If I say “Blacks have lower IQs than Whites” (a true statement), is that “racist”? How would that be racist?

If I say “Blacks have lower IQs than Whites” (a true statement), is that “racist”? How would that be racist?

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don't fret about it user

depends on the context

Don't get your knickers in a twist about this sort of thing, live your own life and just chill.

Niggers get butthurt over anything and everything

niggers are fucking stupid. is that racist?

Pretty sure Neil DeGrasse Tyson has a higher IQ than OP.

Average IQ tells you nothing about the intellect of individuals, nor does it explain why IQ among one group is lower on average than another.

name one country with a majority of blacks that is better than the worst country with a majority of whites

?, africans with lower iqs and brown skin are faulty geneticed and must be cleansed already , even if africans with lower iqs and brown skin die out for healthy people to live safely , africans must understand , their spirit drums are failures broken , and african black triangle brown skin and bad iq stay within white secle drowned dead , new life cleaning must be done beforehand , africa you bad at the moment , learn to stop being retarded africa ,.

Irrelevant to the question of whether or not whites are inherently more intelligent than blacks. Remember that the only reason whites sparked the renaissance and industrial revolution was because they were looking for another trade route with China that was inaccessible due to the Muslim empire. they guessed that they could reach China by sailing the other way on the knowledge that the earth was a sphere, but completely miscalculated the circumference of the earth and discovered a new continent instead. Had it not been for conflict with another culture, we'd still be in the middle ages.

Meanwhile, Europe has the advantage of easily domesticated animals, a necessity to civilization, while your average animal in Africa is a monster that will either eat you with it's maw, trample you with its feet, or leap out of any fenced enclosure you could put it in. Simply put, Africa is geographically ill-suited for civilization.

So is antarctica, south america, india, china and australia, but they don't seem to be complete idiots

Fucking what?

Speaking genetic cleansing while not realizing that having a biodiversity increases survival for the species as a whole. What if what you considered mutant abortions have the genetic resistant to the next super AIDS that would wipe out civilization as you know it?

No one lives in Antarctica, South America's only animal that can be domesticated is the Alpaca(Hence Aztecs/Mayans), India, and China were just as advanced as Europe ever would have been if not for accidental continent discovery, and Australia is an inhospitable wasteland that can only exist due to the support of an already advanced civilization.

You must have failed civics and world history.

It's racist because it's a fact most people can't deal with. When you state this FACT, many people seem to think you're ignorant even though a nigger can hardly read or keep himself out of jail or prison. All black people are retarded monkeys.

>You must have failed civics and world history

fucking nerd

No matter what your environment is a high IQ would be useful.

Which is why intelligent people aren't racist, and you're flipping burgers/hauling garbage for a living.

you dumb nigger, i don't even have a job

Not him, but I am an instructor, and I fucking hate niggers. Just niggers though, no other race is as abhorrent as those shitskins.

So even worse, you're a fucking leech on society. You're the one that should go to the gas chamber.

> "I am intelligent hurr durr"

You still didn't answer my question

Why is every country with a majority of blacks failing if it's not for the skin color/genetics?

I did answer. It's not my fault you're illiterate.

ew she is so racist..

Most african countries are like that because of colonialism. Colonialism is a GREAT thing if its followed through, like the US and South Africa, but if its abandoned, it leaves spaces of power open for warlords and dictators. See Zimbabwe and the Konga.

>This whole thread

And you focus in on that?

this is Sup Forums, the fact that 30k people liked that post is disgusting.

How can truth be racist?
They are a subspecies with different genetics.
If you are triggered by facts you're probs a stupid nigger or conditioned retardo

No you didn't, you think that the success of a country is dependent on it's environment which is complete bullshit.

There are countries which have a far worse environment that aren't as shitty as african countries.

>Countries don't need resources to be successful

I'd ask if you're autistic, but it's self evident.

he has the nerve to call niggers stupid, lol.

>They are a subspecies with different genetics.
That's not racist, that's just factually wrong.

Sup Forums cancer leaking onto Sup Forums, as usual

Except Africa wanted its freedom from the evil European empires and they had enough of a mess to clean up after the first world war they allowed it. Africa couldn't look after the infrastructure the white man left them and have returned to a tribal warring society.

> africa has no resources

You're the fucking autist

> "Africa has a large quantity of natural resources, including diamonds, salt, gold, iron, cobalt, uranium, copper, bauxite, silver, petroleum and cocoa beans, but also woods and tropical fruits."

fucking retard

Having resources and having the means to acquire said resources are 2 different things.

