I wamt swedish gf right NOW! I can gureete the baby will have blue eyes and blonde hair since I have beta genes

I wamt swedish gf right NOW! I can gureete the baby will have blue eyes and blonde hair since I have beta genes


Can someone link the youtube channel?

Half swede half paki are not mongrels


My god this bastard is an ugly abomination, race mixing is a mistake

You don't want this filth, I can ensure you. Swedish "women" are mannish, entitled, disgusting feminist whores. You can't stand them for more than 5 minutes. Also them being good looking is a meme.

I'm all in favour of holocausting all of them. Literally every Swedish woman should be executed.

just fucking leave them alone.


I must be a 10 according to Swedish women.

>ugly abomination
Yet he got laid


> he got laid
Who? An infant?

That nigger got lucky with a cute gril just admit. He must have an alpha personality

I don't care about that dravidian having sex, i'm disgusted by the creature they gave birth to.

based paki = best poster on Sup Forums

Come to Finland homie I hook you up with Finnish girl


King of Sverige from Ylilauta, is that you?

are you russian? why are you getting brainwashed by stormfront?

you are literally considered the ultimate untermensch

No, i am not russian
> why are you getting brainwashed by stormfront
I'm not white supremacist as well, i was talking about race mixing in general


Can someone please link the youtube channel

race mixing improves the gene pool