How can western civilization survive this much cuckoldery ?
Readers vote choose Bernie Sanders. They probably choose it for wasting billion dollar on non-winning campaign.
How can western civilization survive this much cuckoldery ?
Readers vote choose Bernie Sanders. They probably choose it for wasting billion dollar on non-winning campaign.
Who even reads Time
Fuck off shill no one cares about your outdated magazine
>bernie sanders
what the fuck? all he's doing is running for president, he didn't do shit, all he said was bullshit and he won't even get the democrats nomination
fucking hell we need some new media
>nov 2015 ...
> not know that the Donald won it.
> not know that they didnt took him, cause ma racyst!
Typical Roach shill.
>All those shit choices
how the fuck are refugees in that list?
holy fucking shit the jew york liberals need to die
Time outside of the US reads like RT
The correct answer is the God emperor Donald J. Trump
Time inside the US reads like any other US media. Worthless propaganda, bread and circus.
without the food and the fun
>Person of the year
He's spreading the socialist idea to America
Socialism is the future, didn't you know user :^)
Damn.... makes you think
As if this matters.
Some guy called with Baghdad or something in his name won by a landslide last year and they still chose merkel
I don't care for any of them.
should we spam it? Who should be our guy?
Trump is too obvious. I say we back Hulk Hogan or someone like that
That is quite manipulative of whoever made that pic.
The US version is often earlier or later than the international versions.
>only people that don't deserve it
Shit poll
>open it expecting to see trannies and faggots topping the list
>actually it's leftists
I don't know if I should feel relieved or not.
Commies in the lead. Why am I not surprised?
oh my kek
The trend of lowering the bar is continuing. Last time they gave Obama a Nobel for nice words. Now they are going to name Bernie person of the year for trying.
This would make sense considering obongo is that irrelevant
Until you realize trump exists and they're hiding his votes
It rightly should be Trump. Sanders can't even get his own party to back him, weak.
Wish I was brown desu it must be nice to be so stupid and privileged.
>Person of the Year
How retarded can you be?
It's objectively Trump though
>Pope francis
Even your religion is cucked
One year, it almost was the guys who cleaned Fuckushima. They lost to Femen.
said the country cucked by an arab religeon
thanks for making my blood pressure skyrocket