>Brexiters are plotting a first-strike leadership coup amid fears the PM will wreak revenge on THEM.
>At least 30 MPs are plotting to force a no-confidence vote after the campaign is over — with some even predicting a general election by the autumn.
>Mr Cameron publicly insists the party will reunite after June 23 but one minister warned: “There will be a bloodbath when this is all over.
>Senior Tories were incensed last week after Mr Cameron suggested it would be immoral to vote “leave”.
>It was seen as the “tipping point” for Eurosceptics who have warned of a campaign of disobedience.
>Andrew Bridgen, who chairs the Regulatory Reform Committee in the Commons, believes Mr Cameron is “finished” as party leader — even if he wins the referendum
>He said: “He has infuriated colleagues so much with Project Fear that he will almost certainly face a vote of no confidence.
>“Whatever the result, I believe his position will be untenable.
Why don't all of those disaffected Tories join UKIP then? That would add a lot of momentum behind the leave vote.
Dominic Bailey
Will Farage win the PM leadership?
if Kek wills it
Aiden Carter
farage couldn't even win his fucking MP seat, only Express readers and Sup Forums memesters think he has any real chance
anyway looking at a 52-48 for Remain and a lid on this thing for at least another 15 years.
Michael Wilson
hello underage
Caleb Nguyen
It would be up to a vote of no confidence in order to call a new election. A new Tory leader would want to call one in order to "hopefully" increase their mandate.
Brown didn't call an election because he knew he would never get to sit in number 10. By the time Brown came to power, the country had had enough of Labour.
Dylan Sanchez
There's going to be a lid on it forever. The UK never had a chance to exit
Joshua Morales
>farage couldn't even win his fucking MP seat The same seat that elected a UKIP council to run the gaff. If those postal votes that went on a 6 hour detour (which should have taken 20 minutes) doesn't stink to you, then maybe a repeat in the EU referendum vote will.
Eli Davis
Joseph Edwards
>farage not being elected is da gubmint's conspiracy to keep great britannia down and not the fact that people don't vote populist when a moderate centre-right promise is much more appealing
i meant lid until anther referendum that inevitably fails
Nathaniel Fisher
Here's something
>William Hill say that 63% of all bets they have taken on the outcome of the EU Referendum have been for the 'Leave' option – but 72% of all the money staked has been for the 'Remain' option.
Sound to me like leave voters going for a win-win situation.
Elijah Roberts
Nice to know that ignorance is still bliss.
Robert Kelly
It just further proves you aint leavin shit. Not like it even matters anyway, UK wants to pretend it isnt already flooded with pakis, curryniggers, spooks and most of the shit tier polacks. What UK really need is a reform on welfare and gibsmedats.
Ryder Garcia
Bentley Morgan
Cameron White
Because it would split the party and they'd lose the majority.
Elijah Morales
Jacob Richardson
Tell me about this person. Give me the straight dope like the kids say.
Nolan Murphy
He once spat on a burger.
Brandon Rodriguez
Imagine a more pathetic yet militant Bernie Sanders.
Tyler Smith
More like Poland is going through a drain because anyone with any sense leaves and goes for better wages etc. It just turns out that Poles are only well enough educated to do agriculture manual labour and menial jobs like bus drivers and petty criminals.
Camden Miller
Thomas Lee
Nathaniel Ramirez
More pathetic than Bernie?
Joshua Bailey
Nice sources
Logan Bennett
a proper alternative to left wing politics aka old bennite social democrat who is the polar opposite of what labour needed to win GE 2020 and constantly attacking the wrong things (trident, climate change, falklands instead of more relevant, vote-winning things like immigration and the economy)
all they had to do was not hate england at every corner but they got creampied by scottish nationalists, lost all their strongholds in scotland and got fucked over by UKIP and Greens siphoning away working class and ultralib voters, and then instead of winning back the working class they went even further to the left
i burned a farage effigy made out of cheap cigarettes every day so he wouldn't win thanet, are you gonna blame my voodoo magics too
Austin Morales
Basically Michael Rosen, minus the children's entertainer part.
Aaron Cruz
It was in the Telegraph.
