Music Festivals

So absolutely 100% FUCK electronic music festivals. Fuck the people there, and FUCK everything about the utopia that they spend hundreds of dollars to go to just to escape their miserable fucking lives that they put themselves into.

This video is a little something my friend made. Pretty accurately satires these fucking scumbags.

Other urls found in this thread:

good place

alternating 5's get :O

your friend didn't really say anything meaningful

i don't like electronic music very much but what's the issue with people having a big party?

Coming from a guy that used to be immersed in that scene, drugs sex and hedonism. Fuck it. It's degenerate and I'm glad I gave it away. The there is nothing more satisfying in this life than the love of a good woman that you want to build a family with.

you and your wife don't like to take drugs or dance anymore now that you're only allowed to look at eachother's genitals?

same man

i probably had meaningless sex with over 40 women ... all you get from it is depression ... also the failed relationships just make you more depressed

all i want is a family a non degenerate wife and 2 kids and my own home

This, I'm 34 now and spent my younger years pursuing the sex and drugs game. Probably slept with a similar amount of girls to you. I'm lucky to have found a girl with traditional values who loves me despite my past and I'm forever grateful for the second chance.

To all the younger lads here, women will follow what men do. If we accept degeracy they will go along with it. We set the standards for society, we reap what we sow. There is no satisfaction to be found in a headonistic lifestyle, you're chasing the dragon.

I realised that almost too late.

Theres no satire involved with that, son. Your bro doesnt like edm, so no one else should, either.

Youre cultural fascists, plain and simple

electronic music is the most developed art form of our generation. edm is a cancerous mutation, the most popular festivals are edm festivals

I play music at these festivals all summer long because I love music and thought it would be a fun career. And it is, but the older I get the more disgusted I am with the patrons. Now a days I just show up for my set, collect my loot and leave. At least I try to play positive music and not degenerate muh dick music.

All music concerts are banned in East London, unless they're nasheeds or grime

How DARE they have fun????

Fuck off faggot Movement is like the one good major festival in the States

COnsider suicide you EDC faggot

Techno is not EDM that youre thinking of you turbofaggot

Again, bin yourself


i make rap beats for lil yachti, bones, playboi carti, and a few other artists

do you want to work?

i need to crossover and get some more money.

because surprise: niggers don't pay

in b4 no response :(


Lol that's why I quit being a hiphop producer

Who are you?

I'm no one you ever heard of unless your on the east coast then maybe. It doesn't matter tho.

>At least I try to play positive music and not degenerate muh dick music.

judging by your pics youre an EDM dj and therefore your opinions on music are invalid and you too, should bin urself

tell me about it

are u destructo

>dancing to loud music with half naked women, your bros, and 3 grams of head juice
>this is something to be miserable about

Seriously you guys need to lighten up and have fun for once in your lives

I produce electronic music, the only song I've ever played in my set that wasn't mine was one prince song because bat dance is awesome. I also play in a funk band, so no I'm not an EDM DJ however I do exist in the same sphere as them and it's embarrassing.

soooo, youre a brostep dj or a kygo beach-wave bullshit dj
same shit bruv its all garbage

give me a song youll play out ill r8 u of 8

Ya but what about these dubs ?

Lmao this
In other words OP and his butt buddy is probably mad that they cant get any pussy at these festivals. They are so beta that if they dont get anything, no one else should.

im a musician not a DJ, I play real instruments and compose real music, it was easy to use the sounds of Edm to get gigs.

Lots of people get conned into thinking such a degenerate lifestyle is "fun" only to end up later filled with nothing but regret that they treated their sexuality like a child's toy, that their brains have been reduced to fried eggs by all the "fun" drugs they took, and that moments that seemed so alive and full of people at the time are now lost in the forgetful haze of memory with only the grim wages of wasted life to remind you that such a time even existed at all.

Both of you faggots reek with cringe.

sick dubs but check this trips

m00t was a gigantic faggot.

I'm from Detroit and what is this?

Godfuckingdamnit OP, your video is shit and you should feel like shit.

This. I've been in the scene since the 90s and see this story repeat itself over and over.

fuck I'm old, I don't even know what the fuck I'm reading

EDM? EDC? are these drugs?

They're music genres.

electronic dance music. steve aoki, david guetta, avicii do this kind of music. edm is the jew in music industries

I'm glad I've only ever done marijuana as far as drugs go. I just landed a sweet paid internship that might segue into a permanent position at a manufacturing plant, and I can't help but look at all my degenerate friends I left behind and laugh at their lack of foresight and unwillingness to invest in their future. But hey I guess they're having so much fun now amirite?

Yeah, please explain. I don't listen to electronic music, I don't know what you're talking about. Sure I could google it, but I'd like someone to give me a tl;dr version of the differences and similarities and who listens to these genres, which is what I'm assuming they are.


okay thank you, I only listen to good music so idk what any of this is


I would much rather consider hip hop as the jew in music industry. At least EDM doesnt teach niggers to kill, steal and rape.

ITT: I'm 15 and my music taste AND intellect is fking superior

Grow up guys, some people like to have fun. They don't spend their lives bitching about other people on the chan.

I like how people here think highly of themselves for not being able to go to parties and enjoy life.

>how dare they to have fun !!! they must spend their lives reading Sup Forums shitposting!

Oh okay. So EDM=mainstream softcore electronic music? I listened to a few seconds of the song. It doedn't do much for me sober, but I would probably like it while stoned.

Makes you miss the Greatful Dead...

