Dear /pol, these bern bots deny facts and call everything racist... How do you reason with them?
Dear /pol, these bern bots deny facts and call everything racist... How do you reason with them?
That isn't an argument
Also , why try to reason with a simpleton ?
Its like talking to a wall , that yells about racism from time to time.
I put them in the loo and let the Toilet kikes do stuff to them.
Yeah, those memes will sure show him.
You don't. You feed their hatred of Hillary and let the leftists eat each other while Trump keeps winning.
>reason with them
>Dear /pol, these bern bots deny facts and call everything racist... How do you reason with them?
You don't
You encourage a bernie third party run or a write in campaign
KEK wills it
This, they are eating themselves at this point.
Anyone who uses the passive aggressive smileys is shit at arguing and knows it, so they just default to trying to piss you off.
>Also , why try to reason with a simpleton ?
It's easy, just assert your dominance by not picking sides, and provide the plainest of facts. Changing people's views is easy irl, very hard online.
Relevant facts like illegal immigrants on welfare and amount of muslims that have views that aren't comparable with the western world.
Later on is hard to find, can some user post it?
>anti islam sites aren't credible btw
Norway is moving at least 30 degrees right in the new invader crisis, also remember the occupied "no-go" muslim only zones in Sweden.
>I'm not angry, I put a smiley face!
>The Internet is lying? No I don't think so
Some dude provided the same response in class (2 months ago) but he was some Tumblr-tier faggot so I made deep eye contact, paused for a second, and called him an effeminate fucking husk of a man. Nobody but a couple of friends laughed because it was a little bit too harsh but afterward he just pouted whenever Trump came up instead of spouting faggotry.
He probably meant that for OP
This one might suffice, Pewresearch is also responsible for that chart that claims 11% of the global Muslim population would join ISIS.
That's 140 million fools willing to slaughter their taxbase for not being a religious fanatic.
Would help if I post the bloody image, stupid phone.
Thanks anons, also remember that the quran says muhammad is a man who all men should be, which is a pedophile warmonger who tricked his enemies by claiming he came in peace, only to attack cities from the inside.
Remember to quote the quran and the sciptures that detail the ugly prophet who was born by a whore; he was born 4 years after his mother had been married to his now dead father.
>reason with them
Do you even Molyneux?
These are retards who'll never know logic.
They only "think" on an emotional basis.
You either manipulate their emotions (mainly by fear and shock) or don't try to "argue" with them at all.
I still don't get faggots like you.
You must be fairly new to the redpill if you think you can win over people with arguments.
Only argue with these cucks if for example you are in class and there are people who know nothing about a certain case and leftists try to subverse them into their marxist ways. And in this case, you go hard and destroy them. Don't hold yourself back.
In this case, your goal is not to make the marxist realize they are wrong, but for the neutral people to realize how dumb they are compared to you, so they don't feel empathy towards the marxists.
>but for the neutral people to realize how dumb they are compared to you
But for the neutral people to realize how dumb THE MARXISTS are compared to you****
>that ID
>These are retards who'll never know logic.
Oh boy you sound intellectual.
>They only "think" on an emotional basis.
Then use facts that expose emotions.
>You either manipulate their emotions (mainly by fear and shock) or don't try to "argue" with them at all.
Emotions are more important than facts user, learn to use them you pleb.
>I still don't get faggots like you.
Because you're a simpleton?
>You must be fairly new to the redpill if you think you can win over people with arguments.
You have an IQ in the double digits, congratz.
I like how idiotic Sup Forums drones argue with other people feeling like some kind of crusader or something, yet they are so stupid they can't realie its just pointless
was meant for
>stupid Sup Forums mobile app
>Now entering retard tryhard level
Here's the (you)
Why contain it? They're basically unintentional strawmen.
>paying attention to this stuff
>Sup Forums literally filled to the brim with autists
They say I'm racist because I'm white so I have no choice in the matter.
Damn that's some real edgy anime title about a young Hegel sitting at his table on a stormy night, writing down his thoughts, when suddenly a dimension portal appears and sucks him into the 4th dimension. He wakes up in a strange, unknown world populated with monstergirls. He almost dies when some poisonous plant attack him but in the end he survives. At the end of the episode it turns out that everytime he sleeps, he shifts dimensions and wakes up in another world. Where will young Hegel find himself next time when he awakens from his sleep? Find out from the next episode of 4D HEGEL X !