
Alright niggers, imho, the only way to end all the Migrant situations in Europe and America is by destroying the welfare system.

Many of these migrants are moving to European nations or America to take advantage of NEET bucks. By destroying welfare there will be no major incentive for shit migrants to enter a nation. And also reduces the expenditures of the Govt.

Why are you not supporting hard work Sup Forums?

Shameless bump

You're completely right. Now try to convince an entire continent raised on welfare states and with a sense of entitlement our of the charts that we need to dismantle social health, public education, pensions and unemployment benefits. Welcome to the plight of every single libertarian on European soil.

Remove all nonwhites. Keep welfare then fix it. National socialism thx

Of course I support hard work. NEETs and other welfare queens are the real cancer of the Western world. In a well balanced and properly set up society, anyone incapable of pulling their own weight should be offered euthanaisa for free, but be allowed to survive off of the donations of others. Survival of the fittest is nature's natural feedback loop and exists for a reason.

Yup, it'll also solve the nigger and spic problem in the USA.

the problem is our own people live on benefits like its a queens lifestyle so first you must purge its own people off benifits then the sandniggers and boom you got yourself a clean country and one to be avoided.

The condition is also starting in America, where students are feeling entitled to grants for college, or Medicaid, or other form of NEET bucks.

Whites also consume a lot of welfare, I say just get rid of welfare altogether and let the lazy die in the streets

It won't do anything.

>they move for welfare

is the biggest myth

they move because the country is better, and they would get a job without welfare

There is a slight correlation but I think that even if you were to completely remove welfare, the migrants would still come in for the better quality of life.

yes but without the welfare would they not be forced to live on the street's making it less likely for them to come to this country entirely?

I don't think that would end very well. They're already violent in reaction to provocative rhetoric, or to anyone who simply disagrees with them.

Or we could deport your friends and give NEET bucks to our citizens.

Only a minority comes here to use welfare, maybe that's different in Europe.

Most come here because their wages are 4-10x higher here. To a Mexican who earns $1 an hour in Mexico to work in the sun all day, $8 to flip a burger seems like it's hardly working at all.

Yeah thats why some Start go back to their countries

Hey man, you should really try untucking your penis from your tightly clenched legs sometime. There might even be a pair of balls down there if you try really hard to locate them.

Not an argument.

They would try to overthrow the government and replace it with communism is what I'm trying to say.

Congratulations, you spotted my naked insult. I was merely trying to call you a pussy for being afraid of what others might do rather than thinking about what you'll do to them. Typical European cowardice. Enjoy being destroyed, I guess.

American whites are the ones soon to be a minority. Bernie Sanders is only a taste of what's to come.

I live in the Border city of Juarez to finish my College education at the local Mexi uni.

I also work in a local pharmacy across the border so I can pay for my school and not depend on uncle Sam for money.

And it pisses me off than not only Mexicans, but a shit load of people are in EBT, when they clearly don't need it.

They will have designer bags or luxury vehicles.
And sometimes I see a Mexican paying with EBT and when I look at their wallet as they take it off, they have a Mexican ID, which means they live in Mexico , And abusing of the taxes I pay.

Let's end Welfare familia

>mfw fucking immigrants will collapse the welfare system and government will take away my hard earned neetbux
>mfw I might have to get a job even though I've never worked a day in my life

You are what is killing the West
Go outside, get a job, make sure the Govt knows you don't need it.

Be independent.

i said in another thread it would be nice if these scary "anonymous" actually did something useful and hacked the ebt system or something

That would be great. Imagine the mayhem from all the dependents not being able to buy Starbucks coffee with NEET bucks