
Who apologizes for military actions against hostile powers. There were legitimate targets, evacuation notices, etc

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Hes grasping now

I think we wound up bitchslapping the japs pretty well for pearl harbor

Obama is a useless nigger
This is not news

America needs to apologize for landing on the moon.

>Who apologizes for military actions against hostile powers.
A cuckold

It would bring attention to the fact that we knew about the attack and allowed it to happen as an excuse to join the war. McCollum memo

Obama apologized and recognizes all war dead in world war 2, equating American heroes to war criminal Japs.

He also took the occasion to say all religions are equal and equally cause suffering, meaning what Isis is doing is no different than Christians.

Obama truly hates America. Fuck him.

>lose thousands
>end hundreds of thousands
seems fair :^)

Yeah you just need to turn the other cheek also

Pearl Harbor was the reason we entered the war, so technically every American WW2 casualty is the Japs' fault. At the very least you have to count every American casualty in the Pacific. And then nuking the Japs saved millions of lives on both sides by avoiding a messy invasion where we would've literally had to kill every last Jap before they gave up.

About time he said something on this disgrace.

Naw, he's just stupid as a dog and we elected him because he's a nigger. We actually have zero proof that Obama isn't medically retarded. His wife looks like a gorilla with down syndrome.

Yea but liberals and SJWs ignore that and cry about it.

Fuck em

literally who the fuck cares. Shit happened almost 100 years ago. This idea that any generation gives a flying fuck about the events of WWII needs to go.

They attacked our naval base, we bombed the shit out of them. We're even. It's over. Done.

Trump needs to call out Obama for blatantly pandering to a non existent crowd.

Pipe down, Jethro, it was 70 fucking years ago.

>youre as bad as niggers n jews

Get the fuck over it, already




He didn't apologise you misinformed cuck

this im actually pretty tired of hearing the greatest generation bullshit and the faux pride over WW2.

There are a handful of people alive who were even alive then and a smaller handful that served.

It was a war for banking interests and empire.

The only good thing to come out of it is the US rising as the most dominant on earth and its relation to industrialization and the rise of the middle class.

U deserve to be hanged.


No, he just blamed "The forces of nationalism" for "violent actions taken." He morally equated the actions of the US to the actions taken by the Imperial Japanese. The fucking nigger cuck actually tried to compare the bombing of legitimate military targets to force a surrender and prevent an estimated one million Allied casualties alone, to the Rape of Nanking, Rape of Manilla, Rape of Singapore, the Bataan Death March, a decade of brutal Manchurian occupation, and using civilians as bayonet targets.

Fuck this stupid nigger. He has never understood this country or what the greatest generation fought for just to get his coon ass sitting there like a smug monkey, whimpering like a pathetic little cunt about a "new tomorrow" and "turning away from baser natures" and other pussy shit like that.

This was the final straw in taking Trumptards seriously.

Please, show me an excerpt of where he apologized? Oh yeah, HE DIDN'T. But all the Trumpfags on Normiebook swear up and down they heard it with their own ears

But Obama didn't apologize. I fucking hate the man, but he didn't apologize.

Every once in a while he does something right.

yeah ok hillary

have you read what obama said ? You don't need a genius to deduce it was some kind of shitty 2¢ moral relativism and a very borderline apology

He didn't say shit you faggot. He explained to the news why he wasn't apologizing to Japan during his visit.

I fucking hate listening to you people talk, worse than the liberals with hearing what you want to hear. Misinformed idiots. This board is shit because of you.

>Empathy for the dead = an apology

Yeah retard, I did read it. Just because he has empathy does not mean he apologized. Sorry, he can't be a meme lord like Sup Forums and just say "LEL YOU GOOKS DESERVED IT FOR STRIKING FIRST, AND I DON'T GIVE A SHIT KEK.

How are you STILL butthurt about this? Muh sneag attack.

Jesus man, grow up.

Do the Americans ever talk about why Japan attacked the US, I mean it was pretty obvious it was gonna happen.