There is a lot of hiphop/Edm crossover these days tho

If you're going to be posting shitty music, at least post some of the good music videos they've made.

(I'm not signing into Google so hopefully this is the right video).

Yeah, EDM bugs me. All the tools are there to create very worthwhile electronic compositions. Instead, they create simple untz untz untz music ad infinitum. Imagine if Mozart or Bach had the tools these edm producers have. For the most part they can not even be classified as musicians. They sell a million records but don't even know what a major scale is.

Check out Switched on Bach by Wendy Carlos or anything from Isao Tomita

35 here.

I 2nd (actually 3rd) what the two gents prior stated.

I used to produce D&B as well as deep/prog-house for about 16 years.

I met my ex-wife in that scene (she was an A&R exec) and did the whole sex, drug, drops & rolls thing for about 10 solid years.

Divorced 2 years ago because you can't have that shit as the foundation of any true, lasting relationship.

Some people gotta get burned to learn though... I'm one of them.

Lol found the butthurt degenerate


Some people like different things. My friends have been rolling in the dirt since Thursday to see some shitty bands. Going to a concert is fine but these 5 day music festivals are filthy and full of shitty people. You probably don't notice because you're a shitty person as well.

>women who don't care about you if you're not wasted
>friends who don't care about you if you're not wasted
>throwing away your body as girls around throw away their dignity

What's fun about this?

God fucking damnit YouTube.

So ur spending your summer in your mom's basement being mad that no one invites you to have sex and do drugs?

>t. Hedonist who isn't planning for family life

>everyone's face when they find out music festival's didn't exist before the Dead and dancing at a rock concert was a novel idea
>tfw we will never know the depth of the psyop

>What's fun about this?
Being wasted you socially inept fuck.

>ITT: EDM faggots who call mandy "molly" and think Skrillex is cool.

Get on the gabber, m8s.

Spinster detected.

The KGB started it for sure but when did the CIA take the reigns? 80s-90s or earlier than that?

I bet


your name please

>Imagine if Mozart or Bach had the tools these edm producers have.

Neo Classical EDM/Electro already exists and it's annoying as fuck m8

I went to a few raves when I was in HS only thing I would go to now is psy trance festival somewhere but even that is infested with normies. I have a friend that liked metal in HS than became yuppy who acted like a hipster and then he got into stuff like burning man.

nothing wrong festivals easiest way to sell weed and x

whats ur soundcloud

good way to sell to a narc

Hey i was just at ur pic related for an art show. high-five, bud.

maybe, the german reunion was fueled by rave music for the youth. but the russians still have one foot in one of our biggest electronic festival. it´s called fusion. there is no media presence, they produce no aftermovies and you can´t just buy them, you first have to sign in a lottery to be allowed to do it

Carl Cux

the thing about music festivals is that most cunts go for the festival, not the music, so you end up stuck in a field full of fuckheads who are here for the festival "culture" and not in the least bit interested in the same bands as you are

>call mandy "molly"

my dude

OP is a salty cunt who can't stand to see people being happier than him, because it makes him insecure to feel the contrast between real happiness and his own shit life. So he comes to an anonymous image board where shitposting is acceptable and makes a thread crying about it.

o hey i listen to some of those guys i also rap and produce what's up

>because it makes him insecure to feel the contrast between real happiness and his own shit life

projection detected

are you a trendy nigga or do you actually have musical talent and know music theory b/c i don't really work w anyone anymore

trying to get signed to OVO : )

ITT: butthurt virgins

>m-muh degeneracy!!
>I-I'm pure!!

>Woe is me.
>I went out and lived my youth fucking some hot sluts while doing drugs
>realized I needed to settle down
>Was able to find a wife because of my acquired social skills from tossing girls
>You should totally skip that scene and just settle down bro
>Took me like 40 girls to find the right one
>You should just find the right one bro without fucking hot girls
>Ghangis Khan my way through that scene bro
>But not for me after like fucking 40 girls in my youth
>I get life now bro, after fucking some 8 or above girls on drugs
>Just continue living your life as a shut in bro
>My scene is not for anyone man, after like 40 sluts bro too

Good editing, very Sam Hyde.


Except I'm an open minded person who doesn't feel uncomfortable with other peoples benign behavior, even if it is weird as fuck. nice try UKuck

EDM is a dead and soulless genre that has no creativity and all sounds the same.
Late 80's Chicago House and Detroit Techno is the only thing that still feels real.

look mate, I was able to insult you on the basis of your post alone
the fact you had to refer to my flag tells me everything I need to know about you

inabit you shitter

Sad to say but you hang out with degenerates, you become a degenerate. If you have yo go to a music festival go to a country one.

Keep trying little guy. You might get there one day

I called you out on your insecurity and you reacted by acting incredibly insecure

I'm just saying

Implying moonshine, reefers and cousin fucking aren't degenerate

House fucking sucks you hipster faggot

Don't mention it in the presence of muh Sears Tower k/n/a Willis Tower soon to be known as Doritos Mt. Dew Tower.


>acts as if his assumptions are fact
You sure showed me! Keep going. You're almost there sweetheart. I've got time yet

That was awful.

youre a gay faggot if you dont like electronic

just dance. fuck drugs. fuck grinding. just dance.

This user is totally right! Like said, you're probably just lonely virgins who can't have *real* fun!

this confirms everything I've said

stop posting

I just dance and do drugs. I dont fuck random bitches because i am a sensitive faggot that always gets trapped in relationships. I wish i could be a real degenerate.

>all this equipement
>for shitty music

just imagine this here blasting through all cities