Favorite album that came out the day you were born

who likes an album dropped on their birthday.

This album came out the day I was born. I've listened to it a couple times: outside of the big singles it's not really good
If you want to hear outdated 90s technology references, listen to the song E-Mail My Heart



You're 15?

Is there a way to find albums released on a specific day?

this, I wanna play

I'm a few hours older than Gerard Way

Wikipedia 2003 in music

To this day I can't tell whether I like it or not.

Thank you my friend

>nothing listed on my birthday

i feel good

this is solid enough

wow The Fragile was released that day too

What is it? I'll look around.

Great grindcore

According to Wikipedia the only noteworthy album released on my birthday was this. It got decent reviews apparently.

Nigga, Clumsy is an awesome album. I highly recommend all of OLP up to and including Gravity.

yes.Discovered Sup Forums in a comment section of one of the melon reviews


Mods , please take care of this underaged trash

Clumsy is a jam

Its obviously sarcasm

one of the 10 albums I could scourge up that released on my birthday from 1992 onwards

>Read the subject

fuck it i'm posting anyway.

It's kinda hard to find albums released on the exact day of your birthday, new albums come out once a week, not everyday.

I'm usually turned off when the genre is "post-grunge". Might check it out some time.