What is wrong with providing a basic minimum income for those who choose neet instead of life?
Isn't the point of technology to free us from work?
>inb4 we can't afford it
What is wrong with providing a basic minimum income for those who choose neet instead of life?
Isn't the point of technology to free us from work?
>inb4 we can't afford it
The problem is the economic consequences of that which are very similar to the consequences of income tax.
Let's do a simple exercise in mathematics:
Let's take the Czech Republic and round down their population to 10 mn people.
Let's say it costs around 20,000 € to live a modest life, comfortable but not exciting.
That's a price tag of 200 bn € annually just to give everyone this universal basic income (or UBI).
This assumes that inflation won't ruin the value of the Euro, which it will, meaning this amount grows by around 2% every year.
The Czech Republic's GDP is right about 208 bn US dollars.
Mind explaining to me how a country can afford to stuff 100% of its GDP into a "UBI".
Remember that the state has thus far not paid any of its other bills, like road maintenance, military, emergency services, etc.
>not accounting for the increase in GDP from the massive economic stimulus of UBI.
>picking a weak and inneficient country
Here in the U.S. We already go into debt every year and there is not UBI
>Mind explaining to me how a country can afford to stuff 100% of its GDP into a "UBI".
You literally answered your own question:
>Remember that the state has thus far not paid any of its other bills, like road maintenance, military, emergency services, etc.
If they can afford to launch a 20 bazillion dollar missile up a camel's ass 65,000 miles away they can damn sure buy me some fuckin' ginger ale and pretzels.
No seriously, for real.
I don't even need that much, just buy one more $600 toilet seat per month and then allocate the money to me after you're done.
What am I gonna do? Sit on it? No, I'm gonna spend it. It goes right back into the economy, right back into some American taxpayer's pocket.
The Czech Republic is not weak nor inefficient.
We can calculate the same example for France, if you wish:
66 mn people at 25,000 € annually (its a bit more expensive to live in Western Europe).
1.65 tn € annually for UBI in France.
French GDP is 2.8 tn USD annually.
While the UBI may streamline certain aspects of the welfare system, before the state has paid any other bill, it has already blown around 2/3 of its GDP on nothing but the UBI.
What is this supposed to mean?
"look the price tag of one missile is this big, and we use them so far away therefore it would be cheaper to feed people".
That is only true to an extent isn't it?
>constantly keeping money moving
Who would be convinced to go working if the only "benefit" is barely a few thousand dollars annually in addition to the UBI (provided you get to keep anything, I have yet to hear an explanation of this where you keep your earnings)?
Because you are a lazy fucking piece of shit and people like me that actually work and want to make something of our lives won't vote for those kinds of nation ruining policies. You NEETS are communist scum and will be some of the first on the day of the rope
Wew lad calm down a little.
I pay over 40% income tax here in socialist Austria but my levels of marxist hatred have yet to hit Hitler's realm of commie hate.
This man is right. UBI is nothing but a make-believe story. UBI countries would become so extraordinarily weak over a generation that even Uzbekistan could steamroll over our continent. Throw out military, throw out the state, throw out everything except UBI. You don't need more to live peacefully, right DUDE?
>Isn't the point of technology to free us from work?
When something becomes more efficient, it doesn't get used less, the capacity is just filled up to the new maximum.
UBI is effectively marxism rehashed into the 21st century.
It sounds a terrible lot like "making everyone have an equal amount".
I wonder when UBI people mutate into thinking that property needs to be nationalized too...
Surely UBI will work. Look at the niggers in the US. Most of them don't work and already receive what is essentially UBI.
Look at all the great works of art, amazing technical advances, and truly inspiring works of charity that have arisen from that community.
They already do and they receive welfare higher than any proposed UBI.
And who is going to buy all the new max capacity overproduction?
Why should you be entitled to the fruits of other people's labors?
That's literally what economic growth is mate.
In Marxist countries there was/is no welfare. Only gulags for the unemployed. Being unemployed is actually a crime in countries like Belarus and North Korea.
Why not?
>Isn't the point of technology to free us from work?
The day the people of a nation stop needing to work is the day that nation collapses
I'm not paying for you to sit on the internet and be a faggot all day.
Because you're losers. Get off your ass and do something or slowly die out. No sweat off my hard-working back.
>make something of our lives
>be a wageslave
>get divorced
>be a wageslave and an alimonyslave
I work 25 - 27,5 hours a week just because the employment agency is annoying as fuck when you have no job - as long as you are Austrian in Austria.
