any other non-american besides me who supports trump?
Any other non-american besides me who supports trump?
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I don't mind him.
I'd vote for him solely based on the fact that he's honest.
How's your country doing btw?
Is all the people starving to death?
Pretty much the entire board?
Yow ah!
I support him
Yeah, he's cool.
i love him
I'm pretty sure anyone who hates America loves Trump.
I really like Trump and I hope he can improve America so that atleast USbros could have a good life. After that, I hope some countries in Europe will follow IF he succeeds with his policies.
The other choices are a socialist...sorry I mean a "democratic socialist" and a person that should be sentenced to multiple lifetimes of prison.
Present and accounted for
He will not give you free Yuros, Greasy. You'll have to work!
I couldn't give less of a shit about money
I'm sick and tired of our liberal government making schools teach degenerate liberal values to our youth
"making fun of kids with big ears is racist, making fun of left handed kids is racist, making fun of kids with red or blonde hair is racist"
Not me.
I really hope he loses the elections, and runs for EU president instead.
We need a wall far more than America.
>I couldn't give less of a shit about money
Because you live off others! You retire at 50 with German pensions and then bitch that you can't pay your debts. Lazy socialist scum.
I work for my money
I'm fine with how much I get, I don't want a raise
I'm sick of albanians and other lazy faggots living off of welfare
they should get a job, oh wait, they can't because they probably are uneducated faggots who voted for tsipras the commie
Trumpmissile here
Of course. Wish we had a Trump of our own here.
I rarely if ever see Frenchmen supporting Trump.
Always see more British, Greek, and Spaniards supporting Trump than anyone else from Europe.
Germans are unequivocally the worst offender of anti Trump spam. I'm not annoyed at the Germans, it's really the French who let down their closest ally in their time of need.
Greetings from sunny, rapey, stabby SA
Right here senpai
I've most of my time following Trump since Iowa.
Pretty cool Desu
Good job for sticking up for yourself
Nigger, what do you think?
I've Spent*
Of course.
I want him to win because
1. The liberal butthurt on social media will be on such a huge scale, gonna be amazing
2. With the overall influence America has on global politics we need someone like him to speak the truth
i sexually identify as a trump supporter
>the taste of the pudding is in the eating
What did she mean by this?
Nah man.
We gave them like€ for staple food.
They are fine when they spend it reasonabl...
I support him.
Based Danes are the most uncucked country in modern day Europe.
let's not forget that he wants to eliminate ISIS, and if I'm correct european countries to stand up to the radical muslim invaders before its too late, he said that a month before the paris attack
I wish I could buy one, but because of tsipras, I can't order anything outside of greece due to his shitty capital controls
>the butthurt reporter at the beginning
fucking kek
You don't need a wall, you need nukes. Where would such an EU wall even be built?
it means actions speak louder than words. everyone calls him a monster/buffoon, but his record speaks for itself.
Yes. Best thing that could happen against feminism.
in the border of turkey with greece and bulgaria
95% of the illegals come through greece
I suggest we deport them back to turkey, then build the wall
ITT: degenerates
Everyone loves Trump. Where the fuck do you think you are?
I presume you are white? What is life like for you in SA at the moment?
Even though I don't agree on all the things he says, I don't mind him.
Bolan reporting in
italy here
Spain checking in. If only we had a leader like that to deal with corruption, gypsies, Rumanos, and people that let their dogs shit all over the place.
He'll not only command burgerrealm, but the entire free world.
Pretty much the entire rational world, Greekbro. Trump's message is resonating everywhere with anyone who is tired of the shit that grobalism is bringing.
Make (insert your country here) great again.
Italy here
TFW when italian livin in baguette
you should've said "spaghetti living in baguette"
Of course! If he wins it will be a huge boost to conservative politics worldwide!
>I'd vote for him solely based on the fact that he's honest.
Sorry to be the one to tell you senpai, but Trump is pathologically dishonest. He's told far more lies than all the other presidential candidates combined (including Hillary).
Yes. I hope Trump wins.
Watch this, m8. It's the most American thing I've ever seen.
Also got a few of my mates into him as well and we've got Bets on that hell win POTUS
Time for the Great Uncuckening. Yes I support.
I support him. I'm not a nigger
sex tourist detected
make the western world great again
This is proxxy
Bapok detected
Had to get a fake hat because I don't have any American friends and fuck trusting any of you jews with my money.
My hate may be fake, but my love for the Don is not.
>living in France
is arabic difficult to learn?
Ini bukan proxy la anjing. Saya memang warganegara Malaysia. Baik kau minta Ahmed rogol kau. Fucking swedecuck.
Mat Salleh is triggered.
I did, but I stopped as soon as he backed out of the Trump vs Sanders debate. I thought he was legit. Now I just feel disillusioned. There is no-one worth supporting. The world is going to shit and that's all there is to it.
Ebayed mine. There's a Trump reseller.
reporting in
Here too!
It's a shame that there is no way to get libtards to form a rational perspective. Hoping for the FBI to burn Hillary on Foundation crap, removing her sociopathic ass from the race.
Bapak hang sumer mesti anjing/babi kan ? X caya ada Trump supporters kat sini. Poddahhh
I have two spare authentic MAGA hats. Is it possible for me to send them to people internationally without revealing my identity?
see Zhang's advice hereI got a real one off ebay
Stom tape ya ben zona
Taase iti sex
yet somehow i ''trust'' him more than hillary and i don't hate women
Only according to Politi"""fact""".
Name a lie
sure, I do.
>X caya ada Trump supporters kat sini
>Sup Forums
kau ni mmg lawak la senpai.
But seriously I support Trump because I want the world to be uncucked.
Sorry I'm out of shekels
Sini = Malaysia la samdolll
Send me one.
>Sini = Malaysia la samdolll
Haduiii cakap la. I confuse.
what's average opinion in Malaysia about him?
Yup. This guy's good though I had to wait 19 days zzz
Fuck off, "correct the record" your hillary shilling has no power here.
When you come to it
And you can't go through it
And you can't knock it down
You know that you've found