Tommy Sotomayor

What's his deal?

Is he 'against' whites, is he 'against' blacks ("niggers")? He seems to be a bit... I don't know, "bigoted", towards whites, yet he talks about black people in an almost equally supercilious manner.

He seems a bit hard to follow. He's a black conservative, and I think he wants to stress the "black" part.

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Tommy doesn't hate anyone except for black women.

he's a black nationalist, which can be pretty anti-white depending on how u look at it. think national of islam without all the religious stuff.

He likes black women...just not dark skin, hair hat sheboons.

pretty much this, he is also a little touchie when he gets compared to the majority of blacks.

He'd be a sensible member of any race. He wants his own to improve and become superior and doesn't pander to other groups. I like him.

If you actually listen to him, he seems to be as stupid as any other nigger.
One time he went on with David Duke or some other neonazi, and because some white people had called him a nigger, he turned on all white people, whom he had previously been defending.

I like him. I have no problem with other races wanting to help out their people and have their own culture/identity and all that.

I just want them to do have their own identity away from me and mine.

This is what I'm getting. Puzzles me how I regularly see him being praised here on Sup Forums.

There's something really pretentious about him.

I don't know why he bothers, most black Americans must despise him for not buying into their shit.

Just listen to his David Duke interview.

He basically just wants blacks to step up and become self-governing and not be niggers, and quit blaming whitey for all their problems.

I've only watched him a few times and those few times he was calling niggers ungrateful little shit's and praising white people for the country they've provided for them.

Not sure if he's changed since then so I don't know.

But he does not really seem to want coexistence between races. Isn't that a bit odd, the implications which that makes?

I don't want coexistence either. I want blacks to be separate from whites.

Not to me, user. Good fences make good neighbors.

Basically Black Milo? It's what i get from his message against his color kin

He could be susceptible to a red-pill about Jews.

Maybe send him a link of Jew trying to defend niggery, or encouraging degenaracy of of woman.

That might get him
>This man is quite mixed. Mixed with the white blood that allows people to go off and kill people.

Question is, where should the black societies be? In America, as Nation of Islam proposes? Does Tommy agree, that's the question.

You might need walls rather than fences.

Oh ffs, is Milo gonna be the standard for everything pol believes now? Pol is run by a hair-tip bleaching, coalburning faggot?

>tick tock tick tock tick tock

That's just arguing logistics. The general principle of separatism is what matters. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter HOW we separate. It doesn't matter if we give them california and all the blacks fuck off over to there or if they set up a colony liberia-style in africa or whatever.

Milo is mostly talk and show. In my worthless opinion: a pretty grandiloquent person with inflated and unwarranted self importance.

I don't blame him. White people are equally, but differently stupid.

The location for a racially "designated" place matters for resources and whatnot, but yeah - I get your point.

Hes a black man who isn't afraid to say what many other blacks are afraid to say