La llibertat és molt propera. Madrid no ens silenciarà!

La llibertat és molt propera. Madrid no ens silenciarà!

A la mierda, escoria subhumana

El facha de turno.

Oh look a Spain thread

What is this and why should i care?

Oh just faggots in Barcelona want to be independent from Spain because they think they're different

el micu menga pa

Que putos corruptos ganarán, los indepes de los pujols o el puto PPSOE franquista.

you shouldn't .-.

Paella gusta toro!

Tonto pollas.

catalans whining
lamenting the days of franco
while ushering in the next franco

nobody cares

Where is your lovely Puigdemont? Oh, evading Spanish justice. Why could it be? Hmm...

Chavales quien me mete la pichita

madrid es una mierda
catalonia es una mierda

tu eres una mierda hijo de puta


Que tonto ets, ha quedat demostrat que la majoria de catalans no volem la independencia. Visca Catalunya espanyola!

El momento ya ha pasado, estais siendo muy pesados



The fuck is this shitty language, Jesus Christ if you can't speak English at least make an effort to speak Spanish, instead of some random shit no-one wants to hear and no-one understands.