You are literally the bad guys.
You are literally the bad guys
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Found a new filter word.
Step your game up, Australia.
Implying "literally" is any worse than "cuck"
Bugger off straya
Hmm, really makes you think
OP, be honest, do you have a tertiary degree, if so what field, and are you currently working?
I need answers.
I can prove extreme cosmopolitanism is just as harmful as extreme nationalism.
Everybody is "the bad guy" for someone.
Nazis will come back
I've been waiting for this my whole life
Nothing wrong with what he said. No wonder cap defected to hydra.
Just finished school doing a gap year. I dont know what I'm gonna go into yet. And I'm fully aware that extreme views on any side is a bad thing, so you don't need to convince me. I just like sparking conversation on anonymous internet threads...
You know, the fact that liberals consider that to be cartoonishly evil validates my conservative views immensely.
Hail Hydra
There is nothing wrong with being the bad guy if you're good at it.
t. Spanish Empire
Traditional values, good morals and fighting for the greater good.
Shitty liberal values, shame on patriotism and forcing a gay agenda down our throats.
If it is being the bad guy and surviving versus the good guy and dying, I will glady be the bad guy.
Captain America is Hydra now. Not joking at all.
>mind control
>alternate universe
>deux ex machina
>it was all a dream
>camera zooms out and it's all happening in a sno-globe held by an autistic kid (the double Shamaylan)
Yeah and the writer is like a gay liberal activist or something. People will not keep reading this shit, trust me. All the liberal movies they are making on the other hand...
Naw, new american is the falcon.
This is only happening because of all the negative back lash if everyone was fine with it they would have made him full on Hydra.
So you haven't been exposed to non Australians outside of your incredibly westernized costudents, you haven't tried to get a job in STEM and it's doubtful you've ever actually seen any real racism. I faced antisemitism in high school (ironically not a Jew), at least I had that, I bet you weren't even bullied.
You have some growing up to do.
You'll notice races aren't marked the same at uni, you'll notice everyone except the locals expects you to walk on eggshells, you'll be called racist for the most obscene reasons, women will immediately think you're hitting on them, you'll notice that there are absolutely no opportunities that say "this is the perfect opportunity for white men" but so many for women, Chinese, Indians, basically everyone except you. You haven't seen what extreme cosmopolitanisn is and when you do "sparking conversation" isn't something you like, because the cold reality is the more immigrants we have the more of this shit we get. 1984 becomes real at modern universities, it's why I signed Sargons petition even before finishing the video he introduced it in.
Oh, and when you're applying for jobs? haha, oh thats going to be an eye opener, imagine doing everything perfect and being told you're not a "cultural fit." Yeah, that's applying for STEM jobs in Australia, it's just too sexist:
And way too racist:
To hire you in STEM. Still want conversation?
Creator confirmed its none of that and Cap is Hydra. Changing over 75 years of Captain America history.
>Capt. America was the villain all along!
So they're at their End Game.
... this a good time to unironically push for a Capt. Sweden?
I need to see this trainwreck
Literally a cuck
And yeah, I posted whatever was on Google's front page, that's kind of my point. There are enough articles saying hire women, hire "minorities" etc that it doesn't take a genius to figure out whom they don't want you to hire.
And guess what, we're the bad guys for wanting fewer of these people to unequally compete with.
Last thing, I promise:
White women here aren't SJW, bogan girls are the racist girls I've met.
Indian women are, Mediterranean women are, Arab women are, east Asian women are, so when you ask for more of these immigrants, fuck it, just out and say it, you want more SJW. You want more racial and sexist hiring.
There is no good or bad, there just is.
>take well-reasoned argument
>the only solution to that is to be so extreme it would make hitler shed a tear of joy
Banter is worse than literally and cuck combined.
Cucked Australians are the fucking worst. go back to watching Wally akmehd
I guess Captain America's mom was saved by a Hyrdra agent when he was a kid or something and Cap has been a secret Hydra agent the whole time.
You move!
Did you read anything i said? I don't need convincing that stem fields is sexist, I am fully aware of this, and i'm not a progressive leftist. I just like sparking conversation, because in order to fully understand a situation you need to see it from multiple perspectives.. You may find that you'll gain a lot more support if you don't alienate the fuck out of everyone that triggers you in the slightest...
btw hows your degree in stem going?
You deserve alienation because I don't like you. I'm not responsible for how you feel.
And it's quite obvious I've already graduated, trust me I wouldn't be on Sup Forums at 1:30 am if I had a job to go to in the morning. I wasn't lying about the cultural fit thing, it's the most polite way they could say "because you're white."
STEM isn't racist or sexist.
HR, or rather sociology, deciding who gets an interview and who doesn't is racist and sexist.
And they're justified because Australia is meant to be "multicultural."
STEM is filled with beautiful, open minds. It'll completely dismantle any opinions about STEM grads being unrelatable, asocial wrecks.
Red skull said nothing wrong
comic writers sure do hate trump
Thanks for the reconquista based spain. Also thanks for keeping Europes southwestern boarders safe & clean, unlike fucking Greece and the Balkans.
Marocco is rightful spanish clay.
No wonder comics are in terminal decline. Every time they try and turn it around, they double down on the SJW mantra and they do even worse.
