Was it justified?
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What the hell is going on in there,is that kid alive?
he probably would raise him better than his own father.
Can we get a Video of the actual shot please pleb?
Treyvon was a lot bigger than the news made him out to be.
Hes frozen like a gazelle whos flee response crashed.
Oh man my sides..
The kid's fine.
Dumbfuck parents somehow let their shit-for-brains offspring into the gorilla enclosure, resulting in the gorilla having to be shot dead before it potentially tore the child to shreds.
All he wanted was his father
We don't even see the gorilla get shot. Waste of time.
There are few thousands gorilla left in the world and hundreds million niggers. Yet that baby was considered more precious than the gorilla.
He was a good gorilla, just protecting his habitat and shit.
he dindu nuffin
>before it potentially tore the child to shreds.
Why would the gorilla do that?
He's white.
Looks like he just wanted to help the child.
gotillas aren't even violent by nature, still strong as fuck but chimps would have ripped the kid apart.
Net gain to society would have been to let the kid fend for himself and shoot the parents before they had the chance to shit out three replacements.
>first thought after hearing about this
meant for
>> parents
Gorilla will be missed.
Who cares about those kid and his mother?
They shot the wrong primate
Makes you think.
Two worlds, one famileeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Weird, I thought this was necroing the story of the gorilla that helped a little boy who fell into an enclosure.
im all against killing animals unnecessarily, but what the fuck could you do in that situation? tranquilizers would have angered it, and then the threat of the gorilla tearing the kid to shreds would have been real. it obviously didnt mean to harm the kid, probably was just playing, but it sure as fuck wouldnt have let a grown man near it.
yes the parents are retarded but i value human lives more than animal lives
how the fuck did that kid get in there?
Fuck sakes i get they look alike, but you really killed the wrong one.
At lease you killed the one that makes way less damage.
It was. Gorilla was acting like a total cuckold.
Watching this gif takes minutes off of my life
>nogs would justify this
>but would defend niggers like Mike Brown and Saint Traytray of Dindu until the day they die
>what the fuck could you do in that situation?
Shoot the parents.
Humans are animals, dipshit.
>didn't want to tranquilize it because it may not stop the gorilla quick enough
the damn parents should pay for all loss and damages. Can't wait to see how that niglet turns out. At least he got some early practice out of this
> but what the fuck could you do in that situation?
You could take proper care of your kid and not drop it into the fucking enclosure.
People paint this as a "kill the gorilla" vs "don't kill the gorilla" decision but this could've all been avoided had the parents not been complete idiots.
Yeah it had to be shot because you don't know what it would've done otherwise and IM tranqs take like 10 minutes to kick in and potentially angered it, but that's not where the choice lies. As soon as that kid fell in, nobody had any choice in the matter anymore. The gorilla was dead at that second.
Just don't fucking let your toddler climb the fences at a wild animal enclosure, stupid fucking shits. The parents killed that gorilla. They did. Indirectly, but they caused it directly.
we're all meat sacks and a child's mother can sue
what father
i bet that kid shit himself
If the child was in any actual immediate danger the Gorrila would have bashed its head in the second it dropped down, it looked to me as if it was protecting the child.
They could have at least tried to lure it away with food or something, then tranq it so that it doesn't get angry near the child, but even still I doubt it would've hurt the kid as they seem to regard human children like they do their own.
>yes the parents are retarded but i value human lives more than animal lives
In that case we should kill all bees because they can sting you.
It wasn't playing, it was being defensive. Though, you're right that he likely meant the kid no harm.
And when it fails and the gorilla breaks the kids spine for whatever reason a wild non-domesticated animal could have, the Zoo would be completely out of business and have to shut down and sell.
This sucks for the Gorilla, but it was a good decision on the Zoos part. They can always breed more Gorillas.
Kid deserved to be torn to shreds so it wouldn't have to suffer a life with such negligible parents as well as its own clumsiness. Hope the parents got sued.
that kid is going to be racist as fuck
Don't worry, this will hang around as it's made news.
The kid will end up hating his parents for their lack of care, and will end up being better than them.
>In a dream world situation, the kid will grow up and donate money for a silver-back gorilla foundation
Look at the glutes on that beast. Nice posture too.
if this is the correct decision and the parents pay no expenses for breaking the rules and resulting in the death of an expensive animal attraction, then couldnt rival zoos just pay parents to drop their kids into zoo enclosures at their competitors' and get the management to execute all of their animals? good business plan isnt it
Sleep tight griller
I'd wager that any business plan that involves dropping your kids into an animal enclosure won't hold up legally.
There's already group created called Justice for Harambe
Which one of you posted pic related on their page
They should be out of business for the fact that they made barriers that could be so fucking easily bypassed that could have resulted in potentially the death of both the child and an endangered animal.
> "oh no! That litte boy got into the gorilla cage!"