Seriously, environmental pressures are the basis of natural selection, and it applies to cultures as much as populations. White people aren't more intelligent inherently than anyone else. If we're using average IQ, Jews and Asians are more intelligent than white people, but only a retard uses IQ as a measure of intelligence.

Now acquire those resources without technology or beasts of burden.

not op but here's my theory: europe was a colder region which forced them to stay inside caves more and use their brain for task other than hunting. if you deny that we have a common ancestor, then i dont want to talk to you anymore

Africa is easily the most resource rich, bountiful continent on the planet. There is literally no reason that they should've been in the same mud hut for 10000 years. They made no effort to advance because they are literally too stupid to, and whites came in and wrecked their shit for it. Nothing wrong with being victorious you fucking apologetic cuck.

It's that the amount of resources on the continent do not out weigh the risk of the hazardous wilderness that exists.

Most of the continent is the biggest desert in the world. There are entire nations that are entirely inside of the Sahara. The Australians live on the coasts. Libyans built an entire country in land more desolate than the Australian outback.

If I say “Blacks have higher IQs than Whites” (a true statement), is that “racist”? How would that be racist?

Says the basement dwelling jobless cuckold

>only a retard uses IQ as a measure of intelligence.


brb, simply walking to MENSA

You don't even have a college education OP.

Says the other jobless, basement dwelling, cuck.

Or develop the technology to do so like Europe did.

This does not explain the lack of advancement prior to colonialism, it's no excuse at all.

see Bountiful resources without the means to acquire said resources is meaningless. In fact it is quite intelligent of Africans to take the easiest path to survival. Building empires takes hard work, and lots of resources, and if it takes more effort to gather said resources than said resources will pay off, then you're going to fail as an empire.

If Africa didn't have resources then why the fuck did we go?

That's bait, no one can be this stupid


>This Thread


>Docile Animals
Hi, I'm a Hippopotamus.

On average perhaps.

I'm sure there are numerous Black people who have higher IQs than you or I.

"How can I trust your judgement on the topic of IQ when you don't even know how to use quotation marks?"

He's actually awesome, as are a lot of blacks. But nigger American culture is seriously fucked and damaging to Amerinigs.

>why the fuck did we go?
If you have to ask, you might be a redneck.

They never had the means to acquire resources because they never bothered to advance? Not my fucking problem that white people bothered learning how to make the wheel, and Africans decided they were content HERDING THEIR BEASTS. You're a fucking retard if you seriously think a water buffalo cannot be domesticated and used as a B.O.B. They can be milked, they can be herded, they can pull carts. Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.

Because SJW flip out. Only white people can be racist and mostly white men. Now Asians are smarter than whites but only by a few points. I don't feel it's racist. Its Time to stand up for whites again.

The statement of black people having lower IQs than white people is based on Modernized White people IQs vs Uncivilized Black IQs. Of course the the IQs are going to come out higher than the savages in africa; their more civilized. If you were to compare the IQ of a white man and the IQ of a black man who how the same quality of being rased their IQs on average would be about the same.

>implying slaves aren't a resource

Why are you so sure about that? If NASA were Walmart, Neil DeGrasse Tyson would be the greeter.

>Not my fucking problem that white people bothered learning how to make the wheel
The Wheel was invented in Mesopotamia

You realize Africa was once prosperous, right?

Am I missing something or did you just make his point for him then call him a failure?

>powerful and docile animals
found the nigger

you'd need a cherry picker to catch the point.

Prove it.

He's either a nigger or trolling

That's a false statement. Black men are taller and heavier than Chinese women. Also false, because there are some freakishly short black guys and very tall heavy Chinese women.

You can only say "Blacks as a demographic score lower than whites in IQ tests", but there are bound to be outliers of super-mega-brain-niggers and white forest gumps.


"As I am fully aware of now: the hippopotamus is one of the most aggressive creatures in the world and is probably the most dangerous animals in Africa. Just like me, I assume most people consider hippos as fat, slow and lazy animal. The hippos like to swim around in the rivers and lakes in Africa. They seem to live an easy and relaxed life, and are not the type of animals that bother humans. But do you know what African animal kills more people per year than any other? Surprisingly, it's not the lion as I believed. Never underestimated the hippos. They are the most feared animals in Africa. They bite people, trample people, and turn around boats."

for those seriously interested in why african civilization lagged behind.