I'd live by welfare if they wouldn't be so annyoing when it comes to native people in unemployment.
I will NEVER work full time. What for? A gov which calls 50% of its people "uneducated NAZIs", mocks and laughs about them openly? A gov and a society which happily celebrates their own genocide? A land where I can't live how I fucking want to and are not even allowed to speak my mind in public?
"But user, what if you want a family." Then I get a woman (who is not some annopying career brainduck), make 4 children, make her stay at home (rural area) and live on welfare + money for my homeschooled children.
Fuck this do-goodie leftist society. I contribute as less as possible to this pile of shit.
I hope it all goes to hell soon so I can march to revolution and watch traitors hanging from lanterns and trees...
> t. Protestant guilt
Is there an economic basis to this statement?
Your feelings are not an argument.
Answer the question
Technology making things cheaper has been in an uphill race against currency debasement making everything more expensive since at least 1971.
What the means is that ever year the dollar has been constantly been getting worth less and less. It's not going to suddenly hyperinflate all at once, but what has occurred slowly over a couple of decades is just that. The dollar loses 50% of it's value every 23 years.
That means it costs you 100 dollar to buy what 50 used to. And it'll cost you 200 in 23 years what 100 costs you right now. It's how they silently rob a whole entire country, it makes them artificially poor.
TLDR Thomas Jefferson's worst nightmares are coming to life in front of our faces and that's why technology isn't freeing us.
Because I don`t want to pay for your laziness
Don;t parents just throw their kids out anymore? I was nineteen, working a full & part time job at the same time but my parents didn't want rent. They wanted me to get out into the world and really live. My older brother, sister, and me were all shown the door at eighteen and shown the street by nineteen.
Either contribute something of value to society or die.
No, your otaku interior design skills don't suffice.
>"but i provide comfort to my family etc."
Then they can pay for it.
Salaries have stagnated though and there is an overproduction of useless shit (+destruction of overproduced food to keep prices from falling) ---> environmental problems that in turn lower the quality of life.
Muh feels is not an argument.
Your parents seem to be arseholes.
you got me cravin ginger ale and pretzels now
>Isn't the point of technology to free us from work?
nah we'll still have to maintain the robots and shit
>I was 19
Let me guess this was back in 1975 when money was worth something?
t. boomer
Moneyed contribution is relative. There are people in your country right now, making 25$/hr for educating shitlords on tranny pronouns.
I can't wait for the day when it's a duty to round up fat people and the unemployed and deposit them into work camps.
That's true, but it's a smaller part of the bigger picture, which is that America does not control America's monetary power.
Thank god for Texas trying to take some of it back.
Yall can keep your shitty ass commie countries. You guys just keep being content with being a mediocre jackass, while people like me actually get to be someone. Don't bitch and whine about your crappy government and then not do anything. You are a bunch of faggots and you neets are worthless to society, nothing but a bunch of moochers. Yalls shitty communism could actually work but people like you just start to take advantage of the system just like a bunch of worthless niggers.
>inb4 wageslave
I do private contracting so I get to decide where I work and for how long. Just get a better job you faggot, stop settling for less. God damn I can't believe I wanted to move to europe when i was younger. You guys suck
nah bro we'll make robots to maintain the robots
Thank you. Someone finally does some basic math. The bernie crowd and the like want care though. They dont like reality.
Making your kids learn in such a hard way is irresponsible though, unless somehow you can be sure your kids can handle it.
Everyone I know whose parents did that to them are on antidepressants, some have been alcoholics and deug addicts for a decade; just overall an unnecessarily harsh way to drop the real world on a kid.
A more gradual process is much better, but that requires parents to subsidize their kids' lives in a gradually decreasing way for about 5 years or so as they finish school and secure a job and get their feet firmly planted.
>le quaint AllAmerican™ 'I was kicked out the door at 16 and now I'm a millionaire because I worked hard' meme
You are a fucking retard
There are places where you can already do this and they're always open to new defectors.
Go do that then. If I'm paying for it, go do it until sane people won't tolerate it anymore.
But user...
you are attacking the wrong people.
I am not a NEET.
>I do private contracting so I get to decide where I work and for how long.
I do something similar.
What options do I have to uncuck my country?
The day of the rope hasn't come, so I can't go on a murder spree to help fix the problem.
We lay in wait.
