Let's discuss how the Eternal Kraut fucks up Europe for the 3rd time in a row.
When will white Europeans finally unite and purge the kraut menace once and for all?
Let's discuss how the Eternal Kraut fucks up Europe for the 3rd time in a row.
When will white Europeans finally unite and purge the kraut menace once and for all?
I am greek.
Germany must perish.
You lefties sabotaged yourselfs yesterday.
Wheres my money dickhead?
you owe me your country for destroying my country in ww2 and destroying it with the EU.
Even if the last drop of your blood is spilled you'll never get rid of your original sin.
Germany must perrish.
I am greek.
Amen, user. Truly the eternal kraut is the scorch of Europe. A parasite that needs to be put down, before it kills its host.
The day when people will go to the nice Swiss marinas and the port of Zurich...
Legitimately beautiful
turks first m8
Kill yourself Angloroaches
they even invented communism and used it as an excuse to destroy the world again because hitler disliked it
I am greek.
Is that you turkroach?
The real rough situation of Europe is that Eternal Anglo and Eternal Kraut are neighbors and their goals always are contradictive
>I'm an Anglo now
sorry wrong thread aryan brother
I'm 100% German :^)
>this thread
nu pol
Germans are the biggest subhuman scum. A disgrace for the whole Europe, they deserve to be exterminated
My ancestors fought to the death against germans (im slav) but they are sure superior to Anglos. If anything London, Washington and tel aviv should be nuked first before we initiate anhoter great slav rape of Germany.