
...really makes you think...

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>denying Anglo (war) crimes

It really makes me think that there is always room for a few more lines on that list. Don't piss us off.


>mfw i taste aryan BLOOD

>burden of proof

Looks like the Anglo's are infinitely superior when it comes to killing.

I mean I know this is a complete shitlist of bait, however, whenever I see

>150,000,000 Native Americans

I cannot help but laugh, because, I know there are many people out there who would believe this

They're hypothetical numbers, based on the diseases that the white man brought with them.

Even if that many people died of smallpox, it's not like they intended to kill all those featherniggers.

My point is, to think there were anywhere NEAR 100 million chugs in this joint before we sailed the great ride of death is fuckin insane

The real question: how can non-Anglos compete?


Bullshit we killed more abbos than America

how many abbos u rekkon yall smoked?

Still waiting on a (credible) source.








Ty on thinking on overpopulation.


Really wants you to take back Constantinople.