Better yet, it should be like the old days, and if you don't work, you don't eat.
>Making your kids learn in such a hard way is irresponsible though, unless somehow you can be sure your kids can handle it.
If you actually taught your kids things, they won't have anything to worry about. If someone teaches a 15 year old how to work and gets him his first job bagging groceries or something, and learns what having is own money is like, then being shown the door is not only not scary, it sounds like a blast.
It is incredibly shitty parenting though, to not teach anything to your kid and just expect him to figure out everything himself.
>Isn't the point of technology to free us from work?
Nah, it's to work more efficiently.
You're just a lazy and entitled crypto commie
Minimum wage kills jobs, businesses, and therefore slows the economy down. I hope this is bait.
Whatever works for you big guy. You see, I don't give a fuck how hard you believe that you are what is inside your wallet. When your country collapses first economically and financially you will be just that: Some burger trying to survive. No prestige, no money, nothing. Just some burger like all the others.
While you do you contributing to society and whatever thing until shtf - I will live self reliant and defend my plot of land with deadly force.
I know NEETs are mostly NEETs because they are stupid, but whats so hard to understand , the government doesn't have "free" money.
Money represents goods that country can produce. UBI would make people not produce goods in ridiculous numbers.
Not enough taxes starts flowing in and the government can either print the money and cause hyper inflation, or raise taxes that discourage production even more.
Please stop spouting the UBI meme, it won't happen unless 60+% jobs are automated
In this case is totally valid.
You don`t want to work, and I don`t want to pay you nothing. It`s pretty simple. I don`t have any responsibility with you.
If you want to be a NEET find the way to earn a lot of money to retire at your 20s and do nothing the rest of your life.
Why should I? I think trannies are cancer. "Sane people" is a meaningless term because the more paid propagandists there are, the more effective and deep-seated the accepted beliefs of a society.
>self reliant
You can steal, rob and eat too, like in the old days.
how do you not get that I was making a joke good god I'm actually embarrassed for you
[citation required]
>Im self reliant
Said from a computer he didn't make connected to the internet via a ISP powered by electricity from the grid
No, your feeling aren't valid. This isn't tumblr.
Right, some incredibly weak starving individual is going to rob me and not get immediately murdered. We own guns here cinnamon gum .
Foreigners on German welfare? You're saying there aren't any?
Cause if I do the work I want the reward
>not accounting for the massive disincentive when people are no longer required to work
What's so funny burger? Don't you get the concept of hunting, farming and survivalism?
I really hope the big crash comes soon, so all you brainfucked "society contributers" get off your high horse and are finally forced to eat shit.
Oh yeah, the starving indivudual is totally going to wait a few weeks before he grows weak without food. He won't simply shivvy you from behind.
I agree.
I still think you need to provide a safety net for a while while giving them the opportunity to make some mistakes. It's impossible to teach them everything before they leave, and you don't want them fucking up and making a fatal error. Obviously mindful that you're lessening any dependency, not reinforcing it.
>when your country collapses first
Hahaha hahaha please, we will drag down every other mother fucker first before America falls. And besides the mid west will rise once the global economy fails. The mid west is a future world power. And i never said anything about "Muh wallet, Muh buying power" I care more about the good that I can do to my society and community with the money and power. If I want to just get high all day long and fuck sluts I would just be a neet
There is a far cheaper option for the rest of us:
>I'll just let people starve and shoot them instead of giving them fair wages for fair work
you are missing the point. Costs for the current welfare is nowhere the proposed UBI costs for the country.
I suppose so. Just get organized and spread the news to your buddies and friends. The sad thing is that it'll be our generation that will need to fix this fucked up world but our generation waits for some one else to start shit. Its gonna take one of you guys to go full Hitler to fix this mess.
So start practicing those speeches anonot
You should if I can prevent you from stealing my money while you're a useless bag of shit.
If you can get the government to redistribute my and other valuable people's income to you and your ilk, congratulations. The point is if you're not doing anything for me, I don't care if you die, and I won't help you live unless I'm forced.
Also, if you're ever around me I'll do what I legally can to never make things easier and always make things harder for you when presented with the choice.
Yes, it is. Welfare=1500 eur/month+fleet of bureaucratic (0 production) jobs servicing the system.
UBI would be like 500 eur.
>If I want to just get high all day long and fuck sluts I would just be a neet
Never did any of that xD. wtf burger...