I don't blame Japan for Pearl Harbor. I blame FDR. FDR is the one who put trade embargoes in place against Japan while it was at war. FDR is the one who froze and confiscated Japanese assets while it was at war. FDR was secretly drawing up plans with the British to join the war in 1939, 2 years before Pearl Harbor. All he needed was an excuse since most Americans had no desire to fight another European War. He tried by sending US Navy ships with British ones on "training exercises" while Briton was at war with Germany, but Hitler never took the bait. Thus the Economic Warfare to provoke Japan went into effect and worked splendidly.

Also FDRs family got rich off trade with China (including Opium), FDR himself supported an Open Door policy for Chinese immigrants (serf labor) and indeed the Roosevelt Bloodline and that of his Mother's, the Delanos, were full of Globalists through and through.

>Isaac Roosevelt (December 19, 1726 – October 1794) was an American merchant and Federalist politician. He served in the New York State Assembly and the state Constitutional Convention and achieved the most political success of any Roosevelt before Theodore Roosevelt. Isaac was the patrilineal great-great-grandfather of the President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was a cofounder of the Bank of New York in 1784, and became its second president, a post he held from 1786 to 1791.

Yea man, i agree.

PS. Black lives matter and slavery

>opinion of an irrelevant country that will not exist in 50 years

I'm sorry did you guys hear something?

its because People were asking America to apologise over the nukes.


You guys are aware of that, r-right ?

Fuck you niggers and spics for dragging this once great country into becoming the shitholes you left!

Fuck niggers- go back to fucking nigger land where you can starve, get shot for nothing, get sick and not have water because whitey didn't make it for you there.

Fuck you fucking wetbacks for coming across the border to suck on the American generosity machine so you can have your fucking anchor babies to add to the burden on the rare American taxpayer that is left with a job after nigger-nomics has killed us all.

Fuck you muzzies that bring your Mohammad faggot noise and bull shit to our country! Mohammad was a faggot and Allah sucks pig dicks!

All of you ungrateful fucks can walk back to your fucking shithole countries and FUCK OFF!

Why do you want to fuck niggers so much ? You love the BBC ?

All war is shit and the attack was just a tactic, however horrible. The real thing they should, and could never apologize enough for, is the unnecessarily cruel and harsh treatment of POW's

japan deserves no apologies and no hugs for what they did

Yeah Obama is trying to make America look bad.

I don't care what he says about Pearl Harbor.

I do care that he moaned and bitched about the bombs like they were special in any other sense than technology. Japan wanted a war, and they got one. They escalated the conflict to total war by attacking civilians willy-nilly, marking their own cities as targets for a war machine that possessed long range bombers. That was THEIR mistake, and America owes them no apologies for fighting the war within the constraints Japan itself laid down. Shit, if they'd been real assholes, they'd just have genocide the japs while they were at it. You know, like the Japs did with everyone they met.

Pearl Harbor was a cowardly sneak attack, but Japan was doomed from the start. Their entire plan hinged on knocking out American carrier capability in the Pacific, and then browbeating America out of the war. Which would never have worked.

Japan needs to get over the nukes, but America needs to stop coming back to Pearl Harbor. Of all the scummy shit the Japs did in the war, Pearl Harbor is near the bottom of the list. Not, mind you, because it was in any way legit. It wasn't. but because the Japs simply were such subhuman scum that a cowardly sneak attack doesn't even make an impression.

The Germans did the same thing here, and we stopped blaming them long ago.

They need to watch the footage from Okinawa, of civvies jumping into the ocean and blowing themselves up with grenades, rather than being taken prisoner.

Of course, they believed the Americans would do the same shit their own army did. Which means they all knew how shitty their own troops were. So they get no real sympathy from me.

he didn't apologize because the japanese told him not to be a fucking idiot

Calling Chinese immigration serf labor is a libelous stretch desu. Spicy rhetoric for a bunch of stupid rice farmers that became doctors and businessmen one generation later. In actuality, Chinese laborers are the truest manifestation of the American dream since the settlers.

>Spicy rhetoric for a bunch of stupid rice farmers that became doctors and businessmen one generation later.

A cuck.

The only sensible post here desu