>Louisiana rep causes outrage by implying Declaration of Independence is racist: Politician says students shouldn't recite it as it was conceived in time of slavery
>Bill proposed students between 4th and 6th grade recite passage every day
>Barbara Norton argued against it, pointing out the inequalities that persisted despite document's famous line that 'all men are created equal'
>Literacy laws in Jim Crow era also disenfranchised black people, asking them to read or recite from the Declaration of Independence before voting
>Valarie Hodges shelved the bill and called amendments suggesting students recite other historial texts 'poison pills'
>She said memorizing the passage was as important as Math, English, or conjugating verbs
Louisiana rep causes outrage by implying Declaration of Independence is racist: Politician says students shouldn't...
Niggers are going to be the death of our republic.
Is that its actual face?
what's the deal with niggers and slavery?
can't they just get the fuck over it? everyone else did.
not to mention there are still black slavemasters in africa enslaving other blacks right now
why can't blacks just get their shit together? it's not hard, just do what everyone else does. you don't even have to figure anything else out. just do what the white and asian people want you to do: behave like a civilized, normal person
That's has to be shopped
Because it's all whitey's fault and they need mo money fo dem programs
indoctrinating children to be pro-American interferes with plans to indoctrinate children to be anti-American
I've never seen that nose since don cheadle
Shit like that won't be passed anyway
Because it's all they have. Deep down, they know they just lack the physical and mental capacity to survive without handouts.
>blacks today weren't even slaves
>can't get over slavery
makes perfect sense
Roses are red, the sky is blue, and nigger Democrats in Louisiana are fucking stupid.
The world just keeps on spinnin'...
because pic related
Because it's a all-purpose avoid responsibility ticket. It feeds niggers, it puts niggers in universities, it gets niggers jobs.
Imagine if you had those two magic words you could recite at any point in life and get your way?
>"Oh man im hungry but i spent all my money on crack and rap albums."
white people are a scourge and im happy theyre dying out
Why are whites such homos tho?
Googled her name, all of her pictures are like this
This is an actual face that exists in reality. I'd call them an unfortunate soul but she's a lawmaker and sounds like a terrible one at that.
>Valarie Hodges shelved the bill and called amendments suggesting students recite other historial texts 'poison pills'
>Poison pill
Holy fuck the jigaboos are on to our dank pill memes
why are we letting these stupid leftists niggers ruin our country, folks
>Literally has the words "liberty and justice for all"
Can't wait until I can spend 20 hours a day in VR and forget this shitty world
Blacks are cancer.
Blacks built great civilizations in Africa and were prosperous until the white man arrived and taught them about rape, murder and slavery. Blacks were the purest race on Earth and the true descendants of the ancient Israelites. Go look it up, do your research. *smacks lips profusely*
They need to be an eternal victim class so they can vote democrat in every election and receive mo money fo dem programs.
You tell em brotha
written by slave owners and blatantly hypocritical
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
except for blacks because we're not going to give up our slaves
how can anyone argue that the declaration or the Constitution is not racist? You all have your heads in the sand
Kek look at this nigger
She's right. All things from the era of slavery need to be destroyed before we can move forward.
So let's start with the pyramids
If I take the mask off, will she die?
2/10 i replied
It was implicitly racist and sexist, but who cares? At the end of the day it works out for everyone.
Why is a rep concerned about this when black reading and math scores are so low?
Clearly niggers care? If i'm a nigger am i even going to consider the ideas of some one who enslaved my ancestors? They wont even give it a chance because of the inherent contradictions presented in it.
>Why is a rep concerned about this when black reading and math scores are so low?
don't know don't care just came here to talk about the deceleration and constitution being racist
Why the fuck are you crying racism you little bitch? There wouldn't be a US that you could collect welfare in without the Declaration of Independence.
It was written by weathly slave owners for the benefit of wealthy slave owners
youre the one who got memed into thinking it was for the common man to begin with.
so why do nogs always try to say we wuz pharaohs when egypt was built on slavery?
property is property, negros needed to be owned by masters to make them civilized
Classic blunder.
Because they're uneducated and are easily fooled, falling for nigger Facebook and twitter memes about their "history" without doing research. Because history is racist and written by da white man to keep tha brothas down.
So what's the alternative? Because the belief that "all men are created equal" wasn't practiced faithfully in the past we should just forget it?
Egypt is one of the most prized civilizations, most blacks came from the sub Saharan, where there are mostly mud huts and tribes. They rather be seen as kings and queens then as spear-chuckers. Making fun of their own African people who come from Africa is not uncommon, they don't even want to be called "African American".
That's not the rep's real hair, that's an indian's hair that was sewn or glued onto her head or chemically relaxed so it appears straight. Many black females do this from age 5.
Make a new one saying basically the same thing but allow a black or two to sign it?
Man, I don't know, man
Obviously not because the US is way better for the common man than any country on the planet
i depends on what factors you look at as being good for the common man.
Education, Jobs, healthcare, the prison industrial complex.... all these things are a direct result of the framers vision
>make a new one
>the Declaration of Independence
>make a new declaration of independence
you guys all know it's just two paragraphs with a list in the middle shittalking the king of england right?
Can blacks read yet? Would they just sign it with an x?
We have freedom of speech and the UK doesn't.
>freedom of speech
"free speech zones"
yeah no
clearly i meant a new constitution; and we just teach the declaration for what it was.. a bunch of angry whites mad about being taxed, connects well with a lot of the problems we have today as well.
I can say fuck niggers wherever i want and i wont go to jail
Is that it? That's your big refutation of our expression laws?
>clearly i meant a new constitution
Clearly you didn't and you just outed yourself as another dumb nigger who thinks they're the same and also thinks Geishas are Chinese and we wuz KANGS.
someone tell this negro to stop appropriating white culture by having straight hair, go natural nigger or are you ashamed of your true self?
Tell me what i mean? Fuck off Cleatus you're just nitpicking because you cant argue against the idea itself
Germany ranks higher than the US even though they censor refugee crimes
Fuck off
and you have a better way to measure all this? By all means please share
lets see what happens in America when a news reporter tries to see what happens inside an ALEC convention
I don't know who's jewing whom anymore.
What is there to "argue" with someone who doesn't know the DoI and Constitution are different?
There is a big difference between allowing somebody to see something and allowing somebody to print something
Keep shucking and jiving brother
tell me how the DoL and Constitution weren't expressly written for property owning white men
everything is racist wahhhh wahhhh
get fucked uppity nigger
>jew book
>bait commented on my friends post about this
>democrats when will they learn
>another person a few minutes later commented back telling me im ignorant and the republican party is the same or some shit.
>100 reasons why they are the same article from some click bait site
should I continue?
Goddamn, that's one ugly nigger wench.