where whites everywhere are ruled over by others. It will be humiliating and regarded almost universally as karma in action.

Just imagine how for example how gleefully condescending at best if not outright maliciously the Chinese government or Turkey might respond to protests from white minorities in Western nations in decades or centuries to come concerning how their governments will likely treat them. It will be tragic for whites, but comic and amusing for everyone else.

>Genuinely though why would a racist have black friends?
because racist doesn't mean racist anymore

I gotta believe this is somewhat of an exaggeration and using imagery for effect. I have heard stories and seen enough documentaries on African nations to know this is not THAT far from the truth, but nothing to this level.

I just want to appologise on behalf of /pol for using the k-word. They didn't know.
pls no necklasing.

Is what I'm using

Do you have a sister? Can I temp marry her for citizenship?

O-or maybe, w-we can, senpai... (no-homo)

there's a second article there bruv

Honestly, necklacing has historically almost always been a black-on-black thing.

There have been a few isolated instances of white cops getting the same treatment, but it was very rare even at the height of the struggle.

Most blacks even now have a residual fear of whites, they treat them sort of like witch-doctors with secret magical powers or something. It may not be justified, but there you go.

>american education

Jesus, that's depressing.

Theses are strange times here, you say anything racist on facebook and you get put on the front of national newspapers.

This has only really happened this year, but importantly none of these people have been charged yet, although they are trying to institute some hate speech laws.

People are still very racist in public, and very little does happen if you are. Racism in terms of inequality and crime is still incredibly prevalent. But instead of focusing on this the blacks and black government are more concerned about social media.... very strange

The south africans can clarify that. But I found this on wiki

"Under apartheid, the Central Business District was classified as a whites-only area, meaning that black people were allowed to work and shop there but could not live there. Application of the Group Areas Act became very lax in the 1980s, among other things because courts were not able to handle all the cases, and when the Act was abolished even more disadvantaged black people moved into the City Centre, often taking over whole buildings by overfilling them with people that the previous middle class white tenants found unacceptable neighbours.

This is not only true of previously established residential areas such as Hillbrow on the periphery of the CBD but also of former office blocks in the heart of the CBD, that were converted to residential accommodation as businesses fled the centre in the late-1980s and 1990s. A crime wave swept through the city as businesses left the CBD, which made walking around the area dangerous. Many businesses and people fled the Central Business District and surrounding areas such as Braamfontein, Hillbrow, and Yeoville for more secured houses or offices in the Northern Suburbs. By the late 1990s, the Central Business District was a no-go zone and a virtual ghost town. All its former glory was lost, and the city was shattered by the loss of the Carlton Hotel."

Um, no. Many slave traders were ex privateer and smuggling colonists getting into the triange trade (Slaves for molasses, molasses for liquor)
The majority ran out of my home state, which accounted for at least 75% of the slaves brought to the Caribbean and US. Notably the DeWolf and Brown families.
Sorry no Jew conspiracies.

> caring about an irrelevant game no one follows
What a perfect metaphor for white SA

May want to brush up on those ESL classes, Sven.

Rugby is basically the game of the Southern Hemisphere Anglos, for what it's worth. Admittedly, New Zealand and Australia are arguably not particularly relevant themselves.

Take a good look America, this is what Soros wants for you.

>The Central Business District, commonly called Johannesburg CBD, is one of the main business centres of Johannesburg, South Africa. It is the most dense collection of skyscrapers in Africa, however due to white flight and urban blight, many of the buildings are unoccupied as tenants have left for more secure locations in the Northern Suburbs, in particular Sandton and Rosebank. There are significant movements to revive the area.

Oh, white flight is to blame!

Can someone redpill me on the history and fall of Rhodesia and SA? I've heard both states failed because the cucked west embargoed anything going to them.

>Soccer team 100% black
>Minister of kaffir doesn't care about that racism

good catch

Jesus fuck I can't type that name.

Decades and billions of dollars in aid later and they still can't get basic infrastructure working. That should be the only redpill you need.

No it isn't correct.

"Matt and I" is a phrase that is only correct as the subject of a sentence because I is nominative.
School is the subject of the sentence in question here.


Go fuck yourself.

Also, your post is as full of shit as you are.

"School taught me", not "School taught I".

Eh, I tried.


All it would take is a strong ad campaign to split the blacks in the western cape away from supporting the whites, as they currently do.

They know that their region is nice because of all the whites there, so they either don't vote or vote for the white guy, but if the ANC runs enough negative propaganda it's all over for that region, and the country.

Wew lad, looks like the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse.

They can't just leave. They have south african citizenship remember? Always hilarious how europeans and americans in these threads go "why don't they just leave south africa?". Because they fucking can't unless they have relatives in europe or are filthy rich. Yes, the west made their country into a fucking shithole where they are murdered and then refuse them to leave.

Do they just not have civil services like street sweepers and pressure washers?

Just like american high school football! And the pro NFL as well. And baseball. And basketball. Even Tennis.

>Comment section on that news page
>All cucked whites apologizing or blacks with rediculous click-names shouting racist

How do you park your car and have it still be there when you get back?

garbage men on strike. strike lasted about a month

>sports minister


Why is this a thing?

niggers love inefficient purposeless bureaucratic jobs (if any job is to be had at all)

>Rugby team? only 1 or 2 niggers, they aren't good at sport

The black players are actually pretty good though

if you look at the twatter of the feed of the "sports minster," he's offically getti ng a twste of true "free speech."

Please help, you'vr no idea how bad it has gotten. Why should you care? if you are under 25 & White, at some point in yout life, You will be. a minority in yout nation.

help fight back. do long as your ip is not there, bothing they csn do about you. for wider justice-- deus vult.

hope op is hrlping too.

>To achieve what? Mass pogroms of whites in SA
Read some south african news sources. Now they made it ILLEGAL to show any anti-gvt protests on the national broadcasting network.

Amd they are already starting "land distrubtion" in thr middle of a drought, when fo rthe thr firdt yesr in history, SS has become a net food importer.

it is literally rhoedisa 2.0. please help teach this kaffir anout free speech-- an event desperstely needed to show these assholes they cannot control the internet there.

>The black players are actually pretty good though
whch then shows you, the staff is clesrly not "racist" obviously and would play black p layers if he had them. he does not.

So as revenge. nigger dumped rugby team from neing able to host into tournaments. entire thign is insane.