Yes theOldDays.jpg
almost as good as post nuclear wasteland future, where the weak succumb to disease and radiation, and the strong never know where the next meal comes from. I cant wait.
I should become a paid advocate for everything you hate and have the government pay me for that with your taxes?
In the US we let the minimum wage fall to the point that working a full time job while earning it allows you to qualify for section 8 and food stamps which are a means tested form of UBI. The benefit goes to employers of artificially cheap labor and collectors of artificially high rent.
And those who cannot afford to forgo the UBI don't have all their rights. For instance the right not to be drug tested by the government - if you're getting UBI, and cannot afford to let it go, you must submit to whatever conditions those paying it to you put upon you, or lose the UBI.
only something like 5% of the country gets welfare - and many of those actually part of the program as it should be, meaning they really try to get a job.
I'm not a friend of the welfare system, but UBI will be a different magnitude of costs and it will have a bigger impact on the motivation to go work, since at the moment you have to lie and simulate to be eligible for welfare bucks.
I'm plenty good as a politician and have been cultivating my speech talent for a few years now.
I have nowhere near the funds to launch a political party or campaign though.
>choose neet
Get a job faggot
you stop producing inferior products - it actually takes a lot of time to achieve better products than they were
just look at soviet technology - most of the radios and so on "work", so they should be sufficient.
I'd prefer that than that you do nothing, yes. And I'll continue to oppose it and vote for your job to disappear. Then at least you won't have any more exuses for being a bum who wants his worthless life paid for for no reason at all.
They are if you are applying them to your own property, unlike Tumblr, which tries to govern other's lives with their feelsies.
>letting other people pay your bills
literally a nigger
>20,000 € to live a modest life, comfortable but not exciting
>1 euro = 1.45 cad
why do anti-welfare people always assume welfare is like 3x as much as it actually is lol
really shows you how far removed from the problems of poor people they are when they assume that's the baseline
>pay rent
>pay utilities
>pay food
>pay "allowance" so people can consume non-essential goods
>pay clothes
It doesn't matter.
Even if we hacked my result in half and got 100 bn € annually, that's still 50% of the Czech Republic's GDP.
Also maybe I think welfare is much more than it actually is because I actually pay for this shit.
Their is a possibility that my province will be implementing UBI.
>Carbon tax coming in a few years.
>Next year their will be free uni and college for low income families.
>Ontario pension plan means more money off my paycheck that I am never gonna see like CPP.
>UBI coming in.
>Hydro rates are insane.
>Ontario has the highest level of debt for any sub nation.
Whats the point of working anymore if more then half your shit goes to the government.
National interest dictates that our workforce should be as large as possible in case we have a war with China.
That's also why we should have jobs programs, by the way. Everyone works, everyone gets enough to live decently on.
>Jobs programs + drug legalization = end of ghetto culture
Tyrone won't be able to make a living standing on the corner slinging dope. He'd have to pull up his pants and show up on time. It'd literally solve most of the negro problem within a decade.
>Isn't the point of technology to free us from work?
Well 50-hour workweeks, homelessness and poverty are all retarded.
>inb4 we can't afford it
True true. Reminder that per-capita GDP in the US is $53k. Ceteris paribus, if we just took all the income and divided up to each person equally we'd all get $53k per year.
Really, the biggest problem in America are Reaganite suckers who blame everything on the government and believe despite all evidence that the free market can solve all our problems.
It's mostly kids that need to pay off student loans and there's no reason to rent because it detracts from your ability to pay down those loans(especially since rents are skyrocketing in most markets in the US)
Those who won't work don't eat.
>Also maybe I think welfare is much more than it actually is because I actually pay for this shit
lol go figure out how much of your paycheck actually goes to social programs and you'll realize how dumb you sound trying to act like you personally support everyone on welfare
also the czech republic doesnt even make the list of 50 highest gdp's, why dont you choose a country that's not dirt poor?
>if we just took all the income and divided up to each person equally we'd all get $53k per year.
Does the term "Marxism" ring any bells?
Justify to me why I should have my "extra money" (all dollars above 53k annually) taken away from me to pay for someone else's inability to reach my level.
Socialists/communists want to provide for those who will not work , by choice. All of my keks .
We wouldn't need a minimum income if people didn't want stupid shit
im not going to support your lazy ass to do nothing
you've got your parents for that
they already do, it's called welfare lol this would just eliminate a bunch of paperwork and office hours to achieve essentially the same result