> Some Dutch residents are outraged after finding out that a few cities have been offering as much as €10,000 to refugees to buy furniture and other necessities, local media reported.
>Asylum seekers who get allocated to certain towns in the Netherlands may get as much as €10,000 to buy furniture for their homes, according to research carried out by the daily Brabants Dagblad (BD).
>Talking to the local authorities, Brabants Dagblad found the sum of money varies in different municipalities.
>While Oisterwijk, South Netherlands offers as much as €10,602 for a family with two children, in other cities, such as Bernheze, Schijndel Veghel and Sint-Michielsgestel the same family may receive around €3,500. Boekel offers the smallest amount of €2,200.
>BD also said that some cities require refugees to pay the sum back, while others, such as the most generous Oisterwijk consider the money “a gift."
Dutch authorities give up to €10k to refugees to ‘go shopping’
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Why not just pay white couples to have children instead
Because fuck logic
No wonder they are all coming this way.
Fuck Merkel, fuck the EU, fuck my government.
Really makes you think.
because jews would rather control a low IQ mongrel horde
ok so if my calculations are correct i can buy a nice house if i just rob 10 refugees at gunpoint
remember when you guys said pay debts
where do you think our money went to ?
This is the politician's fault.
Politician have families. Just saying.
Pakis raped 1400 working class children over several years. The Labour council turned a blind eye to it, a social worker who tried to investigate was fired without cause and her files on the case "mysteriously" vanished from her locked desk drawer. At one point, the father of one of the girls went to their house to make them give his daughter back, only to have the police called on him for disturbing the peace. He was dragged away in cuffs while the rapists taunted him saying "you'll only make it worse for her." Another time, a girl who tried to run away was doused in petrol and threatened with immolation if she didn't comply. The pakis were eventually caught and charged (soft sentencing) but there were no consequences for the government employees who enabled them.
Remember places, traitor's faces. They'll all pay for their crimes.
I used to tell myself that at least we aren't as cucked as Sweden or Germany. Guess I was wrong.
I hear stuff like this and thank Dog for my right to bear arms. Here, the father would have been armed to the teeth, and whether or not he got his daughter back, any that stood in his way would have been executed.
Because, the architects of this plan in the EU, are following a very specific plan laid out by the founder thereof, Count Richard Nicols Von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
Let's read what this lovely gentleman had to write about his ideal plans or the European continent in his 1923 treatise "Praktischer Idealismus" (Practical Idealism)
Can I come be a refugee in you country?
Everybody is paid to have children. It's called 'kinderbijslag', and no matter how rich you are, you get money from the government for each and every kid you have until they turn 18. Also for adopted children and other children you raise as your own.
>Implying we wouldn't pay for this bullshit regardless
Stop finding excuses and pay up you sad bastard.
A-at least we're not Britain yet...
Meh... Ours are fucking expensive, but I doubt we have massive coverups of rapes and sexual assaults like Germany and Sweden do. We don't take kindly to sexual assaults..
Thanks for the info, I better get back to paying those taxes.
>for their homes
so they've been given houses/flats already?
Shit like this makes my blood boil. I swear all those European politicians are being bribed by Saudi Arabia.