I am so completely bored, I need help

I am so completely bored, I need help.

Wife and kids are out of town for a few days, I have no work for a week. I'm completely bored of every video game I own, unmotivated to do anything, and too poor to waste cash on hookers.

Desperately need ideas on how to entertain myself.

Already stoned and flipping channels. Nothing on. Already jerked it.

Learn a skill, Take up a hobby. Quit wasting your life.

Find cheaper hookers

this guy gets it. get a project car or build a rifle or build a pc

Go thru wife's panty drawer and take some pics of her stuff and post them

You don't get it. Need ideas to do for a few days not a new hobby. Normally I'm busy as shit, or spend all my time with my son who's my best buddy to hang with.

I've got 5 days of complete nothing planned, and shit weather. Can't ski, limited cash as the holiday season was rough on the wallet.

What's something that would only take a few days to do or build?

Is that the wife?

No, this is.

Keep going

I don't have much of her at all.

Expand your porn archive

Start a project that takes time, skill and patience.
It will bring you long term satisfaction.
Woodwork, building something, long repair of something.
The internet is full of info, just pick something that needs doing and do it.
Make a chair. Anything.

I built a woodshed with my brother over 2 days, making and refining the plan as we went along.
You could do something like that alone in 5, easily.
It'll be memorable and useful, and every time you see if you will think "I made that".

OP, is that the one broad from that hillbilly show with the hot ass kids??? (Is the pic real?)

Hire a prostitute and dress her up in your wife's under garments, then take pictures and leave them on the bedside cabinet for when your wife comes home.
Say "see, I did miss you"


Sharpie in pooper

She has the body of a fucking man.

post the face belonging to this gaping asshole

?, quit the drugs and get an ' ab-wheel ' already , avoid trouble ,.
! africa trouble !

post wife's dirty panties

Jerk off again and get far more high. Play a new campaign on a game you love, get some dlc for it, or increase the difficulty.

Maybe drink some liquor.

Jeez, it's like you don't know how to properly be a loser.

Do a fuck ton of acid.

Get drunk and watch old movies

Really, this was the same time as the dress pic.

I would love to get my hands on some.

Lol. Debating... Skyrim or Fallout 3 or 4.
Or Horizon Zero Dawn.

Nice business you got there. how freaky she get?

Your mistake was cumming... The key is to edge and edge for days without release, you will find hours will pass and the pleasure continues

Fuck, so bored I'm actually watching Tremors.

i was in this situation once and learned some sign language, its actually pretty cool

The first movie is pretty good.

Perhaps if you should get out of the house and go to the nearest bar.

learn to play an instrument

I thought about that... But I hate bars now, and most my friends are with family or away. Then again, could find an adventure.

Best idea, I may look into building something useful.

Go build a weapon out of random shit. I made a Machete out of a old saw blade, 2×4, a few screws and a grinder/file. Or build a spear, axe or club. I like to think of a situation like zombies/apocalypse and see what I could build quick for self defense.

Chop down a few trees and build a log cabin

Cut your dick off, fry it up and eat it with lashings of ketchup.

Get a hobby. Take up fishing. You can do that almost anywhere.