Mason Wilson
Ryan Lee
Perform a simple internet search you piece of shit
Dominic Torres
this is the best description of le trident man i have ever seen
Jack Garcia
wants to
Hand over the Falklands Scrap Trident Allow uncontrolled immigration Increase benefits and taxes Stay in Europe (despite opposing Europe for years when not the Labour leader) Create a social justice utopia
Ayden Young
Jesus Christ how horrifying. Why is Labor so shit? Every time I see Cameron and the Conservatives they look like such weak faggots who are bad at politics, yet everyone else is orders of magnitude more incompetent. Why is this?
Ryan Cooper
I hate being a student as most of the cucks support him and praise him like he's the 2nd coming of Christ.
Jaxson Hall
To sum up, Corbyn bases his policies on the opposite of whatever the right wing want at that particular time.
Alexander Nguyen
Does Chairman Corbyn still want to scrap Trident but keep the submarines?
Ian Clark
In addition to what's been said he is a terrible public speaker, is not very good at handling internal party politics and has a significant proportion of his own party members of parliament who actively oppose him.
Jaxson Moore
i swear literally all labour has to do to win is say "we don't hate our voters and think they're despicable backwards pieces of shit" but i don't think it's possible. Literally every party in the UK is completely fucked atm, it's hilarious. UKIP is in complete disarray where noone's talking to each other, tories are at their own throats over the EU, Labour is split between corbynistas and blairites trying to see who is more limp-wristed, the SNP would import somalian AIDS rapists by the fuckton if it'd mean spiting england, Greens are fucking greens and Libdems are dead because they removed the requirement to have a spine before becoming a party functioner
Cameron Collins
Why the fuck does he want to get rid of the nuclear deterrent? Sanders doesn't want that.
He seems legitimately like an anti-Semite. I guess that makes him popular with stormfags, but I can't imagine that's appealing to most people outside faggot college students and muslims.
Christian Bennett
yup, he wants no nuke subs
Wyatt Bailey
he himself isn't an antisemite but the rest of his muslim dicksucking buds are he's the polar opposite of popular, half of his party hates him
Christopher Rivera
Just ask them how many communist leaders they know who have done good for their country
Watch as they can't do it, because they don't exist
Jeremiah Morales
How the heck did he get elected to the top spot in the party then?
Chase Reed
what a waste of money they would be
Elijah Gray
This desu. Even if Cameron is forced out by his own MPs, triggering an election, neither Labour nor Conservatives are in any fit shape to run a sensible government right now.
John Rivera
>Why the fuck does he want to get rid of the nuclear deterrent? To placate the SNP and for furthering social justice. Plus they are nearing end of life and are expensive as fuck.
It's a nice idea a world without nukes but it's not currently based in any reality.
Gabriel Sullivan
Anyone who payed £3 to join Labour could cast a vote in the leadership contest.
James Fisher
Labour changed the rules so that anyone with a paid membership could vote for party leader in the party conference
>cue masses of Tories signing up to tactically vote Comrade Corbyn in
Josiah Taylor
There was a small fee for party membership that allowed you to vote. There was a sudden influx of people paying that fee when it happened, and Labour blamed conservatives for joining just to screw them over. Not sure how true that is, but it's certainly worked.
Adam Martinez
everyone else was a disgrace, plus tories and kippers registered as labour members and voted for the least electable candidate
he had some interesting ideas for Prime minister's questions such as questions from constituents but they ended up backfiring hilariously, his best performances were when he was actually grilling the tories on his own (which happens once every fucking blue moon considering the man couldn't talk lemmings into suiciding off a cliff)
Hunter Rodriguez
Money makes it possible
The real power players want him, because he's guaranteed to get in next election and JUST the country
Colton Fisher
>Plus they are nearing end of life and are expensive as fuck.
You guys are that hard up for cash?
That's fucking retarded.
Joseph Gutierrez
>hand over the falklands Because fuck what the people living in the Falklands think. They're just being oppressive Brits and should give their home back to Argentina. >scrap trident Being the only nuclear power to scrap their nukes is perfectly sensible and totally wouldn't have any backlash if nuclear war were to break out. >allow uncontrolled immigration Germany, Sweden, etc >increase benefits and taxes Chop chop, lads. Ahmed needs his house built. >stay in europe I sometimes yearn for the days of the Soviet Union too. >create a social justice utopia But we already have one? [spoiler]tumblr[/spoiler]
There we go lads I done did it I did a politics
Kevin Moore
>back to Stop. The Falklands predate Argentina.