> "shoot that ape before he hurts him"
> tfw they shoot the gorilla instead
Now that's what I call underrated
>A rare footage of a black man shot down by a white cop while protecting his son
Where is Black Lives Matter now? Why isn't there an outrage?
black on black violence is really out of control
they should have shot the kid and his dumbass parents down instead. fucking retards need to be eliminated from the gene pool. instead they shot a gorilla who had no choice in the matter.
From a financial perspective this was a no-brainer.
Average age of Sup Forums seems to be dropping every 6 months.
>The kid will end up hating his parents for their lack of care, and will end up being better than them.
Suuure. My bet is in 10 years he's selling drugs and has a gun in his pocket.
This is the second thread I've seen you in, turn off your trip code you faggot
That's not how zoos work. All major zoos in the US are AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) zoos. Zoo trade animals all the time and generally work together for conservation.
It was probably the correct decision, but obviously niggers have no place in zoos.
I agree.
If you don't get what he meant you're a retard pedant. The point is that there's different levels of concern for the wellbeing of humans and non human animals.
>finances being the main point
>you goys sure are underage
Sorry master
photoshop the gorilla faces to them.
But they already are.
Human life is always more important then some animal
No one likes white people except for white people
>internet gorilla experts
isnt that redundant?
That's an entirely arbitrary limitation you're asking for. The fence isn't easily bypassed, people don't fall in accident. The toddler climbed onto it and fell in. We can assume it's reasonably safe by normal non-retard-parents standards by the fact that there's no precedent for this.
If you wanted to make the enclosure absolutely foolproof, you'd probably have to put the whole thing underground and let people look through it only through high security glass. Is that really preferable?
It's really the parents who have blood on their hands for not watching the kid. There's no way around admitting this.
That's a silverback isn't it? Those are basically huge dads. Gorillas have pretty strong parenting instincts, which have even extended to human kids sometimes.
unless the humans are people you want to hate and their treatment of animals gives you justification for hating, right? if this were some other race of child, you would be outraged they shot the gorilla. I call bullshit.
Or maybe the parents should watch their kid? Zoos have regulations to prevent things like this happening unless it was by complete human error. Perhaps both the parents and the zoo management were negligent, but they still had to take down a fine gorilla for such stupidity.
American zoos are very dangerous places. Aging infrastructure and dumbfuck employees. There have been numerous incidents of not only people getting into enclosures, but also animals getting out. Idiot zookeepers leaving doors open, etc. I never, ever allow my children to go to the zoo.
Pretty sure this is standard procedure, human life>animal life, every time no matter how le racist and edgy Sup Forums wants to be.
Pretty sure this kind of things are already planned ahead and accounted.
Wouldn't be surprised if the parents still sue and even win.
more black on black crime.
I've been to that zoo many times, and knew that gorilla. That was a good gorilla they shot. He never caused any problems. He was in disciplinary retention for a few years (cage where they use operant conditioning with bananas), but he hadn't cause any problems ever since then. He was getting along with the two female gorillas in his cage, wasn't hitting them anymore or anything, and was learning how to balance a soccer ball on his head to entertain the crowds. He had a bright future ahead of him.
I watched the video. That gorilla didn't do anything to justify getting shot. He didn't charge the zoo police, and didn't even have any weapons in his hand which he could use to hurt the kid. I think these zoo keepers just hate gorillas and will use any excuse they can to shoot them.
In the future, I think we should begin to have other gorillas take the responsibility of policing bad gorillas. We could train a bunch of them with bananas as reward, and have them walk around the gorilla enclosures in specially made gorilla police suits. I think this will prevent any good gorillas from getting shot unnecessarily in the future.
White people are the one pulling the trigger
I bet if the zoo manager is black he try to chase the gorilla away or try to keep the gorilla away from the child.
white people murders on impulse, fucking degenerates
Yes the parents are retarded, but zoo fences should at LEAST be childproof for christ sake, there's literally no defence against that.
>tested higher IQ animal shot dead for tested lower IQ animal
What a world.
Shoot the gorilla.
Make the parents pay for it.
Kid could have been raised by that gorilla to be king of the jungle. Instead, he will be raised by apes to be a nigger.
>Perhaps both the parents and the zoo management were negligent
I don't like that compromise. The zoo reacted in the best way possible.
The gorilla was shot by a special dangerous animal response team within minutes.
From googling around I'm finding absolutely nothing about a similiar event in the same zoo (which has been open to the public for soon 150 years now) which leads to the assumption that the fences were reasonably childproof by normal standards.
Really, you can't bring that argument. We have open train tracks here that kids can walk onto. Parents teach their kids to stay the fuck away from them and nothing happens, ever.
I don't get why this is even a thing
it's unfortunate but it's better to be safe than sorry
A large portion of the 'victims' are also total dumbfucks doing dumbfuck stuff like climbing/leaning over guardrails and falling in, and antagonizing the animals.
it is proven more cancerous by 3 fold then smoking a whole pack of 1950s lucky strike unfiltered cigarettes
I mean the kid falling into the pit in the first place. Both the zoo personnel and the parents had to have been ignoring them.