Post your reaction when Britain votes to remain

Post your reaction when Britain votes to remain.

Other urls found in this thread:

i was surpised and am i delighted with the news
this is good news
britain staying is good news

It will be a happening the size of the Austrian Presidential election.

If not bigger.

Rip Norbert Hofer.

that's a pretty small happening

Unsurprised cos i predicted it ages ago







I thought the election fraud was ignored. How could that even be called a happening?


Post your reaction when the vote will be rigged.


I dont even care anymore 2bh, im just going to watch as the country burns and then leave.






also this

Even if we vote to leave we're not getting out. The EU have begun unapologetically overstepping their bounds.

>a webm for a reaction face
Out of touch Aussie


Trust me, I'm saving up a whole bunch of reaction images for when the day comes.