Evan Gray
Maybe. It's a gamble. If Labour win, we're fucked, but that was always the case anyway. At least this way the odds of them winning are a lot slimmer.
Brayden Nguyen
he's not, he split the party harder than van damme split them lorries
how it's going to be depends entirely on the referendum result. If it's a significant majority (think 54%+) for Remain, we have boy George as the next PM. Anything between 50-54 would result in a different One Nation tory since Osborne's rep was brought down very hard, or maybe even a pardoned eurosceptic (not Michael Gove for sure since he pissed Cameron off immensely). Anything below 50 is BoJo. Labour will not recover for elections until 2025, where they'll probably push forward with a massive fractured coalition with SNP cockblocking them at every corner.
Kayden Gomez
Isaiah Adams
We're not. It's just that for some reason the government of the day have decided that SJWs run the country and feel they have to justify their nuclear policies to them.
Jonathan Reyes
>You guys are that hard up for cash? compared to the States yes but nothing like some parts of Europe. Financially we are comparable to Germany but the development costs of weapons systems like that are massive for small countries.
I can't recall the full details of it but I believe the submarines are being built it's the weapon system that is the controversial point.
James James
Jordan Johnson
Not yet. Maybe 2020/5 with coalition with tories.
Not so relevant.
UKIP have gained even more popularity over the last 12 months, thanks to watching Europe's arse get filled with "Syrian" cum.
I'm finding it normal to bump into normies who're voting UKIP next election.
UKIP are taking eurosceptic tories, lib dem, white labour, and non voters.
Of course, they're not popular with the green cuck nu males, shills, pakis and the selfish
Daniel Ramirez
Is there any appetite for cutting welfare? I know you'll never get rid of NHS but what about the rest?
Jacob Peterson
nice summary.
Tyler Wilson
>he's guaranteed to get in next election
No he isn't lol
Zachary Ramirez
>labour will not recover People will swing regardless because of Cameron. There won't be a Tory government even if the 'choice' is Corbyn
Mark my words. As a nation, we're being finished off at this point. No more need to conceal fraud and corruption because it doesn't matter, the populace can't fight back with this sham democracy
Mason Johnson
UKIP is in a very curious place right now. I feel that they'll benefit most from a narrow loss (1-4% difference). If either Lose or Remain win by any wider margin, UKIP is finished because their only core voters are hardcore Express readers who believe Corbyn's conspiring with reptilians. Strong loss means all the moderates who want to leave the EU will dissipate back to Tories etc, strong remain will bring disillusionment to members who'll fuck off to other parties.
Lincoln Thomas
>People will swing regardless because of Cameron. Hence why this EU bullshit will end Cameron and probably Osborne.
This is why Cameron has gone full shill mode, including calling leave voters immoral and pissing off most Tory voters (something like 70% are leavers). His only hope of employment now will be an unelected position in the EU like that cunt Peter Mandelson.
Oliver Nelson
I wouldn't go that far. I do think that is remain win it, UKIP will again win the Europe elections and will probably see a bigger vote share in elections to come. May even seen more MPs.
A remain win may look like the end of the matter, but I think that we would see another vote within a decade.
Lincoln Ward
lynton crosby is still working for tories and he can salvage another Tory election, I feel. It only depends on the referendum, and it probably won't be Cameron's successors in place
Jose Watson
Well not with attitude like that they won't.
If we don't leave the EU, thing's are certain to get worse for us. Should it, then good. History needs repeating.
Ian Hall
>tfw i saw an antifa sticker today
makes me sick knowing those fags are in my city
inb4 did you vandalise it, of course i did
Mason Martin
Cameron is obviously a shill of the global jew. He's finished come June, stay or leave
Brody Ross
A decade I feel is too soon, unless the current immigration bullshit persists. I think what might happen in the next 5-10 years is a rework of free movement (that won't have many tangible differences). I am thinking it'll be more likely in 15-20 years once people realise that EU is truly unfuckable. This is all howevergranted there aren't any major disasters or wars.