I heard they're rebooting DC universe again, after only doing so a while back.
>Greek Gods are Avengers
>germanic Gods are Avengers
>slavic Gods are Avengers
>still wearing Hijab
We're not keeping it clean because you yelled and got upset like the children you're about the blades.
How to ought yourself as a troll in the first post. Step your shitposting game up son
Over seventy years of established canon and now this?
i don't even bother trying to keep up with DC anymore, they reboot it too much for me to care
Yeah, sadly Germany is number 1 in cuckoldry worldwide (Swedes may say otherwise, but their cucking ofc is inferior to ours).
We need the reunite with France, become Frankish empire again (last and only historic kebab removers in german history) and sweep them away into the sea. Last time we did this, we build a land connection between asturias and the rest of christian europe, making reconquista possible at all.
Same. I never actually did follow the comics that much anyway. I stuck to Batman graphic novels. The comics just tend to be too erratic.
They never fucking end is the problem, so there's no proper story structure.
>t. user who can't handle bantz
Yeah this is why I like the graphic novel stories, and Elseworlds ones like Gotham by Gaslight. Less is more.
Why do people actually read superhero comic books? Are Murricans just that brainwashed? They change writers and artist from good ones to shitty ones all the time, they randomly replace characters or totally change their personalities for no reason all the time. All that a comic book actually is is a brand, just a name and a color scheme. Being a fan of a comic book is like being a fan of color green, it's just retarded.
Because some graphic novels are actually quite good.
you're describing multiple forms of entertainment
Comic books are for children. It's perfect for feminized Leftists to infiltrate and disrupt which is why you're seeing all this garbage now.
I wouldn't say Watchmen and V for Vendetta are for kids. Both are widely recognized as influential on adults. I wouldn't say the film adaptations were exactly child friendly either.
And she's wielding Excalibur
They were both fucking terrible movies.
We know.
Feels good man.
You missed the point. My point was they weren't for kids.
they're for edgelord teenagers instead
Watchmen if anything was anti superhero, so I don't know why you're calling it edgy when it was actually a very pessimistic and bleak judgement on how useless superheroes actually are.
V for Vendetta can be called edgy, but it's message is still true. That governments are fickle and really can't deal with wild cards.
And then there's fucking masks.
Heil Hydra
At least it's accurate in representing them as irrational violent idiots.
Bone was quite a trip. Recommended for everyone. +bonus Sup Forums points: no niggers and one of the characters was acting hilariously jewish.
So be it.
>Watchmen and V for memendetta
>Not the 101 lefty edgelord book
Hitler Jr is that you?
If you judge things based on memes, you're an idiot.
If you don't read/watch things outside of your little echo chamber of views you're just as bad as lefties are.
You could say Sup Forums is for edgy teenagers and you'd have some valid points.
So try not to be so narrow minded, it will fuck you over later in life.
>V for vendetta
>Not the ultimate fedoralord leftist cuck
>Not for edgy teenagers
Literally full retard there nigel
Alright I'm done with you, you're trolling.
Stay safe Spain.
*hangs head* I'll just be sure to remember that when I'm buying and paying to use your products.
This took longer than I'd like to admit, but it had to be done.
>Y-yur t-rttrolling!!!!
>M-my favorite com- I MEAN GRAPHICAL NOVELS!! are not fo-for teenagers!!!
Hahaha get fucked nigel, they're for edgy teenagers by the king edgelord himself.
Holy shit ahahahahahahaha
>king edgelord
That would be Garth Ennis
amazing editing
I'll bite one last time. It's just an entertainment medium like any other. You could call Trump supporters edge lords, you could call anime fans weebs, you could call fans of violent films like old boy edgelords or people sharing Breivik quotes edgelords.
Just because somebody likes something that you don't like, doesn't make them edgelords. Tell me all your hobbies are 100% Sup Forums approved not at all edgelord red pill.
I find value in many things. I happened to find some value in those.
Seriously, get over it.
You're just a spick at the end of the time. Have a nice fiesta.
Heil Hydra.
Beautiful user
Man just compare and look at how their creativity shriveled up just like their humor and balls.
Just need to clean up the little bit of beard in this first frame. Phenomenal edit.
The artists for V for Vendetta and Watchmen is an edgy satanist. He poses with serpents dressed as a heavy metal artist. Both of those graphic novels teach Satanic messages as well. Fuck Alan Moore.
Already did.
Damn, the SJW poison spread to crossed too?
>bad guy
Hydra tattoos when?
Alan Moore is a complete hippy and an anarchist yeah, and I think he legitimately trying to become a wizard right now.
But what I said still stands. Watchmen was anti capeshit. V for Vendetta was a strong political message that should be taken seriously regardless of leaning.
Just because you don't like a lot of elements, doesn't mean you can't find value in them and take that away with you.
Got any numbers on that user? Just fucked are they? I thought they would be making some decent shekels on all those capeshit flicks, or is that the other comic company? I really can't tell them apart, since I know nothing about comics.
Working Architectural Engineer in Austin, Texas. Getting my degree allowed me to take an engineer in training test, work 4 years, then take a PE exam to get licensed as a professional.
Engineers are the master race of STEM sorry computer science fags.