Stupid cuck

>Alpaca(Hence Aztecs/Mayans)
Hmmm no sweetie, those were the incas.
>You must have failed civics and world history.
Oh the ironing!

Learn some fucking history dumb ass

We're talking about niggers. Not Egyptians. Very different people.

Fucking dumb ass using unproven and unreputable Wikipedia as proof.

You realize majority of the stuff is made up right?

Must be. That was some next level reading comprehension failure to display then accuse anyone of incomprehension.

Ancient Egyptians were niggers

Remember ancient world history class? you know kingdom of kush, mali, egypt, and ghana.

I probably shouldn't weigh in on this thread but it's a topic I find very interesting.

I'm a member of Mensa in Britain. Of the 1000+ members I've met over the last few years, of all ages, I have met exactly two black members. Both women, as it happens - not sure what that means. The racial statistics are something we simply don't talk about, it's basically a taboo in the organisation.

There's a gender split as well, 70-30, but it's nothing compared to the racial split.

and where are they now???

You can step into literally any public school and see that this is wrong.

Learn some history
It's known by pretty much all of the ancient Egyptian historian community that blacks were out bred and migrated to more southern areas of Africa.

Because it doesn’t apply to all black people and it implies that regardless of who they are as individuals that they are the same

If you were so concerned with smart people, it makes more sense to separate people by individual IQ rather than group IQ

Most people who use IQ as evidence never submit their own IQ because typically they’ve never gotten tested

Yeah it's a complete fact. Go watch Sam Harriss podcast or video or something idk about it. Also if every white and Asian died today the world would implode. Central/south Americans blacks and arabs or what race they are would send themselves back into the Stone Age with the help of whites. What pisses me off is that they act like they're constantly being held back by whites when it's their own damn fault.


You're right, all these monuments are made up. Fake, put there by the illuminati to trick us into thinking that the earth is round so that we'll drink fluoridated water to stop us from believing in the baby Jesus so Xenu can take over the earth, and destroy the hwite race.

Ever heard of the Bantu migration across Africa.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bantu_expansion

It's all about variance. The same way that black people have both the best athletes and the highest rates of obesity

> go watch Sam Harris

You mean the retarded faggot who cries about Trump like a little bitch and says the same shit over and over again?

That has to do with a high energy diet that is excellent for a person with an athletic lifestyle, but detrimental to an intercity person with a sedentary lifestyle. Feed a black person a Japanese diet and they won't be obes, but there athletes would starve to death.


i think i've identified their greatest intellectual problem.

black people seem to form incredibly strong concepts in their mind. the problem is that such concepts need to change or twist over time. it takes a mutable perception of math to get from algebra to calculus.

it makes sense for a lower creature who lived most of its time struggling for food and survival to keep strongly ingrained concepts that should never change throughout its life but more sophisticated races drop earlier impressions and concepts and adapt to more advanced and elaborate ones.

blacks do not seem to have the ability to rewire their minds in physical synaptic ways.

if you raise them to know calculus at age 3, then maybe you can create an apparent "genius" but they're more of a glorified parrot.

the fact that youre in mensa is lame asf.

Depends on context.

Also its a useless statistic anyhow since every individual is different. And it comes with a strong implication (again, depending on context...) that blacks should be viewed this way when on an individual basis there are likely millions of blacks with a higher IQ than you.

It also is highly dismissive of IQ and how it works. Genetically you are born with an IQ *cap*. Not an IQ straight up, you get a potential.

If you have a race that lives disproportionately in ghettos with access to absolute shit education, their iqs are going to lag behind.

There is no data that would allow you to even speculate that this is due to a genetic difference. Only that there is a current difference.

The reason it is offensive in most contexts is because typically bringing it up means you are unaware of or entirely ignorant to sociology and how IQ works and wish to put an entire race in a box and call them below you, when, as mentioned, a countless amount are smarter than even you making the claim.

It is and always should be a case by case basis.

Black lives matter needs to learn this shit too. Sicka dis white people generalisations too. Fuckin no one getting anywhere.


You mean that entire continent thats been under centuries of coloniolism and trade war and getting raped by europeans and muslims alike and was never allowed to form a stable government anywhere as international interests arm rebels and keep perpetuating civil wars in interest of local resources and controlling puppet states?

Cant for the life of me imagine why they arent doing so well...

What the fuck are you even trying to say by that