Chase Rivera
>Is there any appetite for cutting welfare?
There was yes and there has been certain steps taken towards this but people have been turning against this as they slowly find that cutting handouts affects them too (child credits, working tax credits etc).
The largest proportion goes to the NHS (protected) Pensions (Protected) and a big chunk towards housing benefit, which given the ridiculous housing market in the UK which no government in the past 20+ years has done anything about, there's very little chance of that being addressed either.
Leaving Europe seems a quick and easy way of returning several billion a year to the UK treasury imo.
Jonathan Smith
I think a lot of it does depend on how fast Turkey ascends to EU membership, and if the reports of 12 million Turks with their sights on the UK are true.
Camden Jenkins
Thank god.
Shame there aren't any other good alternatives. Say what you want about America but at least both sides of the political spectrum there have someone who isn't a complete shill and isn't totally worthles.s
Caleb Myers
He's an antisemite if you read the telegraph.
Tyler Johnson
>mfw the brexit campaign is already so doomed that the papers are reporting on what will happen after the inevitable remain vote comes through
Bentley Ramirez
I have that attitude because I know what the average voter is going to do, they are very easily led. I know I'm going to vote for the best option but the majority of sheeple wont be doing the same
I don't vandalise them, I stick slightly altered ones over. The anti-fags don't try to replace them if you do that. One of the busier ones has a bunch almost transparent penises all over it. Can't see them just walking, but if you stop to read the sticker you can see cocks everywhere and a link to lemonparty
Jose James
the number is lower for sure, but I don't think Turkey will join any time soon. Rather than being worried about Turkey joining we shouild be worried about Erdogan's regime being toppled and the EU rushing in to pull a Ukraine situation and hastily letting them join the EU. I trust the current surge of carefully nationalist European parties will keep any further EU enlargement at bay. Hell, Bosnia, Serbia etc won't be joining til 2025, prolly even later.
Oliver Torres
I'm of the opinion that we should dump the NHS. It is a failed system that can't cope with the population numbers.
Jordan Watson
>Say what you want about America but at least both sides of the political spectrum there have someone who isn't a complete shill and isn't totally worthles.s
You can't seriously believe this?
Jaxon Kelly
They don't have anyone Corbyn-tier.
Michael Nelson
Great Britain has a better flag than the United Kingdom...
Daniel Kelly
Trump and Sanders are both a change to the established order, and to their respective political sides they're something different.
Here we've got Oxford-Educated ignoramuses who suck globalism's mighty cock or that one History teacher who always rambled on about his opinions in class.
Noah Cox
Who is the British Trump? You should vote for him. That's Boris, right?
Benjamin Williams
Britain is going to be filled to the brim with turks when the krauts let the turks into the EU. Mama Merkel is your true owner. British 'men' are so weak and pathetic.
Nicholas Moore
This, I'm private and it covers me for any illnesses I'd go to the NHS for. Except I get seen and treated extremely quickly and don't have to enjoy months and months of pain
Just a shame I can't not opt out on NHS in my taxes. Also a shame I can't donate my organs because there is no way of knowing if I'm going to save Mr. Sandnigger instead of a deserving white person
Luke Price
we could just do what the rest of europe does and go bismarck
Jonathan Rogers
only thing they have in common is blonde hair, boris is a career politician
James Powell
*blond ffs
Charles Stewart
Boris is nowhere near Trump. He's a joke to even the rightest of right wing. All he did in his time as London Mayor was put some bikes in and make the housing/travel situations even worse than they already were.
William Fisher
Pretty much.
When I joined with my current employer, they had a private healthcare scheme which I immediately signed up to. I've had 3 operations in my time (all under general) and they were all done privately.
From consultation to operation was less than 2 weeks, with a private recovery room, top class food and nurses at your call whenever you needed literally anything.
On the contrary, I was once rushed into hospital with internal bleeding and the good old NHS left me with a heart rate of 160+ with someone coming and looking every 15 minutes or so to check I wasn't having a heart attack. It took them nearly 10 hours to blue light me to another hospital where I finally had treatment.