Be honest Sup Forums.
If you could start again as a young jewish boy would you?
Be honest Sup Forums.
If you could start again as a young jewish boy would you?
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I'd be Hasidic in a heartbeat
I want to bust a nut inside her cunny.
That's not a she-kike. That's an albino nigger from primitve pagan eurostan
No, never.
I ront want my penis cut.
>Be Jewish again
Hard pass, being Aryan on the other hand
no, im okay with my foreskin
An albino nigger? You say the funniest things pajeet. You just stick to your poo-women
No, I actually feel sorry for those of you not being Spaniards or catholics.
Poo Women > Joo Women any day Jeremy.
tfw u know the OP girls boyfriend is some ugly asian kid
are you kidding?
No. But I wouldn't ming being a little Jewish girl celebrating the destruction of the white race while taking my shekels all the way to the bank.
That goddess is literal perfection. Would be her toilet slave
But you just said she was an Albino nigger, not a she-kike, make up yer mind.
I personally would not question what she was, that's prime raping material and you know it.
wanting to be of the synagogue of satan
I came instantly when I saw the picture. I had even registered it consciously yet. my subconscious automatically triggered my ejaculation response.
>image search
>multiple threads
>all asking for source
>no source
Reasons that is fucking retarded:
~ Belief in a twisted religion with an asston of retarded rules.
~ No fun or really anything on Shabbat
~ Mandatory IDF service
~ No bacon
ST Peach.
you're welcome.
>poo women >joo women
>not wanting some of that chosen people pussy
And contemplate suicide for the rest of my days ? No thanks, I prefer to stay based catholic polishfag.
Taken I wouldn´t be ugly - yes absolutely. The jews got a nice country going on with Israel and the especially the women are extremly self aware on what is on stake and how important it is to guarantee the existens of their people. I heard they´re hard to manage tho but fairly loyal. A fellow Israeli might correct me, you´ll also get another submarine
Firstly, uptight parents all your life, and a mother who wont fuck off, forever
613 laws. goys get 5-10
no blow jobs. jewish girls wont suck dick unless there is a price tag attached to the end of their nose.
higher percentage of genetic disorders per capita.
ancestry with sociology-political alignments determined (no choice). you will have to be a Zionist and liberal, or other jews will hate you.
generally, not the most attractive. also, more prominent facial features indicate weaker immune systems. Where as, symmetry and 'plane faces' indicate better immune system histories.
5.5 inch penis average. western Europe average is 6
High IQ, but a born demand to use it constantly. Like, an asian who sucks at math. It's going to be a plagued contradiction in expected identity.
Get your dick mutilated after birth, and blowjob'ed - the only one in your life, unless you date goys- by a tribal shaman. . .
No thanks.
the god is crazy and a megalomaniac
Israel is a international nightmare and burden
the history of the people is 'getting their asses kicked' grand-strategy but they fight and win a few futile wars in the short term
no blow jobs
If you have a daughter, in the US, you will HAVE to get her rhinoplasty.
If you have a son, in the US, you will have to send him to college, and help him learn to recite an almost dead language 'to become a man' - probably, because you chopped off his penis.
Srsly tho, who is that girl?
>muh dick
the jews have a nice country going on = lie. they have an internationally recognized quagmire that sells weapons and aids in tech outsourcing for major corporations.
-but the jericho is a nice handgun
the women are extreme prudes. in liberal communities they are almost always hyper feminist, and in conversation communities, they are hen pecking drama queens.
>"How important it is to guarantee the existens of their people"
by clamoring into a tiny space and pissing off everyone in the world who slowly accumulates nukes - by perpetuating the inane idea that SHOULD have a land because 'x'.
>"A fellow Israeli might correct me"
fucking shill. You can sense this shit, and then confirm it when they slip up.
I want her to sit on my face and smother me